Universities, as research institutions, played a significant role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. This study examines how the pandemic and its related necessities affected the scope and type of research, development, and innovation (RDI) at universities in eight Central-Eastern European (CEE) countries. All Facebook posts from March 2020 until June 2021 were collected and using pandemic-related keywords, relevant posts were further extracted, coded and analyzed. Our findings elucidated significant differences among the universities in their RDI efforts during the pandemic. Austrian universities exhibited higher levels of inter-institutional research and business collaborations, whereas the RDI efforts in the rest of the CEE sample universities were geared to solve more immediate needs the pandemic brought on. One of the main contributions of this study is the understanding of the RDI potential of the region and the relevance of establishing inter-institutional and business cooperation networks at national and international levels. The study shows that during the pandemic universities demonstrated high RDI potential to quickly react to critical needs, offered open innovations, open licensing, showed collaborative abilities and effective use of their academic and student resources.
The current pandemic with 249 million people infected and more than 5 million deaths as of mid-November 2021 (JohnsHopkinsUniversity, 2021) is the turning point of our time in terms of drastically changing our lifestyles and the global economy. The initial waves of the pandemic brought new daily-life changes such as requirements to wear masks, social distancing, self-tracking via mobile applications and self-isolation. Although political leaders play a key role in deciding which measures the population has to follow to mitigate the effects of a pandemic (Guest, Del Rio & Sanchez, 2020; Yamey & Gonsalves, 2020), universities and research institutions also play a critical role in addressing the very nature of the pandemic (Erickson et al., 2020; Fernandez & Shaw, 2020). This crisis, like previous ones, will create new opportunities for innovation and growth for certain industries, even though these opportunities may not always be amenable to immediate commercialization. Thanks to the knowledge, experience and background of academics, corporations, governments and non-profits, RDI activities are burgeoning during the pandemic (Fernandez & Shaw, 2020; Wigginton et al., 2020). Despite the many negative effects of this current emergency, there are several positive aspects about society's ability to tackle the crisis. In this respect, civil society has shown its strength through countless volunteers at hospitals, people sewing masks at home and many other innovations that are being developed, prototyped and produced.
Innovations and technological solutions all over the world have helped first line workers and various secondary areas affected by the pandemic. Examples of frugal innovations are ventilator multipliers produced through 3D printing, portable and open-source ventilators, and face mask production based on recycled material (Harris, Bhatti, Buckley & Sharma, 2020). Given that innovations will play a critical role in recovering from the aftermath of the coronavirus (Chesbrough, 2020), and universities are one of the vital drivers of innovation efforts it is relevant to identify and document the scope of RDI efforts at Central-Eastern European (CEE) universities and elucidate their role.
Social media is now a constant of social life. Higher education institutions engage people using platforms like Facebook to disseminate news and information. Hence, information, key concepts and themes can be extracted from social media content. This in turn generates knowledge that can help formulate strategies (Backman & Kyngäs, 1999; Heath & Cowley, 2004). In this study, a grounded theory approach is used to analyze social media content related to COVID 19 to identify RDI efforts spurred by the pandemic (Charmaz, 2006; Glaser & Strauss, 2017).
Specifically, this study aims to identify the scope and types of RDI in CEE universities during the pandemic in order to elucidate their role in the RDIs that emerged during this period, and to determine the RDI potential in this region in relation to the commercialization of such research and innovations. Inter-country differences of the sampled universities are also identified. Moreover, by comparing post-communist countries within the relevant geographical, political and economic context, this study reflects on the efforts of collaborating actors such as governments, R&D donors, technology and other companies in identifying universities as innovation leaders. This is relevant because in general, there is a gap in extant literature about the CEE region as a unit. Furthermore, RDI potential of the post-communist CEE countries has so far been seldom examined. Therefore, this study contributes to the existing literature in several ways. Lastly, the findings may have the potential to impact policies, initiatives, improve RDI capabilities and efficiency in the higher education institutions of the CEE region, which in turn can directly benefit the citizens of those countries in a more direct way.
The next section provides a brief description of related and relevant scholarly literature. The Methodology and Data section describes the data collected and the empirical methodology used. The Results and Discussion sections provide a brief analysis of our findings. Finally, the Conclusion provides additional insights and future research recommendations.
