To investigate the distribution of pulmonary TB cases and develop a risk factor model for pulmonary TB occurrence in Makassar using Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) approach.
MethodThis research was observational analytic using case control method to develop a risk factor model for pulmonary tuberculosis occurrence with SAR. The sample was 368 people consisting of 182 cases and 186 control.
ResultsThe results indicate that there is relation between pulmonary tuberculosis occurrence in one location and another (spatial effect). Variables that are related to the disease occurrence are: occupancy density as well as humidity and lighting of house environment. Meanwhile, variables that are not related to the disease occurrence are: temperature and history of contact with tuberculosis.
ConclusionThe risk factor model for pulmonary tuberculosis occurrence was (SAR): Y=−1.212−0.185∑j=1,i≠jnwijyi+0.28 occupancy density + 0.31 humidity + 0.44 lighting + 0.09 temperature − 0.24 history of contact.
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