Editado por: Marcin W. Staniewski
Más datosSustainable development is a global requirement, due to extensive economic and environmental issues, which requires research emphasis. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices of sharing economy platforms on sustainable development goals (SDGs). This study addresses SSCM in terms of three pillars, the environmental pillar, economic pillar, and social pillar. The target respondents of the study are customers having relevant knowledge and sharing economy experience from China. Six hundred and fifty respondents are selected via Amazon Mechanical Turk, and questionnaires are distributed electronically. Only Chinese customers are selected for the survey. Two hundred and sixty questionnaires are used in the data analysis, which is done using the statistical tool AMOS. The results report a significant relationship between SSCM practices of sharing economy platforms and SDGs. According to the results, the three pillars of SSCM, are of key importance for SDGs. These pillars have a positive effect on promoting customer intention, which further promotes SDGs. The findings of the study are helpful for various organizations hoping to achieve SDGs in China through SSCM practices of sharing economy platforms.
The term ‘sharing economy’ implies ‘sharing’, through alternative ownership and use of products and services (Clemens et al., 2022). The concept of a sharing economy was first presented by Lawrence Lessig in 2008 (Colin & Brangier, 2022). It is distinct from the traditional idea of sharing, as the sharing economy is enabled by digital communication, though which people trade with others, at any time, around the world (Dabbous & Tarhini, 2021). The notion of a sharing economy is of vital importance to nations as it has several benefits (Geissinger et al., 2019). A number of academicians and practitioners investigate the concept and highlight its critical role in the economy, as well as from the perspective of the customer (Borges et al., 2020; Nikpay, 2020; Petera & Šoljaková, 2020).
The sharing economy has been introduced in several sectors, and has major benefits for asset owners and customers. The rapid growth of the sharing economy has been noted in the traditional economic system (Moreno-Izquierdo et al., 2019; Mouratidis et al., 2021), however, it also affects consumption patterns of consumers and has a major effect on product manufacturing companies. Implementing the idea of a sharing economy in the traditional economic system moves it toward the consumption patterns of people. Because digital communication interventions have the potential to change consumption patterns, alternative ownership and use of services and products influences customers and affects customer intention (Florini & Pauli, 2018). The changing consumption patterns of people lead to community development globally, as the idea of a sharing economy has a wide influence on the development of communities (Govindan et al., 2020) through alternative ownership, services, and products. The idea of a sharing economy is emerging in China. As shown in Fig. 1, the sharing economy in China is at the top. Alternative ownership and use of products and services, along with the digital communication technologies prevailing in China, have a major influence on community development (Giusti et al., 2020; Ralević et al., 2020).
In 2020, 830 million Chinese consumers were involved in the sharing economy, comprising 84 million service providers. Les Echos (a French financial newspaper) reveals that the total business value is 43.23 billion euros, meaning the sharing economy trend in China is increasing significantly (Alawi, 2021; Alsahlawi, 2021; Alshuaybat, 2021; Alsoud et al., 2021; Guo et al., 2021; Martanto, 2021) which makes an important contribution to the business market. It has significant economic benefits for communities at the national level. The concept of the supply chain is majorly involved in the sharing economy, and has major importance in promoting the idea amongst people. Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) in China is well connected with the sharing economy (Sánchez-Flores et al., 2020). The important relationship between supply chains and the sharing economy is highlighted in the literature (Hu et al., 2019), which is the foundation of the current study. However, customer intention toward the sharing economy is a challenge. The positive intention of customers for a sharing economy in relation to supply chains is the most significant part of supply chain sustainable development goals (SDGs) in China. Customer intention is a major element in the process of promoting SDGs in supply chains (Sánchez-Flores et al., 2020). The positive intention of customer is always required for the development of the connection between a sharing economy and supply chain sustainability, as shown by the literature investigating the relationship between SDGs and the sharing economy (Shereni, 2019). Thus, this study proposes a connection between SSCM, customer intention, and sustainable development in the supply chain (Al-Maadeed et al., 2022; Churchill et al., 2021; Krizanic et al., 2021; Lin & Wu 2021; Streimikiene & Akberdina 2021).
Study objectivesThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the SSCM practices of sharing economy platforms on sustainable development in supply chains. By considering SSCM, this study addresses three important pillars of SSCM in China. The first is based on three elements, eco-design, internal green management, and green supplier management, which have a significant effect on the environment. Therefore, they are treated as the environmental pillar of the supply chain. Investment recovery is considered to be the economic pillar of SSCM. Finally, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is considered to be the social pillar of SSCM. These three pillars have central importance in sustainable development in the supply chain through customer intention (Chen et al., 2021; Kusa et al., 2021; Sierpinska-Sawicz & Sierpinska, 2021).
