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Disponible online el 30 de julio de 2016
Influence of very short rest period lengths on repeated one maximun repetition bench press performance
Influencia del muy corto periodo de descanso en repetidos intentos de una repetición máxima en el press de banca
Influência do período de descanso muito curto em tentativas repetidas testes de uma repetição máxima em supino horizontal
E. Scudesea,b,c, G. Sennaa,b,c,
Autor para correspondencia

Corresponding author at: Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Rua Xavier Sigaud - 290 - 401, Praia Vermelha, CEP: 22290-180 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
, C. Queirozb, E.H.M. Dantasa,c, R. Simãod, F. Guerrab, J.M. Willardsone
a Nursing and Biosciences Post-Graduation Program (PPgEnfBio), Doctorate of Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), RJ, Brazil
b Health Science Center, Catholic University of Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil
c Biosciences Laboratory of Human Movement (LABIMH), Tiradentes University (UNIT), Aracajú, SE, Brazil
d School of Physical Education and Sports, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (EEFD/UFRJ), RJ, Brazil
e Kinesiology and Sports Studies Department, Charleston, IL 61920, USA
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Under a Creative Commons license
Recibido 25 Enero 2016. Aceptado 10 Mayo 2016
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Table 1. Median (25%–75%) values of pre-set and post-set RPE for each set with 20s, 40s and 60-s rest periods.

The purpose of this investigation was to compare different rest period lengths between consecutive one maximum repetition bench press attempts on performance and ratings of perceived exertion.


Eighteen trained men (27.95±4.25 years; 81.00±9.21kg; 174.62±3.34cm; bench press relative strength 1.33±0.11kg/kg of body mass) participated in three randomly ordered sessions that required two consecutive one maximum repetition bench press attempts with 20, 40, or 60-s rest between attempts.


The Cochran Q analysis showed no significant differences in the ability to successfully perform a second one maximum repetition attempt with 20, 40, or 60-s rest between attempts (p=0.882). Specifically, no significant differences were found in the successful completion of the first and second attempts for the 20-s (p=0.317), 40-s (p=0.083), and 60-s (p=0.157) trials, respectively. Briefly, for both 20 and 60-s rest conditions Δ%=88.88% of subjects successfully performed the second attempt and, for the 40-s protocol, only Δ%=83.33% completed. For the pre and post-set ratings of perceived exertion, the shorter rest period (20-s) promoted significantly higher values compared to the longer rest periods (pre-set ratings of perceived exertion, p=0.04; post-set ratings of perceived exertion, p=0.023).


The results of this study can be applied to recreationally trained individuals with the intent of generating a time-efficient process for conducting a valid and reliable one maximum repetition bench press assessment.

Muscle strength
Weight lifting
Physical fitness

El objetivo de esta investigación fue comparar diferentes duraciones del periodo de descanso entre tentativas consecutivas de una repetición máxima de press de banca en el rendimiento y la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo.


Dieciocho hombres entrenados (27.95±4.25 años; 81.00±9.21kg; 174.62±3.34cm; fuerza relativa en el press de banca de 1.33±0.11kg/kg masa corporal) participaron en tres sesiones ordenadas al azar que requerían dos intentos consecutivos de una repetición máxima en el press de banca con 20, 40 y 60 segundos de descanso entre las tentativas.


La prueba Q de Cochran no mostró diferencias significativas en la habilidad de ejecutar la segunda tentativa de una repetición máxima de modo exitoso con 20, 40 o 60 segundos de descanso entre tentativas (p=0.882). En concreto, no se encontró ninguna diferencia significativa en la conclusión satisfactoria entre la primera y la segunda tentativa para las pruebas de 20 segundos (p=0.317), 40 segundos (p=0.083) y 60 segundos (p=0.157), respectivamente. En resumen, para las condiciones de descanso de 20 y 60 segundos Δ%=88.88% de los sujetos realizaron satisfactoriamente el segundo intento y, para el protocolo de 40 segundos, sólo Δ%=83.33%. Para antes y después de la prueba de percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo, el período de descanso más corto (20 segundos) promovió valores significativamente más altos en comparación con los períodos de descanso más largos (pre-prueba de percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo, p=0.04; postprueba de percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo, p=0.023).


Los resultados de este estudio pueden aplicarse a individuos entrenados de forma recreativa con la intención de generar un proceso eficiente en el tiempo para la realización de una evaluación válida y fiable de una repetición máxima del press de banca.

