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Inicio Revista de Calidad Asistencial Impact of computerized physician order entry on medication errors
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Vol. 27. Núm. 6.
Páginas 334-340 (noviembre - diciembre 2012)
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Vol. 27. Núm. 6.
Páginas 334-340 (noviembre - diciembre 2012)
Original article
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Impact of computerized physician order entry on medication errors
Impacto de la historia clínica electrónica sobre los errores de medicación
M.D. Menendeza, J. Alonsob, I. Rancañoa, J.J. Cortec, V. Herranzd, F. Vazqueza,e,
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Corresponding author.
a Unidad Calidad y Gestión del Riesgo Clínico, Hospital Monte Naranco, Oviedo, Spain
b Gestión Presupuestaria, Hospital Monte Naranco, Oviedo, Spain
c Servicio de Farmacia, Hospital Monte Naranco, Oviedo, Spain
d Gerencia, Hospital Monte Naranco, Oviedo, Spain
e Dpto. Biología Funcional, Area de Microbiología, Facultad de Medicina, Oviedo, Spain
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Tablas (5)
Table 1. The National Coordinating Council for Medication  Errors Reporting and Prevention Index for Categorizing Errors.
Table 2. General data of the medication errors (n=1553).
Table 3. Errors and group of medications (1887).
Table 4. RR of number of errors with statistical significance.
Table 5. RR of number of serious errors with statistical significance.
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Information is scarce on the impact of the clinical electronic record on the frequency and severity of medication errors in acute geriatric patients.

Material and methods

An analytical and descriptive pre–post study was conducted on the implementation of computerized provider order entry systems (CPOE), over a 6 year period. A voluntary reporting system was used to detect the medication errors using the IR2 report form of the UK National Health Service, the Global Trigger Tool and the walk rounds with the Pharmacy Service. The severity categories were taken from the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP) Index Categorizing Errors.


A total of 1887 medication errors (1553 patients) were detected in the period of study, and represented the first adverse event reported (29.3%). 8.5 adverse events per 100 admissions were found (0.24 in the categories E through I) and the prescription errors represented a 27.6%. By drugs dispensed, adverse events were 2.07 times more frequent in the 3 year period (2007–2009) with electronic clinical record than in the 3 year period with the hand-written system (2004–2006), being more frequent with antibiotics (1.92 times), antipyretic (2.21 times) and opiates (2.72 times). For serious errors and by doses dispensed, there were 5.18 times less frequent serious errors in the period related to the electronic record, drug omission (46.8 times less frequent), wrong dose (10.53 times) and antibiotics (10.84 times).


Frequent medication errors were found in acute geriatric patients. An increase in medication errors and a decline in the severity of the detected errors were found in relationship to the electronic clinical record. For these reasons, the implementation of the electronic clinical record should be monitored.

Medication errors
Computerized provider order entry systems

Hay pocos datos sobre el impacto que tiene la historia clínica electrónica sobre la frecuencia y severidad de los errores de medicación en pacientes agudos geriátricos.

Material y métodos

Estudio analítico y descriptivo pre- y postimplementación de la historia clínica electrónica (HCE). Periodo de estudio: 6 años, usando un sistema de notificación voluntario para detectar los errores de medicación con el formulario IR2 del Servicio Nacional Inglés de Salud, el Global Trigger Tool y las rondas intinerantes con el Servicio de Farmacia usando las categorías de severidad del National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP) Index Categorizing Errors.


Se detectaron un total de 1.887 errores de medicación (1.553 pacientes) en el periodo de estudio y representó el primer evento adverso notificado (29,3%). Se encontraron 8,5 eventos adversos por 100 admisiones (0,24 en las categorías E a la I) y los errores de prescripción representaron un 27,6%. Para los fármacos dispensados, los eventos adversos fueron 2,07 veces más frecuentes en el periodo de 3 años (2007–2009) con la HCE que el periodo de 3 años con la historia clínica en papel (2004–2006), siendo más frecuente debido a antibióticos (1,92 veces), antitérmicos (2,21 veces) y opiáceos (2,72 veces). Para errores serios y por dosis dispensadas, hubo 5,18 veces menos de errores serios en el periodo relativo a la HCE, omisión de fármaco (46,8 veces menos frecuente), dosis equivocada (10,53 veces) y antibióticos (10,84 veces).


