Clinics is a gold open access electronic international journal that publishes peer-reviewed research in continuous flow of interest to clinicians and researchers in medical and biomedical sciences based on its originality, importance, conclusions and interest to readers. CLINICS also publishes Comments and Editorials. The journal is committed to the principles of ethics, respect for the individual, humanization, honesty, pioneering spirit and excellence.Clinics is the Official Scientific journal of Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP).
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Medline, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), PubMed Central (PMC), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
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The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years.
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SRJ is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and qualitative measure of the journal's impact.
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