Palabras clave:
Fuerza muscular
Levantamiento de peso
Aptitud física

O objetivo do estudo foi comparar diferentes tempos de intervalo (≤60 segundos) entre tentativas de uma repetição máxima, na execução do exercício de supino e percepção subjetiva de esforço.


Dezoito homens treinados (27.95±4.25 anos; 81.00±9.21kg; 174.62±3.34cm; força relativa no supino 1.33±0.11kg/kg de massa corporal) participaram em três sessões ordenadas de forma aleatória e exigido dois séries consecutivas de supino uma repetição máxima com 20, 40, ou 60 segundos de descanso entre as tentativas.


A análise Q de Cochran não mostrou diferenças significativas na capacidade de executar com sucesso uma segunda tentativa de uma repetição máxima com 20, 40 ou 60 segundos de descanso entre as tentativas (p=0.882). Especificamente, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na conclusão bem-sucedida entre primeira e segunda tentativas de 20 segundos (p=0.317), de 40 segundos (p=0.083) e 60 segundos (p=0.157) entre os ensaios, respectivamente. Em resumo, para os 20 e 60 segundos em condições de descanso, Δ%=88.88% dos sujeitos realizaram com sucesso a segunda tentaiva e, para o protocolo de 40 segundos, somente Δ%=83.33% concluíram. Para os dados da percepção subjetiva de esforço, durante o pré e o pós-teste, o intervalo mais curto (20 segundos) promoveu valores significativamente mais elevados em comparação com longos períodos de descanso (percepção subjetiva de esforço pré-teste, p=0.04; percepção subjetiva de esforço pós-teste, p=0.023).


Independente do aumento da sensação de esforço observado pela percepção subjetiva de esforço no curto intervalo (20 segundos), os indivíduos têm sido bem-sucedidos no intervalo de dois séries consecutivas de uma repetição máxima no supino para qualquer intervalo testado.

Força muscular
Levantamento de peso
Aptidão física
Texto completo

Resistance exercise is widely recommended for achieving distinct objectives such as increased muscular strength, power, endurance and hypertrophy.1,2 To place emphasis on each specific objective, coaches and practitioners manipulate training variables such as load intensity, volume, and rest periods between sets in an adequate dose/response manner. Those training for maximal muscle strength, should regularly apply the gold standard method for strength evaluation such as the one maximum repetition (1-RM) test as suggested by the American College of Sports and Medicine (ACSM) in order to assess training progress.1

For nearly six decades, the 1-RM method has been the main alternative for assessing maximum strength and has been largely implemented for the majority of experiments that evaluate strength.3–7 In addition, in its latest position stand on resistance training, the ACSM recommended for strength, power and hypertrophy goals, that trained subjects should train in a repetition range of 1–12 repetitions applied in a periodized scheme.2 Specifically, those who are aiming to improve dynamic strength should consider training with loads ranging from one to six maximal repetitions.2 However, while a great number of experiments analyzed rest period manipulation and repetition performance in distinct repetition zones,8–12 very few experiments have focused on identifying the optimal rest period length between 1-RM attempts.

Specifically, only two studies have compared the direct influence of several rest period lengths 1-RM attempts. Weir et al.6 and Matuszak et al.7 observed that a 60-s rest period was sufficient for subjects to successfully complete two consecutive 1-RM sets in barbell bench press and back squat exercises, respectively. However, neither of these studies analyzed rest period lengths shorter than 60-s between consecutive 1-RM attempts, thus creating a persistent gap in the body of literature.

It is well established that when shorter the rest duration between sets, greater the acute response of blood markers (such as blood lactate) and increased perceived fatigue. However, this kind of scenario does not necessarily translate to an acute decrease on exercise performance as previously demonstrated.11 Additionally, Scudese et al.13 observed significant increases on perceived effort when a short rest period between sets was implemented, even when training volume was maintained with near-maximum repetitions. Therefore, understanding the ideal duration for planning the rest period, goes far deeper then training efficiency alone (time vs. training volume), actually, it has the potential to enhance the training intensity.

