It is a pleasure to bring to you the second number of RAI/IMR - Innovation & Management Review of 2016, and also the second number fully in English language. In this thirteenth year of the journal's history we intend to bring to you a contribution on the status of innovation management in emerging markets, with a focus in Latin America and Brazil. Due to the fact that innovation in Latin American region is not so recognized worldwide it is part of our mission at the journal to bring to the international community in innovation management, relevant knowledge that has been developed at the region on this theme under diverse perspectives.
In this editorial of the second number from 2015, RAI shows a brief synthesis of eight articles in the present edition.
In the article “Actor centrality in network projects and scientific performance: an exploratory study,” the authors André Luiz Lemes Alarcão and Mario Neto Sacomano explore the relationship between networks and scientific productivity. In “The role of university incubators in stimulating academic entrepreneurship,” Eva Stal, Tales Andreassi and Fujino Wing analyze the relationship between university incubators and entrepreneurship. These two articles have the central focus on the issue of innovation and cooperation.
Then we have two review articles: “Domain-specific innovativeness: a meta-analysis in business and consumer,” written by Clecio Hawk Araujo, Wagner Junior Ladeira, Fernando de Oliveira Santini and Claudio Hoffmann Sampaio, which explore the meta-analysis of domain-specific innovativeness (DSI) construct, while Pierry Teza, Gustavo Tomaz Buchele, João Artur de Souza and Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini in “Analysis of quantitative empirical papers on diffusion and adoption of methods, techniques and tools for innovation” have addressed the tools and methods related with diffusion and adoption of innovation.
Two articles, in different ways, but not antagonistic, bring the discussion of sixth wave generation. On one hand, José Carlos Barbieri and Antonio Carlos Teixeira Alvares in “Innovation model of sixth generation: description of an example of success” present a magnificent account of continuous improvement, and on the other hand, Glessia Silva and Luiz Carlos Di Serio in “The sixth wave of innovation: we are ready” highlight the innovation and sustainability.
Finally, we have articles on two classical themes: change & innovation and learning & innovation. Marina Figueiredo Moreira, Tomas de Aquino Guimarães and Jean Philippe bring “Change and innovation: an observable relationship services in?” where we read about the relationship between change and innovation. Meanwhile, the learning by use is the central theme of “Application of maturity assessment tools in the innovation process: converting system's emergent properties into technological knowledge,” written by Julio Cesar Lemos and Milton Freitas Chagas Junior.