Theoretical backgroundOpportunity, necessity and crisis innovationThe current COVID-19 pandemic crisis is very different from an economic crisis such as the global financial crisis of 2008, which represented an external shock that mainly affected market dynamics. Industry and economic disruptions occurred as a consequence of the recession that ensued rather than as a consequence of the crisis itself (Mandel & Veetil, 2020). In contrast, the COVID-19 pandemic has had immediate effects on people's physical health and the entire socioeconomic system (Dahlke et al., 2021; De Vito & Gomez, 2020; Zhang, Hu & Ji, 2020). Crises pose enormous pressure on technology, user practices, application, infrastructure, industry structure, policy and techno-scientific knowledge (Geels, 2002).
Clinical care and education are areas that have been relatively unaffected by the disruptive changes that have previously transformed other sectors such as banking, retail and manufacturing. The COVID-19 pandemic seems to be the catalyst for disruption in clinical care and educational systems at an unprecedented pace (Dzau, Yoediono, ElLaissi & Cho, 2013; Woolliscroft, 2020). The health crisis generated the need to develop new therapies and vaccines (Verma & Gustafsson, 2020); hence, investors are prioritizing investment in biopharmaceutical companies that have innovated during the COVID-19 crisis (Piñeiro-Chousa, López-Cabarcos, Quiñoá-Piñeiro & Pérez-Pico, 2022). Preliminary COVID-19–related research already indicates that innovative start-ups pivot and aim to exploit emerging entrepreneurial opportunities (Kuckertz et al., 2020; Manolova, Brush, Edelman & Elam, 2020).
Other recent changes include transitions to innovations related to information technologies e.g. cloud, Internet of Things, social media communication and open innovations. The concept of open innovation as a distributed process based on managed knowledge flows across organizational boundaries has been extended not only to businesses, but also to the entire online environment (Chesbrough & Bogers, 2014; Secundo, Toma, Schiuma & Passiante, 2018). Thus, we are talking about innovation communities (Shaikh & Levina, 2019; West & Lakhani, 2008), user innovation activities (Ogink & Dong, 2019; Piller & West, 2014), open source software development (Nagle, 2019; Von Krogh, Haefliger, Spaeth & Wallin, 2012), and open licensing (Gorbatyuk, Van Overwalle & van Zimmeren, 2016; Wu, Little & Low, 2016).
Role of universities in RDIsAt the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in 2018, universities were exhorted to embrace their role to drive innovation and catalyze economic development through four main paths: (1) foster entrepreneurship and create a culture of innovative thinking; (2) encourage collaboration with private companies, foundations and other research-intensive institutions; (3) promote diversity and inclusion to ensure that economic gains are shared across the economy; and (4) ensure that there is an ethical nexus between technology and society to make sure that technology will benefit humanity (Jahanian, 2018).
Along these lines, Boh, De-Haan and Strom (2016) identified six stages for bringing to market early technology at universities: (1) idea generation; (2) commercialization decision; (3) prototype generation and establishment of commercial and technical viability; (4) founding team formation; (5) strategy and commercialization process determination, and (6) fundraising to sustain activities, with the aim of convincing investors that the new technology has commercial and technical viability. In addition, they identified university programs and practices that enhance entrepreneurial efforts to commercialize university technologies such as mentoring, accelerators and incubators, and developing competitive business plans (Boh et al., 2016).
Researchers have pointed out that universities have increasingly become ambidextrous organizations reconciling research and business missions. In order to manage this ambidexterity, technology transfer offices (TTOs) or similar entities have been established in many universities (Huyghe, Knockaert, Wright & Piva, 2014). Indeed, academic spinoffs can represent an opportunity to commercialize knowledge developed within the university as well as provide compensatory self-employment opportunities by allowing skilled individuals to exploit their advanced knowledge in a given field (Czarnitzki, Doherr, Hussinger, Schliessler & Toole, 2016; Roach & Sauermann, 2010).
Internal entities such as TTOs or their equivalents can foster academic innovation and entrepreneurship using different strategies for spinning-out companies (Clarysse, Wright, Lockett, Van de Velde & Vohora, 2005). In general, academics who are familiar with technology transfer initiatives are more likely to get involved in entrepreneurial activities as they learn the business norms and skills required to be successful in commercializing research. Generally, TTOs also organize pre-seed capital to be invested in potential spin-offs. In addition, they offer incubation services, which make it possible for academics to set up new businesses while staying on campus (Bercovitz & Feldman, 2008; Civera, Meoli & Vismara, 2020; Clarysse & Bruneel, 2007).
