GALIPDIA study: Reaching lipid targets in a population with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) from the Northwest of Spain
Rocío Villar-Taibo; Eva Fernández-Rodríguez; Cristina Tejera-Pérez; Carmen Díaz-Ortega; Paula Sánchez-Sobrino; Regina Palmeiro-Carballeira; Nazareth Rodríguez-Novo; Gemma Rodríguez-Carnero; Iria Pinal-Osorio; Laura Cotovad-Bellas; Olaia Díaz-Trastoy; Beatriz Mantiñán-Gil; Paula Álvarez-Castro; Paula Andújar Plata; Inés Seoane-Cruz; Alma Prieto-Tenreiro; Rosa Argüeso Armesto; Antía Fernández-Pombo; Ana Sánchez-Bao; Alfonso Vidal-Casariego;
Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr. 2023;70:29-38