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Open Access

Elsevier Publica Open Access
Más del 85% de nuestras revistas ofrecen la opción de publicar artículos con el acceso abierto

Open access journal


This journal is a peer reviewed, subsidized open access journal where the Academia Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa  (AEDEM, European Academy of Management and Business Economics) pays for the publishing costs incurred by the journal. Authors do not have to pay any Article Processing Charge or Open Access Publication Fee.


Access Rights

All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy and distribute.


User Rights

Permitted third party (re)use is defined by the following Creative Commons user license:


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND):

Allows users to copy and distribute the Article, provided this is not done for commercial purposes and further does not permit distribution of the Article if it is changed or edited in any way, and provided the user gives appropriate credit (with a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI), provides a link to the license, and that the licensor is not represented as endorsing the use made of the work. The full details of the license are available at .


Author Rights

For open access publishing, this journal uses a copyright transfer agreement. Authors will transfer copyright to European Academy of Management and Business Economics, but will have the right to share their article in the same way permitted to third parties under the relevant user license, as well as certain scholarly usage rights.

Publishing Schedule

European Research on Management and Business Economicspublishes 3 issues a year.

Issues are published during the first month of the period: January, May and September.


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