La hipótesis de este trabajo ha sido valorar si la radioterapia preoperatoria disminuye la frecuencia de implantes tumorales en el mesorrecto distal a la tumoración.
Pacientes y métodos. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en
36 pacientes con carcinoma de recto divididos en dos grupos: grupo 1, 23 pacientes cuya neoplasia estaba localizada por debajo de la reflexión peritoneal y que no presentaban metástasis ni tumores sincrónicos del colon, que recibieron radioquimioterapia neoadyuvante, y grupo 2, 13 pacientes con me- tástasis a distancia, tumores sincrónicos o neoplasia localizada en el tercio superior del recto, que fueron intervenidos sin recibir tratamiento neoadyuvante. Se realizó exéresis total del mesorrecto en aquellos pacientes cuya neoplasia estaba localizada en los tercios medio e inferior del recto y exéresis de los
5 cm distales del mesorrecto en el caso de las neoplasias situadas en el tercio superior.
Resultados. La tasa global de implantes en el mesorrecto distal fue del 13,8%. la tasa de implantes en el grupo 1 fue del 13,04% y en el grupo 2 del 15,38% (test exacto de Fisher unilateral, p = 0,60)
Conclusión. Los valores obtenidos sugieren que la radioterapia preoperatoria no suprime los implantes neoplásicos en el mesorrecto distal a la tumoración
Objective. The objective of the present report was to determine whether preoperative radiotherapy reduces the frequency of tumor implantation into the mesorectum distal to the lesion.
Patients and methods. A prospective study was carried out in 36 patients with rectal carcinoma. Group 1 consisted of 23 patients with lesions was located below the peritoneal reflection who presented no metastases or synchronous tumors of the colon. These patients had received neoadjuvant radiotherapy. Group 2 was made up of 13 patients with distant metastases, synchronous tumors or neoplasms located in the upper third of the rectum. They were treated surgically and received no neoadjuvant therapy. Total mesorectal excision was carried out in those patients whose lesion was located in the middle and lower thirds of the rectum, and excision of the last five centimeters of distal mesorectum in those cases in which the tumor was situated in the upper third.
Results. The overall rate of implantation in distal mesorectum was 13.8%. The rate of implantation observed in group 1 was 13.04% and that of group 2 was 15.38% (one-tailed Fisher's exact test, p = 0.60).
Conclusion. The values obtained suggest that preoperative radiotherapy fails to eliminate tumor implants in mesorectum distal to the neoplasm.