This study aims to analyze the effect of self-efficacy, work stress and job satisfaction on the organizational commitment of employees at accredited health centers in Ternate city.
MethodsThe research design is an explanatory survey. The total sample were 194 people; 56 employees from the Jambula Health Center, 67 people from the Kalumata Health Center, and 71 people from the Kota Health Center. Sampling is done by purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM).
ResultsThe results show that self-efficacy had an effect on work stress (t-value=−2.58), job satisfaction both directly (t-value=2.46) and indirectly (t-value=2.63). Self-efficacy indirectly affects organizational commitment (t-value of 2.69). Job stress affects job satisfaction (t-value=−7.64) but does not have a direct effect on organizational commitment (t-value=0.52). Job stress indirectly influences job satisfaction (t-value=−4.11). Job satisfaction affects organizational commitment (t-value=3.64).
ConclusionThere is an influence of self-efficacy, job satisfaction and work stress on employee organizational commitment. It is recommended to the head of the health center to make various efforts in increasing employee job satisfaction.