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Differences in MRI measurements of lateral recesses and foramina in degenerative lumbar segments in upright versus decubitus symptomatic patients
Cambios en recesos laterales y forámenes en segmentos degenerativos lumbares de pacientes sintomáticos estudiados mediante resonancia magnética en decúbito y bipedestación
M. García Isidro
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, A. Ferreiro Pérez, M.S. Fernández López-Peláez, M. Moeinvaziri, P. Fernández García
Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico, Hospital Universitario de Madrid Montepríncipe, Madrid, Spain
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Received 16 June 2020. Accepted 11 January 2021
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Tables (8)
Table 1. Clinical data of the levels included, expressed as absolute value and as a percentage of the total number of cases with clinical information (N = 135), according to the position in which the symptoms manifest or intensify.a
Table 2. Number of levels included, expressed as absolute value and as a percentage of the total number of cases (N = 207) according to gender, age group, disc level and grade of disc degeneration.
Table 3. Number of cases, expressed as absolute value and as a percentage of the total number of cases (N = 207), that decreased or increased with the positional change from supine to standing.
Table 4. Mean measurements (in millimetres for recesses and foramen diameters, and in millimetres squared for the areas of the foramina) of the parameters that changed ≥10% from supine to standing.
Table 5. Differences in measurements (in millimetres for recesses and foramen diameters, and in millimetres squared for the areas of the foramina) for cases with ≥10% variation (absolute value and percentage of N in each case) according to gender.
Table 6. Differences in measurements (in millimetres for recesses and foramen diameters, and in millimetres squared for the areas of the foramina) for cases of ≥10% variation (absolute value and percentage of N in each case) according to age group.
Table 7. Differences in measurements (in millimetres for recesses and foramen diameters, and in millimetres squared for the areas of the foramina) for cases of ≥10% variation (absolute value and percentage of N in each case) according to grade of disc degeneration.
Table 8. Differences in measurements (in millimetres for recesses and foramen diameters, and in millimetres squared for the areas of the foramina) for cases of ≥10% variation (absolute value and percentage of N in each case) according to postural predominance of the symptoms.
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To evaluate differences in measurements of the lateral recesses and foramina in degenerative lumbar segments on MR images in symptomatic patients obtained with the patient standing versus lying down and to analyze the relationship between possible differences and patients’ symptoms.

Material and methods

We studied 207 disc levels in 175 patients aged between 17 and 75 years (median: 47 years) with low back pain. All patients underwent MRI in the decubitus position with their legs extended, followed by MRI in the standing position. We calculated the difference in the measurements of the lateral recesses (in mm) and in the foramina (area in mm2 and smallest diameter in mm) obtained in the two positions. To eliminate the effects of possible errors in measurement, we selected cases in which the difference between the measurements obtained in the two positions was ≥10%; we used Student’s t-tests for paired samples to analyze the entire group and subgroups of patients according to age, sex, grade of disc degeneration, and postural predominance of symptoms.


Overall, the measurements of the spaces were lower when patients were standing. For the lateral recesses, we observed differences ≥10% in 68 (33%) right recesses and in 65 (31.5%) left recesses; when patients were standing, decreases were much more common than increases (26% vs. 7%, respectively, on the right side and 24% vs. 7.5%, respectively, on the left side; p < 0.005). For the foramina, decreases in both the area and in the smallest diameter were also more common than increases when patients were standing: on the right side, areas decreased in 23% and increased in 4%, and smallest diameters decreased in 20% and increased 6%; on the left side, areas decreased in 24% and increased in 4%, and smallest diameters decreased in 17% and increased in 8% (p < 0.005). Considering the group of patients in whom the postural predominance of symptoms was known, we found significant differences in patients whose symptoms occurred predominantly or exclusively when standing, but not in the small group of patients whose symptoms occurred predominantly while lying. We found no differences between sexes in the changes in measurements of the recesses or foramina with standing. The differences between the measurements obtained in different positions were significant in patients aged >40 years, but not in younger groups of patients. Differences in relation to the grade of disc degeneration were significant only in intermediate grades (groups 3–6 in the Griffith classification system).


