Comprobar la asociacion entre familia extensa troncal (FET) e incidencia de enfermedad mental (EM).
DisenoEstudio de casos y controles.
EmplazamientoZona Basica de Salud Tineo-Navelgas.
PacientesCaso: todo individuo con diagnostico nuevo de EM recogido en historia clinica (HC) del centro de salud mental (CSM) de referencia, criterios CIE-9-CM, desde el 1-1- 1996 al 31-12-1997, vivo o muerto,. 14 anos; se incluyeron suicidios e intentos de suicidio sin HC en CSM y se excluyeron diagnosticos de psicosis organica, trastorno mental por lesion organica especifica y retraso mental (n = 162). Control: individuo vivo,. 14 anos, sin diagnostico de EM actual, que habiendo pasado mas de un ano del alta de una EM, puntuara 5 o menos de 5 en la escala GHQ-28. Se extrajo una muestra aleatoria sistematica del registro de usuarios de la ZBS (n = 378). Variables a estudio: edad, sexo, antecedentes familiares (AF) y personales (AP) de EM, habitat, estado civil, nivel de formacion (NF) y numero de miembros y generaciones de la familia. Se realizo un analisis univariante (caracteristicas casos/controles), bivariante (test ji-cuadrado y odds ratio bruta), y se ajusto un modelo de regresion logistica (odds ratio ajustada), mediante el paquete estadistico SPSSW7.1.
Resultados principalesPara la FET resulto una OR de 3,29 (1,69-6,43).
ConclusionesLa FET es factor de riesgo de EM. Se deberian realizar estudios sobre la dinamica y funcionalidad de este tipo de estructura familiar.
To check the association between souche family and the incidence of mental illness.
DesignA case-control study.
SettingHealth Rural Zone (Tineo-Asturias-Spain).
PatientsCase: every person with a new diagnosis of mental illness who has been compiled (CIE-9-CM) the clinical records of the Mental Health Centre. Field-work from 1-1- 1996 until 31-12-1997; they could be dead or alive and of fourteen or more years of age, including suicide and suicide attempts without clinical records in the mental health centre and excluding organic psychosis, mental illness caused by organic damage lesion and mentally handicapped (n = 162). Control: living people of fourteen or more years of age, with diagnosis of current mental illness, after more than one year since their discharge from a mental illness. They will mark five or less than five in the GHQ-28 scale. A systematic random sample was done among all patients registered by computer from the healt centre (n = 378).We compiled information about: age, sex, family and personal backgrounds of mental illness, rural or urban context, marital status, education level, family structure and GHQ-28.We carried out univariant and bivariant analysis also we ajusted a logistic regression model (SPSSW7.1).
Main resultsIn the souche family we obtained a odds ratio equal 3,29 (95% CI, 1,69-6,43).
ConclusionsThe souche family is a risk of mental illness. Reserch into dynamics and performance should be done.