Breast carcinoma with stromal multinucleated oste-oclast-like giant cells is rare. This tumour is characterised by the presence of a large number of multinucle-ated giant cells in close association with the epithelial neoplastic cells. Immunohistological and ultrastructu-ral examinations support a non epithelial, histiocytic origin of the giant cells
The giant cell formation is probably induced by the infiltrating carcinomatous tissue, which is also believed to induce new blood vessel formation. Most cases are moderately, or poorly, differentiated invasive duc-tal carcinomas. Rich vascularity adjacent to tumour islands is a constant feature. The prognosis of this type of adenocarcinoma is worse than for other types of breast carcinoma
Presentamos un caso de carcinoma mamario con células gigantes multinucleadas tipo osteoclastlikeen elestroma tumoral. Mostramos iconografía y comentamos las características clínicas, anatomopatológicas,inmunohistoquímicas, fisiopatológicas y pronósticasde este tipo de carcinoma mamario poco frecuente.