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Vol. 33. Núm. 4.
Páginas 255-256 (julio 1998)
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Vol. 33. Núm. 4.
Páginas 255-256 (julio 1998)
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Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol 1998;33(4):255-256

La Revue de Geriatrie

Tomo 23, nº 3, marzo 1998.

­ BOUCON JP. Une maladie mortelle méconnue il faut l''enseigner.

­ WEILL-ENGERER S, et al. Enquéte sur l''evaluation par les gériatres hospitaliers des situations à risque de thrombose veineuse.

­ VIDAL JC, et al. Stimulation cognitive et psychosiciale des patients déments en institution.

­ AUBRY C, et al. Analyse des items d''une echalle psychocomportementale de la douleur chez le sujet âgé.

­ TEMMAR H, et al. Surveillance des traitements curatifs par une héparine de bas poids moléculaire chez les sujets âgés.

­ MOUREY F, CAMUS A. La réadaptation de l''equilibre chez le sujet âgé.

­ WEILL-ENGERER S. Hypercalcémie chez le vieillard.

­ DI BERNARDO C, BONOIT C. Fracture du sternum chez une personne âgée: une observation.

­ BOUR-GUICHENEZ C, et al. Légionllose grave relevant une séropositivité.

­ REYGROBELLET P, FRANCO G. L''onyxis et son traitement en gériatrie.

­ GEPNER P. Prévention des lésions gastroduodénales induites par les AINS.

­ FERRY M. Les déficits vitaminiques et minéraux lors du vieillissement.

­ DE GALBERT L. Qu''en est-il du fonctionnement psychique du grand vieillard?

­ POULAIN P. Existe-t-il une spécificité de l''antalgie chez le grand vieillard?

­ JEAN A. Avaluation de la douleur du sujet très âgé hospitalisé en long séjour.

­ CAMUS N. Specificité de la douleur au cours des soins chez les sujets très âgés en Unité de Soins Palliatifs Gériatriques.

­ LEFEBVRE-CHAPIRO S. Le maniement des antalgiques en gériatrie.

Tomo 23, núm. 4, abril 1998

­ MOULIAS R, BELMIN J. Hommage au Professeur Yves Memin.

­ PELLERIN J, BOIFFIN A. Pathologies des souvenirs, souvenirs des pathologies.

­ SAINT-JEAN O, METAIS P. Programme de médicalisation des systèmes d'' information en soins de suite et de réadaptation.

­ JEUNEHOMME P, ROGER P, et al. Les traitements médicamenteux chez les personnes â-gées hébergées en institution. Etude dans 17 établissements de la Marne.

­ GRENIER SNENELIER C, et al. Mise en place d''un programme d'' assurance de la quañité afin de prévenir les chutes de personnes hospitslisées dans un établissement de soins de suite et de réadaptation.

­ BOUCHON JP. Tuberculose et vieillard.

­ MANIERE D. Les psychotropes en gériatrie.

­ HAZIF-THOMAS C, THOMAS PH. Dépression de la personne âgée des tableaux cliniques souvent atypiques.

­ CUNIN G. Physiopathologie de la douleur du zona chez la personne âgée.

­ FOREST MI, MALACRIDA R, CONSTANS T, RAPIN CH. Ethique clinique et alimentation des personnes âgées.

­ MEDJAHED S, et al. Multiples opacités craniennes vingt ans après.


Volumen X, nº 100, diciembre de 1997.

­ EURICO P. Adiabetes na idade avançada.

­ MONTEZUMA DE CARVALHO MM. Enfermagem geriátrica: uma necesidade.


Volumen XI, nº 101, enero 1998.

­ ROSAS MJ. Novas perspectivas terapêuticas do doente em fase aguda: fibrinoliticos e estratégias neuroprotectoras.

­ GUIMARAES P. O estatuto dos idosos no direito português ou o fim do idoso crepuscular.

­ SOUSA G, FEIO M. Avaliaçào psicosocial do idoso na casa de saúde de Santa Rosa de Lima.

Volumen XI, nº 102, febrero 1998.

­ PIRES C, CASTANHEIRA R, DIAS C. Pneumonia no idoso.

­ GOMES ERMIDA J. Recomendaçôes europeias para o diagnóstico e terapéutica da demencia.

­ FEIO M. Doenças neurodegenerativas o sistema nervoso central e psicopatologia da 3ª idade.

The Journals of Gerontology

Volumen 53 A, nº 2, marzo 1998

Biological Sciences

­ ROBERTS J. Editorial.

­ DOLFI C, PARADISO C, CAVALLINI G, MASINI M, GORI Z. Age-Dependent Accumulation of Dolichol in Rat Liver: Is Tissue Dolichol a Biomarker of Aging?

­ MASIELLO P, BOMBARA M. Protein Glycation in the Aging Male Sprague-Dawley Rat: Effects of Antiaging Diet Restrictions.