Study contributionsThis study goes beyond the repetition of past literature with novel contributions. Firstly, the existing relationship of SSCM practices on sharing economy platforms, including the environmental, economic, and social pillars, and SDGs has not been clearly discussed. The current study makes this distinction, analysing the relationships between SSCM practices on sharing economy platforms and SDGs in terms of the environmental pillar, economic pillar, and social pillar, with clarity and depth. Secondly, in previous literature, the mediating role of customer intention between SSCM practices on sharing economy platforms and SDGs is not discussed in terms of the environmental, economic, and social pillars. The present study adds to the literature by analysing the mediating role of customer intention between SSCM practices on sharing economy platforms and SDGs in terms of these pillars. Thirdly, there is a need to improve environmental sustainability, social welfare, and financial development to achieve SDGs, but little attention has been paid to this need in China. The present research meets this need because it examines SSCM practices on sharing economy platforms, including the environmental pillar, economic pillar, and social pillar, in relation to SDG achievement.
Study significanceThe current study is significant for countries where the economy is causing environmental concerns, creating a threat to people's prosperity, or not growing sustainably. By adopting the 17 SDGs defined by UN General Assembly, environmental, social, and economic issues can be addressed and overcome in any country. The present study clarifies how the SDGs can be achieved by implementing SSCM on sharing economy platforms. The study is significant because the execution of SSCM on sharing economy platforms reduces the environmental impact of economic activity, protects the interests of stakeholders, and improves financial development. Hence, the adoption of SSCM on sharing economy platforms is helpful for a country to achieve its sustainable development goals.
Study structureThe study is organized into six sections. The second section is the literature review, in which previous studies are discussed in order to develop the hypotheses. The third section comprises the methodology, which explains the study design, population, sampling, and data collection. The fourth section is the data analysis and findings. The fifth section comprises a discussion of the results. Section six is the conclusion, and includes the limitations and future directions (Chen et al., 2022; Hussain et al., 2022; Jamil et al., 2022).
Literature review and hypothesis developmentSustainable development goals (SDGs)It is not satisfactory for a country just to accelerate its economic growth to maintain economic development. A country can only achieve sustainable economic development with sufficient resources, a healthy and comfortable working environment, contented citizens, a peaceful atmosphere, cooperation, and proper allocation of resources. These are some common sustainable development concepts that are universally applicable. The 17 SDGs were presented by the UN General Assembly to be achieved by 2030, and are based on universal sustainable development concepts (Betti et al., 2018). The 17 SDGs are divided into three categories: environmental sustainability; social welfare and peace; and economic progress. The strength of these foundations is intended to assure the achievement of SDGs. The execution of SSCM practices is helpful to achieving the SDGs, as it contributes to social prosperity, environmental sustainability, and financial development (Sætra, 2021).
The present study examines the relationship between SSCM practices on sharing economy platforms, including the environmental pillar, economic pillar, and social pillar, customer intention, and SDG achievement. The relationships between SSCM practices, the sharing economy, customer intention, and SDGs have been explored to some extent in the existing literature. The current study examines the past literature and establishes hypotheses regarding the relationships amongst SSCM practices on sharing economy platforms, including its three pillars, customer intention, and SDG achievement.
Environmental pillar of SSCMThe environmental pillar of the supply chain is of key importance for customers. This study highlights the environmental pillar through three elements, eco-design, internal green management, and green supplier management. These elements are considered part of a green supply chain (Andrade et al., 2020; Zaid et al., 2018). Eco-design is an advanced element of various supply chain activities, which has the potential to provide environmental benefits. Generally, eco-design is the design of products and services in an environmentally friendly way (Hu et al., 2019). It includes reducing the use of resources, recycling, and reducing the use of hazardous materials. These elements of eco-design have a positive role in promoting customer intention. According to Altaf et al. (2020), eco-design has an influential role for customers (Alshahrani, 2021; Alzahrani & Alfares, 2021; Andjarwati et al., 2021; Gasparov, 2021).
