Varón de 45 años de edad que ingresa por urgencias con un trauma-tismo abdominal cerrado, tras sufrir un accidente de tráfico. Se le reali-za una TC abdominal sin y con contraste, visualizándose la vesícula biliar contraida y con contenido intraluminal hiperdenso sugerente de hemobilia. Existe además líquido libre intraperitoneal. No se encontra-ron otras lesiones abdominales. Con el diagnóstico de rotura vesicular por imagen, se realizó CPRE y colecistectomía que localizaron la rotu-ra y confirmaron el diagnóstico.
A 45-years-old male who enters an emergency room with closed abdominal traumatism, after being involved in a traffic accident. An abdominal CAT is performed with and without contrast media, the gall-bladder appearing contracted and containing hyperdense intraluminal material which might suggest haemobilia. There is also free intraperi-toneal liquid. No other abdominal injuries were found. Upon diagnosing gallbladder rupture using clinical imaging techniques, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and cholecystostomy were performed, which located the rupture and confirmed the diagnosis.