MRI obtained with patients standing can show decreases in the lateral recesses and foramina related to the predominance of symptoms while standing, especially in patients aged >40 years with Griffith disc degeneration grade 3–6, thus providing additional information in the study of patients who have low back pain when standing in whom the findings on conventional studies are inconclusive or discrepant with their symptoms. Further studies are necessary to help better define the value of upright MRI studies for degenerative lumbar disease.

Standing magnetic resonance imaging
Mechanical low back pain
Lumbar spine
Unstable segment
Lateral recesses
Intervertebral foramina

Evaluar los cambios en las medidas de recesos laterales y forámenes de conjunción en segmentos degenerativos lumbares de pacientes sintomáticos estudiados mediante resonancia magnética posicional en decúbito y bipedestación, así como su posible relación con la clínica.

Material y métodos

Se estudiaron 207 niveles discales de 175 pacientes de 17 a 75 años (mediana: 47 años) con clínica de dolor lumbar. A todos los pacientes se les realizó, en el mismo procedimiento, resonancia magnética en decúbito con piernas estiradas seguida de resonancia magnética en bipedestación. Se determinó la diferencia de las medidas de sus recesos laterales (en milímetros) y forámenes de conjunción (áreas en milímetros cuadrados y diámetros inferiores en milímetros) entre ambas posiciones. Para los casos con diferencias significativas (≥10% de aumento o disminución entre posiciones, margen fijado para el factor de error de medición) se empleó el test t de Student pareado, presentándose análisis globales y en subgrupos de edad, sexo, grado de degeneración discal y predominancia postural de la clínica.


En el conjunto de niveles, las medias de las medidas de las distintas variables fueron menores en bipedestación. Para los recesos laterales, se observaron diferencias ≥10% en 68 recesos derechos (33%) y 65 izquierdos (31,5%), con clara predominancia de la disminución en bipedestación (disminución en el 26% de niveles vs. aumento en el 7% en los recesos derechos, 24% vs. 7,5% en los izquierdos), con valores de p < 0,005. Con respecto a los forámenes, también predominancia de la disminución en bipedestación de áreas y diámetros inferiores en ambos lados (derechos: áreas 23% disminuciones vs. 4% aumentos, diámetros inferiores 20% vs. 6%. Izquierdos: áreas 24% disminuciones vs. 4% aumentos, diámetros inferiores 17% vs. 8%), igualmente con valores de p < 0,005. Considerando el grupo de pacientes en los que se conocía la predominancia postural de la clínica, existieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el grupo de pacientes con clínica predominante o exclusiva en bipedestación, no así en el pequeño grupo de pacientes con clínica en decúbito. No hay diferencias entre sexos en los cambios en bipedestación en los recesos o áreas foraminales. En relación con la edad, las diferencias entre posiciones no son estadísticamente significativas en los grupos más jóvenes, sí en los grupos de mayores de 40 años. Las diferencias en función del grado de degeneración discal solo fueron estadísticamente significativas en grados intermedios (grupos 3–6 de Griffith).


La resonancia magnética en posición vertical puede evidenciar disminución en recesos laterales y forámenes de conjunción acorde a la predominancia de la sintomatología en bipedestación, preferentemente para el grupo de pacientes mayores de 40 años y con grados de degeneración discal 3 a 6 de Griffith. Ello puede suponer información adicional en el estudio de pacientes con dolor lumbar en bipedestación en caso de resultados no concluyentes o discrepantes con la clínica en los estudios convencionales. Son necesarios ulteriores estudios para ayudar a precisar mejor el valor de la resonancia magnética en bipedestación para el estudio de la patología degenerativa lumbar.

Palabras clave:
Resonancia magnética en bipedestación
Dolor lumbar mecánico
Columna lumbar
Segmento inestable
Recesos laterales
Forámenes de conjunción


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