Se han encontrado errores de medicación frecuentes en los pacientes agudos geriátricos. Se observó un incremento en los errores de medicación y una disminución en la severidad de los mismos en relación a la implantación de la historia clínica electrónica. Por este motivo, la implementación de la historia clínica electrónica debe ser monitorizada.

Palabras clave:
Errores de medicación
Historia clínica electrónica
Texto completo

The medication use process poses a significant safety risk for hospitalized patients in each of its phases (prescription, dispensation, administration or monitorization). There are several published studies showing that many adverse drug events (ADEs) are preventable1–6 and prescribing errors occur in 0.3–39.1% of medication orders for hospital inpatients,7 and harm has been reported in 1% of inpatients,1,8 depending of differences in study methods, definitions applied, and the ways in which prescription rates are calculated.9

Elder patients may be more vulnerable to medication errors because of the larger number of medications administered on a daily basis,10 and the number of opportunities for error is substantial in places such as nursing homes where the incidences rates range from 1.19 to 7.26 incidents per resident month.11

Computerized provider order entry systems (CPOE) have been consistently identified as an important intervention with the potential to reduce prescribing errors and injury.12–15 Although the evidence is limited,16 it may be due to have advantages such as standardization, a full audit trail, legibility, specification of a key data fields such as the route of administration, and storage and recall of records.17

Although voluntary reporting systems have serious limitations, such systems provide data that can be used to target patient safety improvement.18

Because there are scarce data and that the majority of the studies have serious limitations, this study describes the epidemiology and severity of medication errors detected in an acute geriatric hospital, and the impact of the electronic clinical record on reducing these errors.

Material and methodsSetting

Monte Naranco Hospital (Oviedo, Spain) is a 200-bed (bed occupation rate was 71.4% and the average length of hospital stay as 11 days in the period of study) university-associated hospital in which most of the patients are geriatric (72.2%).

Type of study

Analytical and descriptive study pre–post CPOE implementation. A six year period using a voluntary reporting system, the former period (2004–2006) with a hand-writing system and the latter period (2007–2009) with the clinical electronic record (CER) (Selene, Siemens, Germany). The computerized physician order entry has three main screens: (a) prescription screen (by commercial, substance or drug groups), (b) drug substance in the Pharmacy hospital repository and the rest of the drugs, and (c) standard procedures (route, doses, frequency and duration of treatment) and a free narrative text. The reporting systems and the methodology were the same in the six-year period of study and there were no changes in the period except to the introduction of the CER in the year 2007.

In the period of the study the following interventions were implemented: (a) 2004–2006: incorporation of reporting systems and analysis of causes and contributory factors, staff training about medication errors; (b) 2007: CER, Pharmacological Guide in CER and following group of the CER; (c) 2008–2009: incorporation of different patches in the CER, evaluation and analysis of the medication errors, periodically feedback was provided to the physicians.

Medication error was defined as an error which can occur at any of the phases of the medication use process; in this definition side effects of the medication are not included.

The following data were collected: (a) patient characteristics (age, sex, Barthel index and pathologies i.e. main diagnosis of hospitalization), (b) ward, phase of medication, shift, type of incident and causes, contributory factors of errors, group of medication and route. The Global medication error index (GMEI) was used for 10,000 administration doses.

Data of the medication errors were collected from the IR2 report form from the NHS (UK National Health Service) and includes data about the incident, with a free narrative text, “what happened”, severity of the incident, contributory factors, outcome and learned lessons. The Global Trigger Tool (GTT)19 and the walk rounds with the Pharmacy Department. The data were anonymised and aggregated. We used the severity categories score from the adapted National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP) Index Categorizing Errors20 (Table 1). The contributory factors were categorized by Charles Vincent's Scheme21 and by Ruiz-Jarabo's classification.22

Table 1.

The National Coordinating Council for Medication  Errors Reporting and Prevention Index for Categorizing Errors.