­ WALTER R, FELIPE S. Changes in Hepatic DNA Binding Proteins as a Function of Age in Rats.

­ BASSO A, PIANTANELLI L, ROSSOLINI G. Reduced DNA Synthesis in Primary Cultures of Hepatocytes From Old Mice is Restored by Thymus Grafts.

­ MOE KE, PRINZ PN, LARSEN LH. Growth Hormone in Postmenopausal Women After Long-Term Oral Estrogen Replacement Therapy.

­ ATTAL-KH´EMIS S, DALMEYDA V, MICHOT J-L, ROUDIER M. Increased Total 7*-Hydroxy-Dehydroepiandrosterone in Serum of Patients With Alzheimer''s Disease.

­ BOREL P, MEKKI N, BOIRIE Y, PARTIER A. Comparison of the Postprandial Plasma Vitamina A Response in Young and Old Adults.

­ BARZILAI N, BANERJEE S, HAWKINS M, CHANG C-J. The Effect of Age-Dependent Increase in Fat Mass on Peropheral Insulin Action is Saturable.

­ LUCKINBILL LS. Selection for Longevity Confers Resistance to Low-Temperature Stress in Drosophila melanogaster.

Medical sciences

­ ROSENTHAL AJ, SANDERS KM, MCMURTRY CT. Is Malnutrition Overdiagnosed in Older Hospitalized Patients? Association Between the Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor and Serum Markers of Malnutrition.

­ ANDROS EA. The Effect of Adenosine on the Reduced Heart Rate Response to Exercise in the Elderly.

­ GARRARD J, ROLNICK SJ, NITZ NM, LUEPKE L, JACKSON J. Clinical Detection of Depression Among Community-Based Elderly People With Self-Reported Symptoms of Depression.

­ WOO J, HO SC, YU LM, LAU J. Impact of Chronic Diseases on Functional Limitations in Elderly Chinese Aged 70 Years and Over: A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Survey.

­ WANG C-S, CHANG T-T. Differing Characteristics of Hepatitis B and C Risk Factors Among Elders in a Rural Area in Taiwan.

­ TINETTI ME, WILLIAMS CS. The Effect of Falls and Fall Injuries on Functioning in Community-Dwelling Older Persons.

­ ANGULO-KINZLER RM, MYNARK RG, KOCEJA DM. Soleus H-Reflex Gain in Elderly and Young Adults: Modulation Due To Body Position.

­ KAYA BK, KREBS DE, RILEY PO. Dynamic Stability in Elders: Momentum Control in Locomotor ADL.

­ CARR DB, LABARGE E, DUNNIGAN K, STORANDT M. Differentiating Drivers With Dementia of the Alzheimer Type From Healthy Older Persons With a Traffic Sign Naming Test.

­ TANG P-F, MORRE S, WOOLLACOTT MH. Correlation Between Two Clinical Balance Measures in Older Adults: Functional Mobility and Sensory Organization Test.

­ VAN BOXTEL MPJ, BUNTINX F, HOUX PJ. The Relation Between Morbidity and Cognitive Performance in a Normal Aging Population.

­ PARMELEE PA, POWELL LAWTON M, KATZ IR. The Structure of Depression Among Elderly Institution Residents: Affective and Somatic Correlates of Physical Frailty.

The Journals of Gerontology

Volumen 53 B, nº 2, marzo 1998

Psychological Sciences

­ HOOKER K, MONAHAN DH. Personality Counts for a Lot: Predictors of Mental and Physical Health of Spouse Caregivers in Two Disease Groups.

­ DAVEY A, EGGEBEEN DJ. Patterns of Intergenerational Exchange and Mental Health.

­ RANZIJN R, KEEVES J. The Role of Self-Perceived Usefulness and Competence in the Self-Esteem of Elderly Adults: Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the Bachman Revision of Rosenberg''s Self-Esteem Scale.

­ BIEMAN-COPLAND S. Age-Biased Interpetation of Memory Successes and Failures in Adulthood.

­ FISK JE, WARR PB. Associative Learning and Short-Term Forgetting as a Function of Age, Perceptual Speed, and Central Executive Functioning.

­ MCCURRY SM, LOGSDON RG, VITIELLO MV. Successful Behavioral Treatment for Reported Sleep Problems in Elderly Caregivers of Dementia Patients: A Controlled Study.

­ DUCHEK JM, HUNT L. Attention and Driving Performance in Alzheimer''s Disease.

Social Sciences

­ TENNSTEDT S, CHANG B-H. The Relative Contribution of Ethnicity Versus Socioeconomic Status in Explaining Differences in Disability and Receipt of Informal Care.

­ LIU X, HERMALIN AI. The Effect of Education on Mortality Among Older Taiwanese and Its Pathways.

