Valorar la sospecha diagnósticade tromboembolia pulmonar (TEP) en elárea de urgencias.
Pacientes Y MétodosSe analizan los casosde dos años, y se compara el grupo A (sospechade TEP) con el grupo B (sin sospechade TEP).
ResultadosDe 57 casos, no se sospechóTEP en 14 (25%). Hubo diferencias significativasen los signos de trombosis venosaprofunda (mayor frecuencia en el grupo A),insuficiencia cardíaca y derrame pleural(mayor frecuencia en el grupo B). Los diagnósticosalternativos fueron insuficienciacardíaca y neumonía.
ConclusionesLos pacientes con TEP nosospechada no presentan un perfil clínicodiferencial. La TEP se confunde con insuficienciacardíaca y neumonía.
Evaluate the degree of suspicionof pulmonary embolism (PE) in the emergencydepartment (ED).
Patients and MethodsWe analyzed the casesof patients with TEP diagnosed duringtwo years and compared group A (PE suspected)with group B (PE was not initiallysuspected).
Results57 cases of PE were admitted fromED. In 14 (25%) of them the PE was notsuspected. There were statistically significantdifferences in the signs of deep venousthrombosis (more prevalent in groupA), heart failure, and pleural effusion (morefrequent in group B). The alternative diagnosiswere mostly heart failure and pneumonia.
ConclusionsThe patients with unsuspectedPE do not have a different clinical profile.The PE is most of the times confused withheart failure and pneumonia.