Innovation typologyTypically, an innovation has been defined as the initial introduction of a new product or process whose design departs radically from past practice. Innovation is becoming even more important to organizational growth and a way to improve competitive advantages for nations. The variety of products keeps growing, and the organizational settings as well as the external conditions keep changing. Therefore, not surprisingly, there are various frameworks to categorize innovations based on different aspects such as difussion, impact, usage, type, etc. (Bogers et al., 2017; Coccia, 2006; Shenhar, Dvir & Shulman, 1995). The typology proposed by Dahlke et al. (2021) that distinguishes between the needs of the users of the innovation and the needs of the innovators can be used to categorize RDI efforts at universities.( Dahlke et al., 2021; Max-Neef, Elizalde & Hopenhayn, 1989).
In order to identify the scope of the RDI efforts at universities that occurred as a result of the pandemic and to elucidate the patterns of collaboration and RDI capabilities of CEE universities we posited the following research questions: What is the scope of RDI topics in the overall university communications during the pandemic?; What are specific RDI activities that took place at selected universities during the pandemic?; and how can these pandemic related RDI activities be classified or categorized?
Methodology and dataThis study is based on the analysis of communications posted on the official Facebook pages of 30 universities located in CEE countries. Facebook was chosen because it is a popular social media platform, and higher education institutions are increasingly using it for official communications with the student body (Bachmann, 2020; Fähnrich, Vogelgesang & Scharkow, 2020; Metag & Schäfer, 2019). In addition, the frequency, timeliness and completeness of communication on this platform is higher than on other communication university platforms (Zachos, Paraskevopoulou-Kollia & Anagnostopoulos, 2018). Furthermore, there is evidence that Facebook can be used to disseminate information about technology and innovations as part of a cross- or multimedia- communication strategy (Wirtz-Brückner, Jakobs, Kowalewski, Kluge & Ziefle, 2015).
Based on the analysis of Facebook communications, which were extracted in their original language. Content analysis allows us to make inferences by objectively and systematically identifying specified characteristics of messages. Our process consisted of the following steps: sample selection, definition of terms to be extracted in the languages spoken at the selected universities, category construction, creation of codes, data collection, coding, inter-coder reliability determination, and data analysis (Krippendorff, 2018).
The first research step focused on identifying the overall scope of RDI topics in university communications during the pandemic. Once the RDI items were identified, an in-depth analysis was conducted to get a more accurate qualitative picture of the RDI activities. The second step focused on identifying the type of R&D efforts, and the third step focused on identifying the innovation efforts. The level of involvement of cooperating actors in RDI activities was also assessed. The research design including the research scope are provided in Fig. 1.
Research sampleThe research sample consists of 30 top universities based in eight CEE countries: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. These countries are not only part of a geographic cluster, but they also share a common past history as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire before its dissolution. Furthermore, all countries except Austria continued a shared socioeconomic and political path as satellite countries of the former Soviet Union. In 1991, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia created the Visegrád Group as a cultural and political alliance, which allowed for similar business conditions and socioeconomic development of the group (Bednáriková & Stehlíková, 2012; Mura, Ključnikov, Tvaronavičienė & Androniceanu, 2017). Therefore, Austria serves as a benchmark country in terms of assessing RDI efforts and scope.
Besides the regional and historical consistency of the sample countries, the selection of higher education institutions is based on the Times Higher Education (“THE”) ranking and the knowledge transfer score. The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) and the QS World University Rankings are also well known. The selected sample universities have similar rankings across these surveys (Altbach & Hazelkorn, 2018; Baty, 2013; Lim, 2021). Since the “THE” rankings are solely based on research or research-related indicators we decided to base our selection on their metrics. The knowledge transfer score reflects the level of university innovation activities in terms of their ability to help industry with innovations, inventions and consultancy. The indicator also tries to capture how much research income universities earn from industry by scaling it against the number of employed academics (TimesHigherEducation, 2021). The knowledge transfer score of the sample ranges between 33. 5 to 51.7 for CEE post-communist countries, while for Austria it ranges from 57.8 to 86.9. The sample is comprised of thirteen technical universities, twelve universities with a general focus (which include engineering, technical sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, business and economics), and five medical schools. Clearly, Austrian universities are ranked higher and have higher knowledge transfer scores than the rest of the universities in the sample. Table 1 provides a list of the selected universities, the number of pandemic oriented communications, the “THE” overall ranking, and the knowledge transfer score.
