This study aims to analyze the relationship between the use of screen in ventilation, the use of anti-mosquitoes, the habit of hanging clothes and the effectiveness of fogging on the incidence of DHF in the Pontap Community Health Center, Palopo City.
MethodThe study design was a case–control study. The study type was quasi-experimental using the non-randomized one group pretest–posttest with control design. The statistical test used Chi-square and logistic regression test.
ResultThere was a relationship between the use of anti-mosquito repellent and the incidence of DHF with a p-value=0.000; OR=7.222; 95% CI: 2.515–20.736. Habits of hanging clothes with a p-value=0.000; OR=10.545; 95% CI: 3.399–32.719.
ConclusionThe use of screen in home ventilation did not have a significant correlation with the incidence of DHF. While the fogging is still quite effective decreasing the density of the Aedes aegypti.