Los autores del presente artículo se proponen un estudio comparativo del cortisol urinario en una muestra poblacional representativa con diagnóstico de fibromialgia (FM) con evolución prolongada (mínimo 3 años) frente a una población normal con iguales características de edad y sexo, con el objetivo de demostrar si la cortisoluria con valores menores que los encontrados en la población normal en relación con su FM podría explicar su fatiga.
Pacientes y métodoSe determinó la cortisoluria en un grupo de 47 mujeres con diagnóstico según criterios de FM de la American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 1990, con edades comprendidas entre 29 y 64 años, previa condición de una correcta recogida de la muestra, mediante un FPIA (fluorescence polarization immunoassay
We propose a comparative study of urinary cortisol in a controlled simple group of patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM) during a minimum time frame (3 years) vs. a normal group with the same characteristics of age and gender. Our objective is to demonstrate if urinary cortisol at lower levels than those found in the normal population, as long as FM is regarded, could help to evaluate the fatigue.
MethodsWe determined the urinary cortisol in a group of 47 women with a clinical diagnosis of FM using the criteria from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 1990, with ages between 29 and 64 years, in whom an accurate sample was collected and cortisol was determined using an FPIA method. The results were compared with the urinary cortisol obtained in a group of 88 healthy women within the same age range as those with FM.
ResultsUrinary cortisol in FM was 65.0¼g/l (median), which was significantly lower than that of the healthy group (80.0¼g/l), p<0.001.
Conclusion33.4% of patients with FM displayed urinary cortisol concentrations significantly lower than the group of women without FM.
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