Internal green management is a major element of the supply chain, linked to the adoption of various practices by individuals to promote environmental performance. It reflects the commitment of the individuals involved in the supply chain to reduce the effect on the environment. The individual efforts of each person in any organization, as well as the general public, lead to a positive effect on intention, thereby reducing the pollution in the environment due to routine business activities (Rehman Khan & Yu, 2021). Ilyas et al. (2021) examine the impacts of SSCM and SDGs, using cross-sectional data acquired from 313 SMEs operating in Pakistan. Structural equation modelling is applied to test the model empirically, and the study implies that, when SSCM is executed, firms in the supply chain take care of product features, by including ecologically friendly features in the product design and usage, and thus removing the negative environmental impacts throughout the product life cycle. Green supplier management is another important element of SSCM that can influence customer intention (Ali et al., 2021). It is grounded in the practices of stopping pollution and increasing environmental performance through outward collaboration with suppliers. It has the objective of reducing activities harmful to the environment through effective collaboration. Companies have a way to reduce pollution through positive customer intention towards the environment. The environmental pillar has a significant effect on the achievement of SDGs through environmental performance, and responsibility towards employees, customers, and suppliers. The economic issues of individuals can be managed through the positive intention of customers towards a sharing economy (Laukkanen & Tura, 2020) SSCM practices such as eco-design, internal green management, and supplier green management, can overcome the environmental concerns of society. Many SDGs are based on environmental factors, such as clean water and sanitation, better food, good health and well-being, affordable and clean energy, climate action, and life below water and on land (Jabbour et al., 2020). Based on the literature, we put forward the hypotheses:
H1: The environmental pillar has a relationship with customer intention.
H2: The environmental pillar has a relationship with SDGs.
Economic pillar of SSCMThe economic pillar of SSCM is another important element which may influence customer intention and SDGs. In this study, the economic pillar is considered to be investment recovery. The purpose of the economic pillar is to recouple the value of surplus assets with the primarily capital invested, which decreases the cost of services and products (Alqasa & Afaneh, 2022; Hu et al., 2019). In sharing economy platforms, the role of investment recovery is significant because it has a direct effect on financial performance. It has a major relationship with customer intention in the sharing economy (Cai & Choi, 2020). Businesses with better financial health are expected to provide better services, leading to strong customer satisfaction (Hu et al., 2019). Furthermore, better financial outcomes for companies increase their focus on SDGs. The economic pillar has an influence on SDGs because better financial health allows companies to invest in SDGs. As reported by Nedopil Wang et al. (2022), SDG achievement requires sufficient finance. Hence, the economic pillar has a vital relationship with customer intention and SDGs. The literature leads us to the following hypotheses:
H3: The economic pillar has a relationship with customer intention.
H4: The economic pillar has a relationship with SDGs.
Social pillar of SSCMThe social pillar of SSCM in a sharing economy is grounded in CSR, which is a management idea whereby corporations address social and environmental concerns in their business operations along with their stakeholders. The literature highlights a major relationship between supply chains and CSR. The CSR activities carried out by customers have an influential role in the development of customer intention. These activities promote positive behaviour by customers (Sajjad et al., 2020). As reported by Guping et al. (2021), CSR communication has a positive influence on customer purchase intention. Furthermore, CSR activities promote the achievement of SDGs, as CSR activities involve environmental protection (Pohlmann et al., 2020). CSR activities also involve the welfare of the people, which is one of the SDGs. Previous studies on CSR and SDGs reveal a positive relationship (Sinha et al., 2021). Thus, the social pillar has an important relationship with customer intention and SDGs. Based on this discussion, the following hypotheses are proposed:
H5: The social pillar has a relationship with customer intention.
H6: The social pillar has a relationship with SDGs.
H7: Customer intention has a relationship with SDGs.