Category of the event  Description 
Circumstances or events occur that have the capacity to cause error 
An error occurred, but the error did not reach the patient 
An error occurred that reached the patient, but did not cause patient harm 
An error occurred that reached the patient and required monitoring to confirm that it resulted in no harm to the patient, and/or required intervention to preclude harm. Harm does not reach patient 
  Cases in which harm reaches patient 
An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required intervention 
An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required an initial or prolonged hospital stay 
An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in permanent patient harm 
An error occurred that required intervention necessary to sustain life 
An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in patient death 

Characteristics of moderate–serious errors (categories E–I of the NCC MERP) were compared using chi square tests and two-sample student t tests. A p value of <0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. The relative risk (RR) of an error and serious error was determined for each characteristics of an error, and 99% confidence intervals (CI) are reported.

ResultsGeneral data

The medication errors were the first adverse events reported (29.3%) followed by nosocomial infections (16.8%) and patient falls (14.6%). In the six year period of study, there were 18,348 inpatients and 2,163,122 doses of dispensing drugs with a total of 1553 of patients with at least a medication error (n=1887). These figures represent 0.7 errors per patient month and 8.5 per 100 admissions (0.24 in the categories E–I) and the prescription errors represented a 27.6%.

By severity, there were 0.19 severe errors (H–I), the majority of them were submitted in the morning shift (76.5%), the largest single category of type of error was dose/drug omission (41.5%), the main causes of error were human factors (57.6%), the contributory factors according to Ruiz Jarabo: individual (25.8%) and by IR2: work team (28.2%), and the route of administration: oral administration (55.9%) (Table 2). By medication group (using the GMEI): the mot frequent errors were produced in the following groups: antihistamines (17.5), antibiotics (15.3) and hypolipidemics (13.9) (Table 3).

Table 2.

General data of the medication errors (n=1553).

Variable  2004–2006  2007–2009  Total number (%) 
Phase of the error
Administration  135  209  344 (22.2) 
Prescription  39  385  428 (27.6) 
Dispensation  138  533  671 (43.2) 
Transcription  44  66  110 (7.1) 
Severity categories (NCC MERP)
11  23  34 (2.2) 
159  995  1154 (74.3) 
68  157  225 (14.5) 
43  53  96 (6.2) 
27  33 (2.1) 
8 (0.5) 
–  –  – 
–  1 (0.06) 
2 (0.13) 
Morning  254  934  1188 (76.5) 
Afternoon  72  97  169 (10.9) 
Night  10  13 (0.8) 
Several shifts  16  23 (1.5) 
Unknown  15  145  160 (10.3) 
Type of error
Dose/drug omission  161  530  691 (41.5) 
Wrong dose  57  111  168 (10.1) 
Noncompliance  16  138  144 (8.6) 
Wrong drug  52  81  133 (8) 
Wrong patient  17  104  121 (7.3) 
Wrong strength  49  58 (3.5) 
Wrong time  41  48 (2.6) 
Other errors  66  236  302 (18.1) 
Causes of the error
Human factors  191  768  959 (57.6) 
Problems with prescribing interpretation  35  302  337 (20.2) 
Equipment and devices  71  35  106 (6.4) 
Wrong name of patients  45  54 (3.2) 
Wrong names of drugs  15  14  29 (1.7) 
Other  33  39 (2.3) 
Unknown  44  98  142 (8.5) 
Contributory factors
Individual  181  248  429 (25.8) 
Preparation/dispensing systems deficiency  102  14  116 (7) 
Communication/information systems deficiency  49  60  209 (12.5) 
Wrong standarization of procedures  20  58  78 (4.7) 
System inertia  16  38  54 (3.2) 
Environmental factors  –  7 (0.4) 
Out of stock  19  27 (1.6) 
Other  378  368  746 (44.8) 
Contributory factors (IR2)
Work team  93  377  470 (28.2) 
Design tasks  170  285  455 (27.3) 
Individual  81  234  315 (18.9) 
Environment  20  308  328 (19.7) 
Management  –  3 (0.2) 
Institutional context  –  2 (0.1) 
Patient  –  1 (0.06) 
Unknown  –  92  92 (5.5) 
Route of administration
Oral  165  889  1054 (55.9) 
Intravenous  57  478  535 (28.4) 
Subcutaneous  44  155  199 (10.5) 
Inhalation  21  25 (1.3) 
Patches  33  20  53 (2.8) 
Topic  8 (0.4) 
Eye drops  10 (0.5) 
Epidural  –  3 (0.2) 
Table 3.