Furthermore, the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) has been used for assessing the subjective intensity of resistance exercise sets14 and could improve the overall understanding of fatigue outcomes. Previous studies8–12 reported that shorter rest period lengths (i.e. 1-min) increased RPE over the course of multiple sets when utilizing 3-RM to 10-RM loads. Nevertheless, the RPE method was not applied in the Weir et al.6 and Matuszak et al.7 studies, thus, precluding further data interpretation. Presently, no study has investigated consecutive set performance and RPE with rest periods shorter than 60s when utilizing an absolute 1-RM load. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to compare different rest period lengths between consecutive 1-RM bench press attempts on performance and RPE in resistance-trained men.


Eighteen trained men with at least one year consistent resistance training experience were selected (27.95±4.25 years; 81.00±9.21kg; 174.62±3.34cm; 9.83±2.43% body fat; and bench press relative strength: 1.33±0.11kg/kg of body mass). The following inclusion criteria was adopted in order to standardize subject selection: (a) minimum of four times per week training frequency, with session duration approximately 1h, and rest periods between sets ranging from 1 to 2min; (b) non-usage of ergogenic substances that may enhance repetition performance; (c) absence of any acute or chronic injuries that may affect bench press exercise (BP) performance; and (d) avoidance of any type of intense physical activity during experimental procedures. After subject selection based on inclusion criteria and prior to the initial tests, subjects responded negatively to all questions on the PAR-Q.15 In addition, subjects read and signed a consent form in accordance to Helsinki Declaration, and all study procedures were previously approved by the local institution ethics committee.

Experimental design

After two familiarization weeks, a 1-RM test was performed on two non-consecutive days for the BP. The warm-up before each test consisted of two sets of 12 repetitions at 40% of a subject's estimated 1-RM load.8 If subjects succeeded in their attempt to perform a one repetition maximum with the stipulated load; the load was then increased with total of 2kg for each attempt, and a new attempt was performed with at least 5min of rest6 between attempts, and a maximum of three attempts per visit. To minimize measurement error, the following strategies were adopted: (a) standard instructions concerning the experimental procedures were given to subjects before the test; (b) subjects received standardized instructions on exercise technique16; (c) body position was held constant; (d) verbal encouragement was provided during the bench press sets in order to elicit the maximum effort from each subject17; and (e) the mass of all plates and bars used was determined using a precision scale.

On another non-consecutive day, the 1-RM re-test was performed. An excellent test/re-test correlation was found for the 1-RM loads using the ICC (r=0.97; p<0.0001) and no differences were found between the test/re-test loads via paired Student t test (p<0.05). The greatest load lifted over the two testing sessions for each exercise was recorded as the 1-RM load.

The OMNI Resistance Exercise Scale14 was implemented to obtain RPE values. Subjects were familiarized with the OMNI Scale the week prior to the 1-RM tests. Subjects were asked to choose a number based on their perceived exertion or subjective intensity of effort, strain, discomfort, and/or fatigue experienced during the exercise session.14 The RPE was recorded immediately preceding the second 1-RM attempt (pre-set RPE) and immediately following both the first and second attempts (post-set RPE), to provide subjective measures of exertion for further analyses.8–12

Forty-eight hours following the 1-RM retest, the experimental protocol consisted of three randomly ordered sessions, with each session involving two consecutive 1-RM bench press attempts with 20, 40, or 60-s rest periods between attempts. All subjects were given 72h of rest between sessions in order to minimize any possible interference on performance. The test was interrupted if subjects reached concentric failure or remained in an isometric muscle action (during the concentric phase) longer than 2s.8 Before the start of each experimental session, a warm-up was conducted, consisting of two sets with 40% of the 1-RM load for twelve repetitions.8 Subjects were instructed to use a smooth, controlled movement. No interruptions were allowed between the concentric and eccentric phases of the movement, the execution speed was self-selected, and two experienced instructors supervised all experimental sessions. For clarity, all procedures where described at Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Experimental design.

Statistical analysis

The Cochran Q test was applied in order to verify significant differences between 1-RM attempts for its binary characteristics (0 or 1) that mimics the failure versus success of each attempt. The Friedman test was used to analyze RPE scores between sets (only on post-set RPE) and to compare differences between pre-set and post-set RPE for the distinct rest conditions. If necessary, a Dunn Post hoc test was applied for multiple comparisons. The SPSS software 21.0 version was used for statistical analyzes (IBM, Inc). The criterion for statistical significance was set a priori at p0.05.


