A 51-year-old male patient presented with a mass in the region of the left ribcage after an episode of acute bronchitis, which was identified as an intercostal hernia. This is a rare entity that, due to its etiology, can be classified as congenital or acquired (trauma, postoperative or spontaneous). Spontaneous hernias are usually associated with high-pressure maneuvers (coughing) that cause tearing of the intercostal muscles or even the fracture of one or more ribs (Fig. 1). Although the suspicion is clinical, computed tomography (CT) is necessary to confirm the diagnosis and plan the surgical intervention. Tension-free prosthetic repair is the treatment of choice.
Please cite this article as: Carrascosa Mirón T, Rodríguez Padilla J, Salazar Carrasco A, Jover Navalón JM. Hernia intercostal gigante de aparición espontánea. Cir Esp. 2021;99:614.