Sample universities showing the number of posts and “THE” metrics.
Country | N | “THE” World Ranking | |
University/Acronym | Overall Rank | Knowledge transfer score | |
Austria | 2073 | ||
Medical University of Innsbruck1 / MUIn | 289 | 201–250 | 86.9 |
Graz University of Technology2 / GrUT | 404 | 501–600 | 68.8 |
Technical University Wien3 / TUWi | 728 | 401–500 | 65.6 |
Medical University of Graz4 / MUGr | 181 | 201–250 | 62.6 |
Medical University of Vienna5 / MUWi | 471 | 201–250 | 57.8 |
Czech Republic | 2953 | ||
Czech Technical University6 / CTU | 1330 | 1001+ | 51.7 |
Czech University of Life Sciences7 / CULS | 360 | 1001+ | 51.6 |
VŠB – Technical University Ostrava8 / VSB-TUO | 403 | 1001+ | 43.1 |
Brno University of Technology9 / BUTe | 635 | 1001+ | 41.4 |
Technical University in Liberec10 / TUL | 286 | 1001+ | 41.2 |
Hungary | 3789 | ||
Budapest University of Technology and Economics11 / BUTE | 476 | 1001+ | 43.0 |
University of Debrecen12 / UDeb | 965 | 1001+ | 37.7 |
University of Szeged13 / USze | 732 | 801–1000 | 36.3 |
University of Pécs14 / UPéc | 971 | 601–800 | 35.2 |
Semmelweis University15 / SMW | 645 | 401–500 | 35.1 |
Poland | 2951 | ||
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology16 / WUST | 940 | 1001+ | 43.0 |
AGH University of Science and Technology17 / AGH | 472 | 1001+ | 41.4 |
Medical University of Warsaw18 / MeUW | 696 | 801–1000 | 39.0 |
Gdańsk University of Technology19 / GdUT | 352 | 1001+ | 38.6 |
Warsaw University of Technology20 / WaUT | 491 | 1001+ | 38.4 |
Slovakia | 2259 | ||
Technical University of Košice21 / TUKE | 505 | 1001+ | 44.5 |
University of Žilina22 / UŽil | 259 | 1001+ | 42.9 |
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava23 / SUTe | 393 | 1001+ | 36.6 |
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra24 / SUA | 358 | 1001+ | 35.4 |
Comenius University in Bratislava25 / CoU | 744 | 1001+ | 33.5 |
Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia | 2593 | ||
University of Maribor (Slovenia) 26 / UMa | 582 | 1001+ | 40.7 |
University of Zagreb (Croatia)27 / UZa | 805 | 1001+ | 40.3 |
University of Belgrade (Serbia)28 / UBe | 389 | 601–800 | 39.3 |
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)29 / ULju | 764 | 801–1000 | 38.8 |
University of Novi Sad (Serbia)30 / UNS | 53 | 1001+ | 35.6 |
Total | 16,627 |
University names in original language:.
All the posts published from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 on the official Facebook pages of the selected universities were collected in their original language. Initially, 16,693 posts were obtained, however, after eliminating the non-communicative posts (e.g. changes of status, university logos or timelines) 16,627 posts remained. From this pool, 1892 posts included the keywords “COVID”, “korona”, “corona”, “vírus”, “virus”, and “wirus”. The number of posts comprising the relevant keywords are shown in Table 2.
Keywords used in the search for the relevant Facebook posts.
The 1892 posts that included the keywords were analyzed to identify RDI and non-RDI efforts related to COVID-19 at each university. These RDI efforts were categorized and specific efforts that included business cooperation were further studied as examples of cases of RDI-business collaborative efforts.
