Descripción de tres brotes dedermatitis por Pyemotes.
MétodoSe realizaron estudios caso-controlasí como investigaciones ambientales.
ResultadosSe contabilizaron 126 casos entotal. No hubo hospitalizados. Los factoresde riesgo fueron el contacto con materialesvegetales secos y la recolección de naranjasen huertos, donde se encontraron Pyemotes.
ConclusiónCreemos que es la primera ocasiónen que se identifica el riesgo laboral dedermatitis por Pyemotes entre los recolectoresde naranjas.
We describe three outbreaks ofpyemotes dermatitis.
MethodsWe undertook case-control studiesand samples of several suspected materialswere taken.
ResultsThere were 126 cases, with no casesadmitted in hospitals. Contact wich suspectedvegetable materials were the onlyrisk factor identified. Among orange pickerworkers risk factor was the exposure to orangetrees, where Pyemotes mite was found.
ConclusionTo our knowledge this kind ofoccupational risk among orange pickers hasnot been described before.
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