Abstracts Asociación Mexicana del Hígado (AMH) 2023
More infoCytokines are crucial in modulating immune responses and the outcome of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Polymorphisms in the IL10 and IFNL3 genes have been associated with spontaneous clearance (SC) in populations worldwide. However, their effect on the Mexican population remains unknown. This study aimed to analyze the association of polymorphisms in the IL10 (rs1800871, rs1800872, and rs1800896) and IFNL3 (rs4803217) genes with SC in HCV patients from West Mexico.
Materials and PatientsA total of 203 treatment-naïve, anti-HCV-positive patients were included in the study. Among them, 60 had undetectable viral load, and 143 had a detectable viral load. Genotyping was performed using Real-Time PCR. Biochemical and serological analyses were conducted. Comparative statistical analysis was performed using SPSSv24 software. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. The Institutional Review Board approved this study.
ResultsThe CC genotype of the IFNL3 rs4803217 gene was associated with SC (OR=2.046, p=0.026). In SC patients, the CC genotype increased total cholesterol (TChol) compared to AA+AC genotypes (209.76 vs. 176.86 mg/dL, p=0.061). The IL10 rs1800871, rs1800872, and rs1800896 polymorphisms were not associated with SC. In SC patients, the CC+CT genotypes of IL10 rs1800871 and CC+CA genotypes of IL10 rs1800872 were associated with higher TChol levels compared to the TT genotype (198.68 vs. 177.85 mg/dL, p=0.010) and the AA genotype (196.81 vs. 178.58 mg/dL, p=0.006), respectively. In chronic patients, the GG+GA genotypes of IL10 rs1800896 were associated with high insulin levels compared to the AA genotype (17.22 vs. 12.04 IU/mL, p=0.021).
ConclusionsThe CC genotype of the IFNL3 rs4803217 gene was associated with SC in patients from West Mexico. IL10 and IFNL3 polymorphisms increased TChol in SC patients. These results suggest an interaction between metabolic and immune factors in the outcome of HCV infection.
Ethical statement
The protocol was registered and approved by the Ethics Committee. The identity of the patients is protected. Consentment was obtained.
Declaration of interests
Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente supported this work to
Gonzalez-Aldaco K, No. UDG-PTC-1422.IGF