Interrater reliabilityThe assessment of inter-rater reliability (IRR), also called inter-rater agreement provides a way of quantifying the degree of agreement between two or more coders who make independent ratings about the features of a set of subjects. IRR analysis aims to determine how much of the variance in the observed scores is due to variance in the true scores after the variance due to measurement error between coders has been removed (Hallgren, 2012). Several coding-related considerations were decided a priori. Then, a subset of 200 randomly selected posts was used for the IRR analysis (e.g. fully crossed design). Then the IRR for the subset of subjects was used to generalize to the full sample (Hayes & Krippendorff, 2007; Krippendorff, 2018; Putka, Le, McCloy & Diaz, 2008). The overall IRR was 82%, which indicates strong reliability. The scores related to individual categories are displayed in Table 3.
Topic modeling is one of the most powerful techniques for text and data mining, latent data discovery, and for finding relationships among data and text documents. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is one of the most popular topic modeling methods (Jelodar et al., 2019). For robustness purposes we used LDA to see any relevant information from the analysis. The topics identified by LDA matched the topics found through coding.
ResultsPandemic-oriented communications of non-RDI efforts focused primarily on protocols and guidelines for students and staff, especially during the transition to distance learning during the lockdowns. Also, a lot of communications were about socially responsible activities, expert opinions or volunteer opportunities for students and academics. Moreover, a significant portion of the communications in all countries, except Austria described low-cost or do-it-yourself (DIY) production of protective devices and aids. In the first few months of the pandemic, when these aids and resources were insufficient for the public, most universities were involved in the production of masks, protective shields, and disinfectants for health professionals and front-line workers in hospitals. These universities provided knowledge, technology and human resources for the implementation of RDI activities directly related to COVID-19 treatment, prevention or protection.
The scope of RDI topicsOne fourth (21%) of the pandemic oriented posts were about RDI activities. As can be seen in Table 4, the share of RDI communications varied significantly among universities and countries. Austria had the highest share (7.2%) of RDI communication followed by the Czech Republic (4.2%). For the rest of the countries the percentage share of RDI communications varied from 1.9% for Poland to 1.2% for Slovakia. In terms of RDI communications at the university level, the Medical University of Innsbruck and the Czech Technical University in Prague had much higher levels than the rest.
The scope of universities’ pandemic and RDI oriented communication.
Country | Pandemic oriented communication | RDI oriented communication | ||
University | Abs. | %1 | Abs. | %1 |
Austria | 417 | 20.1 | 84 | 7.2 |
Medical University of Innsbruck / MUIn | 81 | 28.0 | 27 | 9.3 |
Graz University of Technology / GrUT | 58 | 14.4 | 5 | 1.2 |
Technical University Wien / TUWi | 105 | 14.4 | 24 | 3.3 |
Medical University of Graz / MUGr | 38 | 21.0 | 11 | 6.1 |
Medical University of Vienna / MUWi | 135 | 28.7 | 17 | 3.6 |
Czech Republic | 258 | 8.7 | 125 | 4.2 |
Czech Technical University/ CTU | 137 | 20.8 | 93 | 7.0 |
Czech University of Life Sciences/ CULS | 28 | 13.0 | 7 | 1.9 |
VŠB–Technical University Ostrava/ VSB-TUO | 36 | 15.1 | 9 | 2.2 |
Brno University of Technology/ BUTe | 46 | 7.3 | 10 | 1.6 |
Technical University in Liberec/ TUL | 11 | 5.5 | 5 | 1.7 |
Hungary | 421 | 11.1 | 58 | 1.5 |
Budapest Un. of Techn. and Economics/ BUTE | 29 | 11.2 | 6 | 1.3 |
University of Debrecen/ UDeb | 48 | 7.7 | 9 | 0.9 |
University of Szeged/ USze | 103 | 20,4 | 14 | 1.9 |
University of Pécs/ UPéc | 133 | 16.2 | 12 | 1.2 |
Semmelweis University/ SMW | 108 | 21.9 | 17 | 2.6 |
Poland | 263 | 8.9 | 56 | 1.9 |
Wroclaw U. of Science and Technology/ WUST | 53 | 9.8 | 33 | 3.5 |
AGH U. of Science and Technology/ AGH | 22 | 5.7 | 4 | 0.8 |
Medical University of Warsaw/ MeUW | 140 | 24.5 | 16 | 2.3 |
Gdańsk University of Technology/ GdUT | 17 | 7.8 | 2 | 0.6 |
Warsaw University of Technology/ WaUT | 31 | 6,5 | 1 | 0.2 |
Slovakia | 199 | 8.8 | 28 | 1.2 |
Technical University of Košice/ TUKE | 40 | 9.5 | 6 | 1.2 |
University of Žilina/ UŽil | 14 | 7.4 | 5 | 1.9 |
Slovak U. of Technology in Bratislava/ SUTe | 45 | 16.2 | 8 | 2.0 |