Errors and group of medications (1887).

Group  Errors  No. of dispensing doses  GEMI per 10,000 dispensing doses 
Antibiotics  335  218,753  15.3 
Insulins+orally antidiabetics  61  ND  ND 
Diuretics  71  137,935  5.1 
Antihypertensives+ACEs  156  154,208  10.1 
Antithrombotics  188  223,890  8.4 
Antidepressives  124  174,967  7.1 
Antitermics  112  260,170  4.3 
Antiulcers  76  162,816  4.7 
Corticosteroids  36  61,665  5.8 
Antihistamines  10  5704  17.5 
Inhalers  19  321,034  0.6 
Anticancer  9070  7.7 
Antiparkinsonians  17  20,126  8.4 
Hypolipidemics  29  20,815  13.9 
Opiates  66  79,403  8.3 
Neuroleptics  16  24,381  6.6 
Other  289  266,687  10.8 
Total  1887  2,136,122  8.8 
Impact of the CER in the number and type of errors

In the period 2004–2006, there were 356 errors per 7001 discharges (5.1%) versus 1197 errors per 11,347 discharges (10.5%) in the period 2007–2009 (2.07 times more frequent errors) (RR 2.07, CI99% 1.79–2.40). By dispensation drugs, there were 4.9 GMEI versus 8.7 (1.95 times more frequent errors) (RR 1.95, CI99% 1.67–2.27). By medication groups, there were more frequent errors in: antibiotics (1.92 times) (RR 1.92, CI99% 1.41–2.61), antitermics (2.21 times) (RR 2.21, CI99% 1.14–4.27) and opiates groups (2.72 times) (RR 2.72, CI99% 1.12–6.60) (Table 4). There was no statistical significance in other variables.

Table 4.

RR of number of errors with statistical significance.

Variable  Number (100%)  Without errors  With errors  RR (CI99%) of error  P value 
Errors per discharges
2004–2006  7001  6645  356  2.07 (1.79–2.40)  0.000 
2007–2009  11,347  10,150  1197     
Errors per dispensing dose
2004–2006  793,120  792,764  356  1.95 (1.67–2.27)  0.000 
2007–2009  1,370,002  1,368,805  1197     
Group of medications
1. Antibiotics
2004–2006  92,882  92,789  93  1.92 (1.41–2.61)  0.000 
2. Antitermics
2004–2006  73,630  73,613  17     
2007–2009  186,540  186,445  95  2.21 (1.14–4.27)  0.002 
3. Opiates
2004–2006  23,885  23,846  2.72 (1.12–6.60)  0.003 
2007–2009  55,548  55,491  57     
Impact of the CER in the serious errors

In the period of 2004–2006, there were 33 moderate–serious errors (E–I) from the 356 errors (9.3%) versus 11 from the 1197 in the period 2007–2009 (1%) (10.09 times less frequent) (RR 0.10, CI99% 0.20–0.05). By discharges, 4.86 times less frequent (RR 0.21, CI99% 0.46–0.09) and by dispensing doses, 5.18 times less frequent (RR 0.19, CI99% 0.43–0.09). By type of error: drug omission (46.8 times less frequent) (RR 0.02, CI99% 0.10–0.00) and wrong dose (10.53 times less frequent) (RR 0.10, CI99% 0.79–0.01), and by medication group: antibiotics (10.84 times less frequent) (RR 10.84, CI99% 0.81–0.01) (Table 5) were the most significant groups involved. There was no statistical significance in other variables.

Table 5.

RR of number of serious errors with statistical significance.

