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Inicio Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría Structural Study of Anxiety and Mood-related Symptomatology in Psychiatric Outpa...
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Vol. 53. Issue 4.
Pages 505-516 (October - November 2024)
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Vol. 53. Issue 4.
Pages 505-516 (October - November 2024)
Original article
Structural Study of Anxiety and Mood-related Symptomatology in Psychiatric Outpatients
Estudio estructural de la sintomatología ansiosa y afectiva en pacientes ambulatorios
Johann M. Vega-Dienstmaiera,
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, Frine Samalvidesb,c, Renato D. Alarcónd,e
a M.D., Psychiatrist, Master in Clinical Epidemiology, Facultad de Medicina Alberto Hurtado, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
b M.D., Infectologist, Master in Clinical Epidemiology, Facultad de Medicina Alberto Hurtado, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
c Hospital Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
d M.D., M.P.H., Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA
e Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
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Figures (1)
Tables (4)
Table 1. The phobic syndromes and their corresponding symptoms.
Table 2. The “anergia”, “lack of positive affect”, “depressive core”, “post-traumatic stress/obsession”, “general anxiety”, and “fear of losing control/going crazy” syndromes and their corresponding symptoms.
Table 3. The “irritability”, “cognitive difficulties”, “sleep problems”, “somatic syndrome” and “mania” syndromes, and their corresponding symptoms.
Table 4. Matrix of polychoric correlations between the identified dimensions.
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Knowledge of the symptomatological structure of mental disorders is relevant for their understanding and classification. In the absence of previous Latin American research on the simultaneous structural exploration of various types of psychiatric symptomatologies, the objective of this study is to examine the structure of anxious and mood-related symptoms, resulting syndromes, and their correlations.


Several instruments for the evaluation of anxious, depressive, and manic symptoms were administered to 305 psychiatric outpatients. Using factor analysis and network graphs based on polychoric correlations between the symptoms, their clustering patterns (syndromes) were explored. Further, correlations between the scores of each resulting syndrome were performed.


The symptom grouping process led to a total of fifteen generally overlapping syndromes: fear of evaluation, fear of people, agoraphobia, general anxiety, somatization, anergy, depressive core, lack of positive mood, cognitive difficulties, mania, post-traumatic stress/obsessions, fear of madness/loss of control, acrophobia, irritability, and sleep disturbances. General anxiety was at the center of the structure. Morning/matinal pole, hypersomnia, and increased appetite were relatively isolated symptoms.


Overlapping and/or highly correlated psychiatric syndromes were prominent findings, underlining the pertinence of a dimensional approach as a substantial strategy toward a more inclusive understanding of mental disorders.

Affective symptoms
Dimensional diagnosis

Conocer la estructura sintomatológica de los trastornos mentales es relevante para su comprensión y clasificación. En América Latina no hay investigaciones previas que exploren simultáneamente la estructura de diversos tipos de sintomatologías psiquiátricas. El objetivo de este estudio es examinar la estructura de los síntomas ansiosos y afectivos, los síndromes resultantes y sus correlaciones.


Varios instrumentos para evaluar síntomas ansiosos, depresivos y maníacos fueron administrados a 305 pacientes psiquiátricos ambulatorios. Usando análisis factorial y gráficos de redes basados en correlaciones policóricas entre los síntomas, se exploraron sus patrones de agrupación (síndromes). Posteriormente, se calcularon las correlaciones entre los puntajes de cada síndrome.


El proceso de agrupación de síntomas resultó en un total de 15 síndromes generalmente superpuestos: miedo a la evaluación, miedo a la gente, agorafobia, ansiedad general, somatización, anergia, núcleo depresivo, falta de afecto positivo, dificultades cognitivas, manía, estrés postraumático/obsesiones, miedo a la locura/pérdida de control, acrofobia, irritabilidad y alteraciones del sueño. «Ansiedad general» se situó en el centro de la estructura. Los síntomas polo matutino, hipersomnia y apetito elevado se mostraron relativamente aislados.


La superposición y la alta correlación entre síndromes psiquiátricos fueron hallazgos prominentes que subrayan la pertinencia de un enfoque dimensional como estrategia sustancial para un entendimiento más integral de los trastornos mentales.

Palabras clave:
Síntomas afectivos
Diagnóstico dimensional


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