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra/ SUA | 22 | 10.0 | 1 | 0.3 |
Comenius University in Bratislava/ CoU | 78 | 16,4 | 9 | 1.2 |
Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia | 334 | 12.9 | 49 | 1.9 |
University of Maribor (Slovenia)/ UMa | 51 | 8.8 | 10 | 1.7 |
University of Zagreb (Croatia)/ UZa | 96 | 11.9 | 13 | 1.6 |
University of Belgrade (Serbia)/ UBe | 32 | 8.2 | 12 | 3.1 |
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)/ ULju | 155 | 20.1 | 14 | 1.8 |
University of Novi Sad (Serbia)/ UNS | 0 | 0.0 | 0 | – |
Totals | 1892 | 10.1 | 400 | 2.2 |
As expected, medical research efforts were focused on the development of treatments and epidemiology. Logically, medical universities such as the Medical University of Vienna, Semmelweis University, and universities with a medical school (CoUn, USze, UPéc, MeUW) were more active in this respect. This type of research tends to have longer lead-times because potential new treatments or medications need to go through the clinical trial process which can take a long time. The time-frame of this study was relatively short; therefore, it did not always capture the end products of these research efforts.
In most countries, the research efforts were usually carried out independently within the university, although Austrian universities exhibited higher levels of inter-institutional and industry collaboration than the rest. Only the Polish WUST reported that an anti-virus drug development research was conducted in collaboration with U.S. research groups. Data from this study was published without a patent application for easier availability. This is evidence of the solidarity that emerged among researchers during the pandemic. Besides medical oriented research, these institutions also conducted research in sociology, economics and environmental fields. All identified research and development topics are summarized in Table 5.
Research topics and projects identified in university communication.
Table 6 provides a list with a brief description of the innovations identified. Most of the innovations were focused on designing medical equipment and protective gear for healthcare professionals. Prototypes were often shared with open access platforms, e.g. freely accessible files for 3D printing.
Innovations identified in university communications.
At the beginning of the pandemic, in all countries except Austria, technological innovations focused on patenting and certifying protective medical devices, due to shortages of such devices in those countries. As the pandemic progressed, efforts in all the countries shifted to develop testing capabilities and on preventive processes in hospitals such as measuring the body temperature of newcomers and decontamination of the environment. Later the focus shifted to information systems to monitor various activities of citizens, such as data capture for contact tracing, infection risk assessment and compliance with state-imposed measures. For these innovations, universities often worked with regional and state administration entities (e.g. Hygiene Station in the Czech Republic), or already established cooperation with businesses such as the collaboration between VSB-TUO and T-Mobile in the Czech Republic.
Regarding instruction and knowledge dissemination, communications included a wide range of measures to combat the pandemic such as how to behave in public transportation systems, emergency sterilization of respirators or e-learning courses for doctors and specialists. Many virtual conferences, seminars and lectures were also organized. Several innovation hackathons took place at the different institutions.
Finally, many universities hosted events where they provided free services or supplies, donation drives and crowdsourcing events. Several competitions and campaigns were also set up to combat the pandemic. For example, as part of a student online hackathon “Hack the Crisis”, the Smart Triage web application was created. In a similar event, WUST students created a “StopFakeNews” campaign against misinformation about COVID-19, and MeUW joined the international organization “Fight the Fakes” to raise awareness of drugs, as information emerged about counterfeit COVID-19 therapies, vaccines and drugs. Universities also participated in anti-COVID-19 programs at national (Slovak National Technology Transfer Competition) or European levels (EUvsVirus hackathon).
DiscussionOur results indicated that one fourth of the pandemic oriented communications were about RDI activities. The findings that answer our research questions are discussed below.
