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Strategic Decision-Making Speed in New Technology Based Firms
Héctor Montiel Campos
Doutor em Gestão de Projetos, UPC, Professor da Universidad de las Américas Puebla, México, (México)
Francesc Solé Parellada
Doutor em Engenharia Industrial, UPC, Professor emérito da Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Espanha, (Espanha)
Francisco Alfonso Aguilar Valenzuela
Doutor em Tecnologia da Informação e Análise de Decisão, UPAEP, Professor da Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, México, (México)
Alejandro Magos Rubio
Doutor em Planejamento Estratégico e Gestão de Tecnologia, UPAEP, Professor da Universidad Tecnológica Americana, México,(México)
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Recibido 05 Abril 2014. Aceptado 25 Abril 2015
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New Technology Based Firms (NTBF) operate in high-velocity environments that make considerable demands about the speed of strategic choices. This study draws upon strategic decision-making and organization theories to propose that strategic decision making speed mediates the relation between personal, organizational and environmental factors and performance. Hypotheses were theoretically developed and tested with data from an empirical investigation of Mexican NTBF. Measures of personal characteristics, organization structure, business environment, strategic decision speed and performance were collected from 103 Technology Founder Managers at the end of 2012. The results confirmed that strategic decision making speed influences the performance of NTBF and mediates the relation of uncertainty, CEO model, dynamism and hostility with firm performance.

Technological Innovation
New Technology Based Firms
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