Centobelli et al. (2020) examine the interrelationships amongst the environmental aspects of SSCM, customer intention, and SDGs. The empirical data is acquired from European logistics service providers. The study implies that, if SSCM practices such as eco-design, internal green management, and supplier green management, are undertaken efficiently, firms succeed in producing ecologically friendly products and services. Having higher satisfaction, these firms have the intention to keep purchasing from suppliers. Customer intention to deal only with firms maintaining environmental performance, results in the achievement of environmental and economic SDGs. Jouzdani & Govindan (2021) examine the interrelationships amongst the social, environmental, and economic aspects of SSCM, customer intention, and SDGs. The three facets of sustainability, sometimes referred to as the triple bottom lines (TBL) of sustainability, are examined via the lens of a dairy supply chain case study. The study posits that SSCM arouses a sense of social responsibility in the firms connected in the chain. These firms follow external supply chain regulations or voluntarily execute internal governance in order to meet stakeholder requirements and secure their interests. This satisfies customers and encourages them to higher purchase intentions. If customers show an intention to make transactions with socially responsible firms, SDGs related to social welfare, such as zero hunger, affordable and clean energy, decent work, innovation, infrastructure, responsible consumption and production, higher education, social well-being, peace, and justice, can be achieved. Kumar et al. (2019) investigate the economic aspects of SSCM on a sharing economy platform and their impacts on SDG achievement. The authors arrange a survey of the Indian economy and collect data from pharmaceutical firms associated with SSCM. The study shows that, in the context of a sharing economy, the execution of SSCM practices gives many economic benefits, and these benefits enable firms to attain SDGs. On the basis of the literature, the following hypotheses are constructed:
H8: Customer intention mediates the relationship between the environmental pillar and SDGs.
H9: Customer intention mediates the relationship between the economic pillar and SDGs.
H10: Customer intention mediates the relationship between the social pillar and SDGs.
MethodIn this study, the relationships between the environmental pillar of SSCM, the economic pillar of SSCM, and the social pillar of SSCM are considered in relation to customer intention and SDGs. SSCM practices are considered in relation to the sharing economy. This relationship is considered in the research design, on the basic of previous studies researcher developed the conceptual framework of the study in Fig. 2. For the selection of an appropriate research design and method, the study considers previous studies in the field of supply chains, sharing economies, and SDGs. The review of previous studies highlights the large number conducted using quantitative research methods, of which most follow a cross-sectional research design. The relationship in this study is consistent with a quantitative research method. Following previous studies, such as Mohajan (2020) and Lahane et al. (2020), this study selects a quantitative research method. However, the study uses primary data rather than secondary data, because the study analyses the behaviour of customers who have knowledge of SSCM and sharing economy experience from China. Thus, while using a quantitative research method, this study uses first-hand data to examine the relationships between the variables.
The selection of target respondents is very important in any research, because the results are based on the responses of the respondents. Inappropriate respondent selection can decrease the originality of the results. This study is based on SSCM practices in a sharing economy in relation to general people. Therefore, the target respondents are customers with related knowledge and shared economy experience from China. Only respondents with knowledge related to the sharing economy are selected. 650 respondents involved in sharing economy practices related to supply chains are chosen via Amazon Mechanical Turk, and questionnaires are distributed electronically. This online survey of Chinese customers returned 260 questionnaires which are used in the data analysis. Simple random sampling of the respondents is used. After the data collection, the study employs initial data screening to remove errors (Ahmad Mahmoud et al., 2018; Wesarat et al., 2018). Initial data screening before the data analysis is important to fix errors in the data, so the study removes various types of error (Babagana et al., 2019).
The questionnaire is based on five main constructs: the environmental pillar of SSCM, the economic pillar of SSCM, the social pillar of SSCM, customer intention, and SDGs. The environmental pillar of SSCM is measured using eco-design, internal green management, and green supplier management. The economic pillar of SSCM is measured using investment recovery. The social pillar of SSCM is measured using CSR. The questions related to the environmental, economic, and social pillars of SSCM are adopted from Hu et al. (2019). Customer intention is measured by asking various questions related to the willingness to use sharing platforms or services in the future. The questionnaire scale items for customer intention are adopted from Hu et al. (2019). The dependant variable, SDGs, is measured using a questionnaire from Gericke et al. (2019). The scale items of all the variables are presented in Table 1. The complete questionnaire is presented in the appendix (Table 1). After its development, the scale was shared with various experts to check the face validity. Five experts were selected from various academic institutions. Only experts in scale validation related to the social sciences were selected. All the suggestions of the experts were incorporated into the scale. The content validity of the scale was also considered. For this, various academicians were selected, and changes proposed by the experts were incorporated.
Results of confirmatory factor analysis.
Construct | Item | Alpha | Standardized Factor Loading |
Environmental Pillar |
| 0.815 | 0.8020.7990.7120.8980.8880.7560.8710.7020.796 |
Economic Pillar |
| 0.841 | 0.8540.7160.7960.888 |
Social Pillar |
| 0.798 | 0.7120.7510.7630.701 |
Customer Intention |
| 0.881 | 0.9020.8320.7810.899 |
Sustainable Development Goals |
| 0.742 | 0.7010.8200.7810.725 |
The questionnaire is divided into six sections (A-F). Section A is based on the scale items related to the demographic profile of the respondents: age, gender, marital status, education, income, and occupation. Section B collects data related to the SDGs. Section C collects data related to the environmental pillar of SSCM. Section D collects data related to the economic pillar of SSCM. Section E collects data related to the social pillar of SSCM. Section F collects data related to customer intention. The complete questionnaire is attached in the appendix.