Clusters in RDIBased on the data analysis, we modified the innovation typology proposed by Dahlke et al. (2021) in order to incorporate research and development efforts as well. For the R&D efforts we identified three clusters as shown in Fig. 2. In the medicine cluster, the sub-themes were pharmaceutical research, treatments for COVID-19 and epidemiological studies. The two other clusters are comprised by studies in the socioeconomic and environmental fields.
Regarding innovation efforts, we identified four overarching clusters and nine distinct domains of innovations that cover a wide range of innovations from medical equipment to apps for vaccination registration, as shown in Fig. 2. Cluster one is Adaptations and encompasses the two domains of Medical Equipment and Protectives. Cluster two is Digital Innovations and comprises the domains of Mobile and Web applications, Diagnostics and Monitoring, and High Technology. Cluster three is Online Platforms and branches off into the domains of Virtual Learning and Information sharing. Cluster four is Solidarity with the domains Open Innovation and Pro-bono/Donations.
Collaborative effortsThis study has also shown that cooperation between universities and with external entities such as government institutes and private companies is crucial for RDI. The level of commercialization of the innovated products is also highly dependent on such cooperation. While the identified research was mainly the effort of individual universities, cooperation with other universities was not the norm in most countries except Austria. However, research or innovations with potential commercialization increased with the number of partners involved. Research needs were usually formulated by hospitals or medical staff, then solutions to the problems were mostly formulated by the individual universities or research centers. The commercialization of a product usually occurred with the participation of a university spin-off or a cooperating external company. Examples of successful cooperation include several research projects in Austria, the connection of Slovak firms into the consortium “IT firms help to Slovakia” under the auspices of the TUKE or the connection of technologies, industry and Nano technologies in the international platform Synergy Interreg Central Europe (for researchers, Ph.D. students, students and companies) coordinated by TUL. In addition, there were more specific collaborations such as the agreement between WUST and the Japanese company Peptide for the distribution of chemical compounds. Another case of cooperation was the association of five Polish universities in the fight against COVID-19. Several examples of cooperation between universities and businesses that produced innovations are described in more detail in Table 7.
Cases of innovations that resulted from collaborative efforts with businesses.
It is worth mentioning that new research organizational units were established at several universities in Hungary, Poland and Croatia. A new virology laboratory was founded at the UPéc; and the WUST in cooperation with the Croatian University of Kragujevac established a laboratory for research into the reduction of virus penetration into the human body. MeUW has initiated the establishment of an anti-COVID-19 laboratory using molecular methods to examine medical specimens. The Center for Infectious Animal Diseases was established at the CULS with the aim of monitoring the risks associated with the spread of selected infectious diseases in animal populations.
The selected universities located in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia clearly lag behind Austrian universities in terms of the level of inter-institutional and business cooperation as reflected by their knowledge transfer scores. On the other hand, universities from CEE post-communist countries had a higher tendency to communicate appeals to the public about participating in donation drives (e.g. plasma, blood) as well as the development of more tools for national screening and monitoring of the pandemic. Nevertheless, the pandemic seems to have spurred a wave of new collaborations in these countries, that hopefully will be sustained beyond the pandemic. The increased inter-institutional and business collaboration is a positive trend that should be encouraged to continue.
Finally, in all countries, the pace of RDI efforts was much higher in the first three months of the pandemic (March, April and May of 2020) despite the increases in the number of COVID-19 infections and deaths. No RDI efforts were communicated during the summer time when most universities are off.
Innovation leadershipAlthough it is not possible to draw precise conclusions about the innovation potential based solely on the analysis of the universities’ social media communication, certain differences between countries and universities are relatively obvious. The highest level of research development collaboration was observed in medical schools and universities with medical schools. Austrian medical schools exhibited the highest levels of inter-institutional research collaboration. The highest potential in terms of the quantity of emerging innovations and in terms of the degree of their completion was observed in technical universities, with Czech and Polish universities leading in this aspect. Lower innovation potentials were observed at Austrian, Croatian, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovenian universities. At the same time, there are also visible differences among the universities. Technical universities had higher outputs and primarily became the innovative leaders in technological innovation. Similarly, medical schools and universities with well-established medical schools and science schools also scaled up their research and development projects.
The leader among the sample universities in terms of the highest number of research collaborations were the Austrian medical schools (MUWi, MUGr and MUIn). In terms of finalized, patented, certified and commercialized innovations, the leader was the CTU in Prague.
