Material y método. Se realizó un estudio experimental en 30 ratas Sprague-Dawley machos, distribuidas en tres grupos. El grupo control, formado por 10 animales, se sometió a traumatismo cólico mediante anastomosis simulada pasando la sutura por el espesor de la pared cólica. El grupo con anastomosis cólica se dividió en dos: un grupo con sección cólica y anastomosis colocólica con sutura continua, formado por 10 animales, y otro grupo con sección cólica y anastomosis colocólica con sutura discontinua, formado también por 10 animales. Las adherencias postoperatorias se cuantificaron y valoraron en la semana 20 del postoperatorio.
Resultados. El número de adherencias y el índice adherencial fueron mayores en la sutura discontinua respecto a la sutura continua y al control. El grosor y la dificultad para la separación de las adherencias fueron mayores con la sutura discontinua que con la continua.
Conclusiones. La realización de una anastomosis colocólica presenta mayor poder adhesiogénico que el traumatismo cólico aislado, y la anastomosis colocólica con sutura discontinua mayor que la realizada con sutura continua
Material and methods. Thirty male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups of 10 animals each. The control group underwent sham anastomosis in which a lesion was created by passing the suture needle through the colonic wall. A second group was subjected to colonic transection and colonic anastomosis with a running suture. In the third, the procedure was the same except for the use of an interrupted suture. The postoperative adhesions were counted and assessed 20 weeks later.
Results. The number and incidence of adhesions were greater in the group subjected to interrupted suture when compared with the other two groups. The thickness and the degree of difficulty with which the adhesions were removed was greater with the interrupted suture than when running suture was used.
Conclusions.. The potential to develop adhesions is greater with colonic anastomosis than with a simple colonic lesion, and that of anastomosis performed with interrupted suture is greater than that carried out with running suture