­ MARTELIN T, KOSKINEN S, VALKONEN T. Sociodemographic Mortality Differences Among the Oldest Old in Finland.

­ HAYWARD MD, FRIEDMAN S. Career Trajectories and Older Men''s Retirement.

­ WALLACE SP, LEVY-STORMS L. The Persistence of Race and Ethnicity in the Use of Long-Term Care.

Age and Ageing

Volumen 27, nº 2, marzo 1998

­ WILKINSON TJ, SAINSBURY R. Hip protectors.

­ VERHAAR HJJ, BECKER C, LINDBERG OIJ. European Academy for Medicine of Ageing.

­ HUTCHINSON SG, TARRANT J, SEVERS MP. An inpatient bed for acute nursing home admissions.

­ SMITHARD DG, O''NEIL PA, PARK C, ENGLAND R, RENWICK DS. Can bedside assessment reliably exclude aspiration following acute stroke?

­ HSIEH C-L, HSUEH I-P, CHIANG F-M. Inter-rater reliability and validity of the Action Research arm test in stroke patients.

­ ELLUL J, WATKINS C, BARER D. Estimating total Barthel scores from just three items: the European Stroke DataBase minimum dataset for assessing functional status at discharge from hospital.

­ DORMENVAL V, BUDTZ-JØRGENSEN E, MOJON P, BRUYÈRE A, RAPIN C-H. Associations between malnutrition, poor general health and oral dryness in hospitalized elderly patients.

­ ADDINGTON-HALL J, ALTMAN D, MCCARTHY M. Variations by age in symptoms and dependency levels experienced by people in the last year of life, as reported by surviving family, friends and officials.

­ MOUREY F, POZZO T, ROUHIER-MARCER I. A kinematic comparisor between elderly and young subjects during standing up from and sitting down in a chair.

­ BEMBEN MG, MASSEY BH, BEMBEM DA. Age-related variability in body composition methods for assessment of percent fat and fat-free mass in men aged 20-74 years.

­ YOHANNES AM, ROOMI J, BALDWIN RC. Depression in elderly outpatients with disabling chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

­ LÓPEZ ARRIETA J, RODRÍGUEZ ARTALEJO F. Methodology, results and quality of clinical trials of tacrine in the treatment of Alzheimer''s disease: a systematic review of the literature.

­ COOPER B, HOLMES C. Previous psychiatric history as a risk factor for late-life dementia: a population-based case-control study.

­ BANNISTER C, BALLARD C, LANA M, FAIRBAIRN A, WILCOCK G. Placement of dementia sufferers in residential and nursing home care.

­ VILLAR MTA, HILL P, INSKIP H, THOMPSON P. Will elderly rest home residents wear hip protectors?

­ HIGGS PFD, MACDONALD LD, MACDONALD JS. Home from home: residents'' opinions of nursing homes and long-stay wards.

­ DELLO BUONO M, URCIUOLI O, DE LEO D. Quality of life and longevity: a study of centenarians.

­ BADER DL, WHITE SH. The viability of soft tissues in elderly subjects undergoing hiip surgery.

­ BØHMER T, RØSETH A. Prolonged digitoxin half-life in very elderly patients.

The Gerontologist

Volumen 38, nº 2, abril 1998

­ HOGAN TD, STEINNES DNA. Logistic Model of the Seasonal Migration Decision for Elderly Households in Arizona and Minnesota.

­ MITCHEL JM, KROUT JA. Discretion and Service Use Among Older Adults: The Behavioral Model Revisited.

­ GITLIN LN, et al. Emerging Concerns of Older Stroke Patients About Assistive Device Use.

­ CASTLE NG, FOGEL B. Characteristics of Nursing Homes That Are Restraint Free.

­ BECK C, FRANK L, et al. Correlates of Disruptive Behavior in Severely Cognitively Impaired Nursing Home Residents.

­ COHEN-MANSFIELD J, WERNER P. The Effects of an Enhanced Environment on Nursing Home Residents Who Pace.

­ JOHSON BD, et al. The Relationship of Demographic Factors, Locus of Control and Self-Efficacy to Successful Nursing Home Adjustment.

­ BERGER JT, MAJEROVITZ D. Stability of Preferences for Treatment Among Nursing Home Residents.

­ ROSE-REGO SK, et al. Differences in the Perceived Well-Being of Wives and Husbands Caring for Persons with Alzheimer''s Disease.

­ LYNCH SA. Who Supports Whom? How Age and Gender Affect the Perceived Quality of Support from Familiy and Friends.

­ LITWIN H. The Provision of Informal Support by Elderly People Residing in Assisted Living Facilities.

­ MESHERFEDJIAN G, et al. Factors Associated wih Symptoms of Depression Among Informal Caregivers of Demented Elders in the Community.

* Revista portuguesa de Medicina Geriátrica.

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