ConclusionsThis study identified the scope of RDI activities of selected CEE universities during the pandemic. The results indicate that universities have significant potential for initiating and coordinating RDI efforts. Austrian universities with already established inter-institutional networks were able to quickly refresh such connections to shift resources to pandemic related projects while maintaining existing research projects. The rest of the universities in the study had fewer established collaboration and partnerships, but they were able to relatively quickly establish new inter-institutional and business networks. These were mostly geared towards innovations of protectives, medical equipment and diagnostics. In other words, professional research background, human, knowledge and technical resources can be mobilized quickly and thus play a key role in combating the pandemic. Our findings are supported by previous research (Ebersberger & Kuckertz, 2021).
In sum, the selected Austrian universities had the highest number of RDI communications focused on joint cooperation and inter-institutional collaboration at a national level, use of spin-offs, and private research funding. The RDI communications in the Czech Republic emphasized the fast development of protective equipment (ventilators, masks) offered to the public through patents with open access and cooperation with businesses. Polish and Hungarian institutions mostly communicated published pro bono (without patenting) research therapy results. In addition, information about national screening studies, and campaings to donate various items ranging for plasma to material things was also communicated. Finally, overall RDI communications of Croatian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovenian institutions were lower than the rest, but were also focused on research projects and innovations.
The results of the study also demonstrate that innovations in most countries, except Austria, originated in very diverse forms and often informal ways. In addition, many of these innovations were low-cost or DIY productions of protective devices and aids. In the first months of the pandemic, when these aids and resources were insufficient for the public, most universities were involved in their production.
Medical schools were very proactive and frequently collaborated with hospitals to quickly identify their needs and provide rapid and scalable solutions. At universities, mostly faculty participated in innovation endeavors, but students also actively participated in the RDI processes. Existing partnerships with businesses were quickly re-activated and new partnerships formed relatively fast. Many innovations were also based on improvements or adaptations of existing products (e.g. the Beewair devices based on the original business model and the Wowee web application which repurposed as a fundraising application).
An important aspect of many of these pandemic related innovations is that they were made accessible and free of charge to anyone in need. In other words, most universities emphasized in their communications that one of their main motives was to help regardless of the profit potential. It is clear from the results outlined above that the framework for knowledge transfer to support open innovation in healthcare ecosystems is broad and capable of quickly adapting in the event of a pandemic. The extended network of voluntary agents and other actors such as individuals and government institutions is easily activated during a crisis. It is important to note that a significant number of donors contributing to RDI activities emerged during the pandemic in the examined countries.
Therefore, this study contributes to the existing literature in several ways. The scope and type of RDI efforts at universities in eight CEE countries was identified. Our findings elucidated the RDI potential in the region as well as significant differences between the countries and universities studied. Austrian universities exhibited higher levels of inter-institutional research and business collaborations than the rest of the CEE post-communist universities. On the other hand, RDI in these countries was geared to solve more immediate pandemic related needs.
Finally, this study also has some limitations associated with the methodology and the scope of the study. The limitations are mainly related to the use of the official Facebook posts of universities. These posts usually communicate and present successful stories of academics and students. Unsuccessful RDI activities or cooperation are generally not disclosed. At the same time, not all RDI efforts are necessarily published on Facebook. Another limitation is associated with the type of posts. Facebook posts tend to be short and may oversimplify some RDI activities, or may not describe them at all.
Future research could focus in more detail on specific aspects of RDI identified in the present study. For example, even though RDI collaborations and cooperation were examined in some detail, the specific types of collaborative agreements and the process of how universities reach out to external agents can be further elucidated. Another possible area to explore are the causes of inter-country and inter-university differences or the effect of supporting competitions and campaigns of RDI efforts. Furthermore, more insights would be gained by geographically extending the research to more countries and universities.
The paper was written with the support of the Specific project 2106/2022 grant "DETERMINANTS OF COGNITIVE PROCESSES IMPACTING THE WORK PERFORMANCE" granted by the University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. The authors would like to thank the technical support of students Michal Macinka and Patrik Štípek during the collection of the data from university official Facebook pages. Finally, thanks to the Fulbright Scholar Award, this international collaboration was possible.