Información de la revista
Investor-state tribunals and constitutional courts: The Mexican sweeteners saga
Sergio Puig
Mexican Law Review. 2013;5:199-243
Open access
The “War on Drugs” and the “New Strategy”: Identity constructions of the United States, U.S. drug users and Mexico
Cesar Martinez Valenzuela
Mexican Law Review. 2013;5:245-75
Open access
Why has the transition to democracy led the Mexican presidential system to political instability? A proposal to enhance institutional arrangements
Jorge Arturo Álvarez Tovar
Mexican Law Review. 2013;5:277-304
Open access
The development of the media and the public sphere in Mexico
Felipe Carlos Betancourt Higareda
Mexican Law Review. 2013;5:305-31
Open access
How Mexican principals deal with teacher underperformance: A study of how public middle school principals in Mexico City manage underperforming teachers
Jorge Luis Silva Méndez
Mexican Law Review. 2013;5:373-98
Open access
Group litigation reaches Mexico: Revisiting Mexico's system of collective actions as a vehicle to ensure efficient implementation of environmental justice
David P. Vincent
Mexican Law Review. 2013;5:401-32
Open access
Mexico's attempt to extend its continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles serves as a model for the international community
S. Warren Heaton
Mexican Law Review. 2013;5:433-50
Open access