From the data obtained from Cochran Q analysis, there was no significant difference in the ability to successfully perform a second 1-RM with 20, 40, or 60-s rest between attempts (p=0.882). Specifically, no significant differences were found in the successful completion of the first and second attempts for the 20-s (p=0.317), 40s (p=0.083), and 60-s (p=0.157) trials, respectively. For the 20 and 60-s rest conditions Δ%=88.88% of subjects completed the second attempt. As for the 40-s protocol, only 83.33% of subjects completed the second attempt (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.

Number of success and unsuccess for the second maximal repetition attempt.


For the RPE data, prior to the second attempt, significantly higher values were observed for the 20s versus the 60-s trial (p=0.04). There were no significant differences in the RPE (prior to the second attempt) for the 20s versus the 40s (p=0.54), or the 40s versus the 60-s rest conditions (p=0.83). For the post-set RPE, significantly higher values were observed for the 20-s trial when comparing scores following the second attempt versus following the first attempt (p=0.01). Conversely, no significant differences were observed between attempts in the post-set RPE for the 40-s (p=0.12) and 60-s rest conditions (p=0.48). Additionally, following the second attempt, the post-set RPE was significantly higher for the 20-s versus to the 40-s (p=0.008) and 60-s (p=0.023) trials, respectively. For clarity, all the results are presented in Table 1 by the median (25%–75%).

Table 1.

Median (25%–75%) values of pre-set and post-set RPE for each set with 20s, 40s and 60-s rest periods.

  Set 1Set 2
  Pre-set  Post-set  Pre-set  Post-set 
Bench Press
20–  9 (8–10)  5 (5–6)  10 (9–10)a 
40–  9 (9)  5 (5–4)  9 (9–10)b 
60–  9 (9)  4 (3–5)  9 (9–10)b 

Significant difference to Set 1 Post-set.


Significant difference to 20s.


The key finding of this study was that regardless of the rest period (i.e. 20, 40 or 60-s rest between 1-RM bench press attempts), subjects were, for the most part, able to complete the second attempt. Nevertheless, the 20-s trial resulted in higher RPE values versus the 40s and 60-s trials. To the authors’ knowledge, this was the first study that investigated acute performance and subjective responses arising from 60s or less rest between 1-RM attempts.

Throughout the results analysis, it became evident that for both maximum muscle strength testing and 1-RM load zone training, the recommendation for longer rest periods does not appear to be supported.1,2 Unexpectedly, the shortest rest period (i.e. 20s) was as effective as the other rest periods (i.e. 40s and 60s) in performing two consecutive successful attempts with 1-RM loads in the bench press exercise. Therefore, prescription of rest periods longer than 60s between maximal attempts will unnecessarily increase the total time of a testing or workout session, without providing additional benefits for recovery. However, it should be noted that progressively longer rest intervals between maximal attempts might be necessary for elite lifters or during workout scenarios when more than two consecutive sets are performed in the 1-RM loading zone.9

Previous studies compared different rest period lengths between two consecutive 1-RM attempts.6,7 Specifically, Weir et al.6 demonstrated that subjects were able to successfully perform a second maximal bench press attempt with a 1-min rest period following the first attempt. Furthermore, the authors did not find any performance differences when comparing 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10min between consecutive maximal attempts. Similarly, Matuszak et al.7 reported no statistical difference in the ability to successfully perform a second maximal back squat attempt with one, three or five minute rest periods following the first attempt. The present investigation differed from these studies in comparing rest periods shorter than 60s between maximal bench press attempts. Our results showed that for the most part, a 20-s rest was sufficient to allow for a successful repeated attempt.

However, for distinct loading zones, the results appear to be quite different. For instance, Scudese et al.8 analyzed the effects of distinct rest period lengths with near maximal loads (3-RM) on BP performance and RPE values. Sixteen trained men performed four BP workouts with 1, 2, 3, or 5min rest periods between five consecutive sets. Scudese et al.8 found increased total BP repetitions completed with 2, 3 and 5min rest between sets versus 1min rest between sets. Performance reductions (relative to the first set) were observed starting as early as the second for the 1min condition and only at the fifth set for all of the other rest conditions (i.e. 2, 3 and 5min). The current study (1-RM) shares resemblance with Scudese et al.8 due to the high intensity load range implemented (3-RM) within the optimal loading zone for maximal strength gains as recommended by the ACSM.2