Variable  Number (100%)  Without serious errors  With serious errors  RR (CI99%) of error  P value 
Errors per discharges
2004–2006  7001  6968  33  0.21 (0.46–0.09)  0.000 
2007–2009  11,347  11,336  11     
Errors per dispensing dose
2004–2006  793,120  793,087  33  0.19 (0.43–0.09)  0.002 
2007–2009  1,370,002  1,369,991  11     
Drug omission
2004–2006  171  155  16  46.8 (0.10–0.00)  0.000 
2007–2009  499  498     
Wrong dose
2004–2006  57  49  10.53 (0.79–0.01)  0.004 
2007–2009  75  74     
2004–2006  92,882  92,874  10.84 (0.81–0.01)  0.005 
2007–2009  125,872  125,871     

In the literature review,9 just 12 valid studies were identified between 1998 and 2007 from 954 articles about prescription errors in hospital inpatients: 7 pre and post-implementation CPOE studies (two with voluntary reporting system), 2 time series, 1 cross-sectional, 1 crossover and 1 comparative cohort in the United States, the UK, Europe and Israel. In four studies patients were paediatric patients and in the rest of the nine studies were adults (3 in Intensive Care Unit – ICU – and 5 in adult general hospitals – two studies relied upon voluntary reporting). Our study was in acute geriatric patients and in Spain, where there are no data about this topic in our knowledge.

Spencer et al.23 in an observational time series study, using voluntary reporting, found that the number of prescription errors per discharge was higher after CPOE implementation from 0.015 to 0.019 prescription errors per discharge. Mahoney et al.24 conducted a retrospective pre–post CPOE study involving voluntary reporting, the prescribing errors decreased significantly in three out of four monitored categories, specifically drug allergy reporting, excessive dosing and incomplete or unclear orders. In general, there is a significant reduction in prescribing errors rates for all or some drug types in the 12 studies.9 In line with Spencer et al.,23 we found that the number of prescribing errors per discharge was higher after CPOE implementation from 5.1% to 10.5% (2.1 times more frequent) and per dispensing drugs from 4.9 GMEI to 8.7 GMEI (1.95 times more frequent) and this effect could be a detection bias with the new system.23

In just five studies estimated the prescribing error severity9 and the evidence is limited by modest sample sizes and designs such as the classes of severity. We show that, using NCC MERP categories and extended to all the hospital, there was a significant reduction from 9.3% to 1% (10.1 times less frequent).

According to Reckmann¿s definition,9 we considerer that our study has several strengths: definition of prescribing errors, absolute error rates pre and post-COPE implementation, denominator for prescribing error rates including total number of orders, proportion of errors by a standardized severity scale, error rates per severity category using two denominators (total orders, total errors), significance testing and the scale of the study to all hospital not just one or two wards. On the contrary, our limitation is the use of a voluntary reporting system, with under-reporting of errors. Although we think that our results can be significant in the same way of other valid studies, other studies show that these voluntary reporting systems identify just a 1.5% of the adverse events and 6% of medication events (review in 2525). In a previous study,26 we showed the increase of the notification and record of adverse events, the increase of the reporting systems from 4 to 10 and the prevalence of medication errors of 19.2% with the Spanish observational study of medication errors (Estudio multicéntrico observacional para la prevención de errores de medicación – EMOPEM) in the year 2007. For these reasons, this could be the cause of the bias in the increased number of medication events, although the three methods used in this paper (IR2 report form from the NHS – UK National Health Service, the Global Trigger Tool – GTT – and the walk rounds with the Pharmacy Service) were the same methods used in the period of the study. The nature of the sources in the reporting systems does not let us know the ranking and real figures of the adverse events, and it is necessary to establish priorities and to stagger the different reporting systems and according to cost effectiveness measures. The reporting systems are the first step to analysis and it might be necessary to improve and to mitigate the adverse events.26 Another bias could be the organizational and cultural change with the CER and the notification in the voluntary reporting systems. This bias could be solved with the use of other data sources. In our study, voluntary reporting systems were used, at the same time the GTT and walk rounds have also been used. Other limitation could be that the CER is described in reference centers with different culture than the existing one in small or medium hospitals such as our hospital. The main goal in this study is that CPOE must be monitored during and after its implementation in order to detect the occurrence of new medication errors.

In conclusion, the study conducted in acute geriatric patients detected an increase in the reported errors and the decline of the severity of the errors related to the CER. Accordingly, we recommend that the follow-up of the implementation of the CER in hospitals should be monitorized to determine the impact of the medication errors.

Conflicts of interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

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