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International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
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International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
ISSN: 1697-2600

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology publishes manuscripts with a basic and applied emphasis, including experimental, clinical and theoretical work contributing to the advancement of Clinical and Health Psychology. The IJCHP aims to target four core domains: clinical psychology and psychotherapy, psychopathology, health psychology and clinical neurosciences. The Journal publishes Original Articles (empirical studies) and Review Articles.

Manuscripts submitted to IJCHP should be novel (i.e., not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere). All signing authors must agree on the submitted version of the manuscript. By submitting their manuscript, the authors agree to relinquish their copyrights to the Journal for the duration of the editorial process.

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Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), PubMed Central (PMC), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), SNIP

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Factor de impacto

El factor de impacto mide la media del número de citaciones recibidas en un año por trabajos publicados en la publicación durante los dos años anteriores.

© Clarivate Analytics, Journal Citation Reports 2022

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Factor de impacto 2023

CiteScore mide la media de citaciones recibidas por artículo publicado.

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Citescore 2023

SJR es una prestigiosa métrica basada en la idea de que todas las citaciones no son iguales. SJR usa un algoritmo similar al page rank de Google; es una medida cuantitativa y cualitativa al impacto de una publicación.

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SJR 2023

SNIP permite comparar el impacto de revistas de diferentes campos temáticos, corrigiendo las diferencias en la probabilidad de ser citado que existe entre revistas de distintas materias.

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SNIP 2023
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Últimos artículos publicados
Neural and behavioral dynamics of error processing under chronic stress in healthy young adults
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Original article
Lower functional connectivity state transitions during affective processing correlate with subsequent impairment in sustaining positive affect in subthreshold depression
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Original article
Effects of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation on reversal learning performance during threat of shock
Eline S. Kruithof, Yvette Witteveen, Eleni Kalligeri Skentzou, Maria-Eleni Theodorakopoulou, Jana Klaus, Dennis J.L.G. Schutter
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Último número
portada-S1697260025X00028Vol. 25. Núm. 1. (En progreso)
(enero - marzo 2025)
Este sumario está en progreso pero sus artículos están finalizados y son citables.
Original articles
Greater neural delay discounting on reward evaluation in anhedonia
Chenlu Guan, Shiyu Zhou, Zhao Wang, Bo Gao, Ya Zheng
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Altered hippocampal effective connectivity predicts BMI and food approach behavior in children with obesity
Wei Li, Ximei Chen, Xiao Gao, Qingge Pang, Cheng Guo, Shiqing Song, Yong Liu, Pan Shi, Hong Chen
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Dissociable ventral and dorsal sensorimotor functional circuits linking the hypomanic personality traits to aggression via behavioral inhibition system
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The impact of temporal distribution on fear extinction learning
Yuanbo Ma, Dzheylyan Kyuchukova, Fujia Jiao, Giorgi Batsikadze, Michael A. Nitsche, Fatemeh Yavari
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Todos los números
portada-January - March
January - March
Volumen 25 . Núm. 1
En progreso
portada-October - December
October - December
Volumen 24 . Núm. 4
portada-July - September
July - September
Volumen 24 . Núm. 3
portada-April - June
April - June
Volumen 24 . Núm. 2
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November 2022
Suplemento especial
Contributions from the Neurosciences of Consciousness to Clinical Psychology
August 2022
Suplemento especial
Neuromodulation Interventions in Clinical and Health Psychology
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Información para autores
Publique en International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
Call for papers
Editado por: Alejandro Guillén-Riquelme, Gualberto Buela-Casal, Katie Moraes de Almondes
Acepta nuevos artículos hasta el 30 de enero de 2025
Editado por: Luzia Travado, Michael Antoni, Joaquim C. Reis
Acepta nuevos artículos hasta el 31 de marzo de 2025
Lo más leído
Original article
Zhiqing Hu, Huiying Zhang, Yanjun Sun, Yiping Wang, Rui Meng, Ke Shen, Jiali Chen, Yuan He
Este artículo se ha leído 448 veces
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