Although, when decreasing the load and consecutively increasing the number of repetitions (i.e. 10-RM) Senna et al.10 observed very distinct results for different types of exercises (multi and single-joint for upper and lower body). For instance, the results indicated that for the upper-body multi-joint BP exercise, the total number of repetitions performed was greater with 3 and 5min compared to the shorter 1min rest period. For the other exercises (i.e., leg press, leg extension, and machine chest fly), significant differences were evident between all rest conditions (1<3<5-min rest). For all exercises, consistent declines in repetition performance (relative to the first set) were observed for all rest conditions, starting as early as the second set for the 1min condition and by the third set for the 3 and 5min conditions. These data are on par with the majority of the scientific literature regarding the acute manipulation of the rest period variable, indicated that shorter rest periods triggered predictable reductions in repetition performance and force production over consecutive sets within loading zones ranging from 3-RM to 10-RM.9,10 However, with a maximal effort attempt (1-RM), the scenario may change, and trained individuals might be able to successfully perform at least a subsequent maximal attempt for the bench press, even with only 20-s rest following the initial attempt.

The RPE values were implemented in order to assess the subjective intensity from resistance exercise.14 Prior studies8,10 reported that the RPE values, generally increases over the course of consecutive sets when comparing one minute versus three or five minute of rest with 10-RM loads. More recently, Scudese et al.8 verified higher pre-set RPE scores with 1 and 2min of rest between sets with 3-RM loads for the BP. The post-set RPE were also higher for short compared to long rest lengths between sets.8 For current study, the pre-set RPE values were significantly higher for both the 20 and 40s versus the 60-s rest period for the BP exercise. Significant increases were also evident for the post-set RPE for the 20-s rest condition compared with longer rest periods (40 and 60s). The overall RPE (pre and post-set) outcome indicates an augmented fatigue rate perceived for the shorter 20-s rest condition versus other rest conditions, although this tendency was not reflected in the 1-RM performance for any rest conditions analyzed.

Senna et al.11 observed that when applying a shorter recovery time between sets, higher blood lactate and RPE values were found. However, these results were not followed by a decrease on exercise performance. This outcome is very similar with those found on the present investigation. In fact, this might have occurred by the strength characteristics of the protocol (1-RM), that although maximum, the fatigue was promptly surpassed even by the shorter rest period design (20s). In addition, Scudese et al.13 found elevated RPE scores when comparing short with longer rest periods even with a previously fixed training volume. This result brings to light that is possible to increase intensity when manipulating rest period alone, without actuating directly on exercise volume.

When analyzing our rest period design (with very short duration such as 20, 40 and 60s) we can estimate that anaerobic glycolysis might be largely upregulated in order to compensate for the any possible incomplete resynthesis of the phosphocreatine pathway. One of the key factor that might triggered the elevated RPE values from shorter rest protocols is that a greater reliance on anaerobic glycolysis is usually associated with the accumulation of H+ that lowers the pH of intracellular fluid resulting on afferent feedback from muscle chemoreceptors and nociceptors. The central nervous system responds to the increase in RPE by increasing pulmonary ventilation and motor unit recruitment in order to deal with these metabolic changes.14

Based on both the guidelines from the ACSM2 and the new data found from this experiment, athletes and advanced individuals aiming for maximizing strength should benefit from consecutive maximal strength attempts (1-RM) and apply this kind of method as part of a periodized routine. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that at least for the second attempt, practitioners can apply very short rest periods, like 60, 40 or even 20s with no acute decrease on performance. However, is important to highlight that traditionally, 1-RM bouts are implemented for load testing purposes. These findings could amplify the tools for coaches, who are intending to increase training intensity or even load testing time-efficiency.

These results are applicable and limited to the specific exercise, rest conditions, intensity, volume and sample tested. Therefore, while accounting for the aforementioned limitations, coaches can interpret and apply the information by prescribing distinct rest periods for workouts with strength specific load zones (1-RM) or even maintain the efficiency of 1-RM test trials. However, we strongly recommend future experiments that should evaluate distinct exercise schemes, in different limbs and whole-body training sessions with multiple sets.

Ethical disclosuresProtection of human and animal subjects

The authors declare that no experiments were performed on humans or animals for this study.

Confidentiality of data

The authors declare that no patient data appear in this article.

Right to privacy and informed consent

The authors declare that no patient data appear in this article.

Conflicts of interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

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