Alcance y objetivos

Open Access
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology publishes manuscripts with a basic and applied emphasis, including experimental, clinical and theoretical work contributing to the advancement of Clinical and Health Psychology. The IJCHP aims to target four core domains: clinical psychology and psychotherapy, psychopathology, health psychology and clinical neurosciences. The Journal publishes Original Articles (empirical studies) and Review Articles.
Manuscripts submitted to IJCHP should be novel (i.e., not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere). All signing authors must agree on the submitted version of the manuscript. By submitting their manuscript, the authors agree to relinquish their copyrights to the Journal for the duration of the editorial process.
Indexada en:
Social Sciences Citation Index, SCOPUS, PubMed Central, PsycInfo, IBECS (Índice Bibliográfico Español de Ciencias de la Salud) and Psicodoc.
El factor de impacto mide la media del número de citaciones recibidas en un año por trabajos publicados en la publicación durante los dos años anteriores.
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