This study employs AMOS as a statistical tool to analyse the data. AMOS is one of the most popular data analysis tools in social sciences studies (Mustafa et al., 2020). AMOS works on the assumptions of structural equation modelling (SEM) (Purwanto et al., 2020). Several previous studies of the supply chain, sharing economy, and SDGs employ SEM through AMOS.
Data analysisThe demographic results show that most of the respondents were male, and those involved in the supply chain and sharing economy were 25 to 35 years old. The majority of the respondents held bachelor's or master's degrees. A higher percentage of respondents were self-employed and married.
SEM starts with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), which is recommended by several previous studies, to refine the scale items (Ilyas et al., 2020; Nayal et al., 2022). The CFA results are given in Fig. 3. Factor loadings are considered in this study, and 0.5 is chosen as the minimum level to retain a scale item, as proposed by a number of previous studies (Jordan & Spiess, 2019; Xu, 2022). Initially, 10 scale items were selected to measure the environmental pillar. One item was deleted following the CFA, while all other remaining items were retained due to having a factor loading higher than 0.5. Five items were selected to measure customer intention, and one was deleted following the CFA. SDGs were measured by five scale items, of which one was deleted, meaning SDGs are measured by four scale items. All the retained scale items have factor loadings above 0.5, as shown in Table 2.
Reliability, validity statics, and correlations.
EPSSCM | 0.779 | 0.545 | 0.512 | 0.813 | 0.803 | ||||
CI | 0.868 | 0.614 | 0.511 | 0.821 | 0.753*** | 0.788 | |||
ECPSSCM | 0.785 | 0.671 | 0.512 | 0.833 | 0.722*** | 0.625*** | 0.852 | ||
SDGs | 0.779 | 0.529 | 0.52 | 0.889 | 0.689*** | 0.702*** | 0.734*** | 0.798 | |
SPSSCM | 0.715 | 0.511 | 0.546 | 0.821 | 0.476*** | 0.634*** | 0.586*** | 0.558*** | 0.851 |
The CFA results include Cronbach's alpha, the values of which must be greater than 0.70 (Rosli et al., 2021), composite reliability (CR) the values of which must by greater than 0.70, and average variance extracted (AVE) the values of which must be greater than 0.50 (Kalkbrenner, 2021). Cronbach's alpha is higher than 0.7 for all constructs. The convergent validity is determined by CR and AVE, with a CR higher than 0.7 required to achieve the minimum level of reliability. Table 2 shows that CR is higher than 0.7 for the environmental pillar of SSCM, economic pillar of SSCM, social pillar of SSCM, customer intention, and SDGs. AVE is higher than 0.5 for the environmental pillar of SSCM, economic pillar of SSCM, social pillar of SSCM, customer intention, and SDGs. The levels of CR and AVE confirm the convergent validity (Cheah et al., 2018; Mustafa et al., 2020). Finally, while considering CFA, the study addresses the discriminant validity (Hyland et al., 2019), which is examined using the AVE square root, as shown in Table 2.
The measurement model fit is examined by considering Chi-square/df (CMIN/DF), which should be greater than 3 and less than 5. The comparative fit index should be higher than 0.90. The normed fit index should be higher than 0.80. The goodness of fit index should be larger than 0.90. The adjusted goodness of fit index should be larger than 0.80. The root mean square residual, standardized root mean square residual and root mean-square error of approximation should all be less than 0.05. All these measures, shown in Table 3, are recommended in the literature to check the fitness of the measurement model using AMOS (Nam et al., 2018). All the values shown in Table 3 achieve the required criteria.
Fit indicators of the CFA model.
Measure | Abbr. | Score |
Chi-square/df (CMIN/DF) | 2/df | 2.51 |
Comparative Fit Index | CFI | 0.911 |
The Normed Fit Index | NFI | 0.812 |
Goodness of Fit | GFI | 0.933 |
Adjusted Goodness of Fit | AGFI | 0.89 |
Root Mean Square Residual | RMR | 0.08 |
Standardized Root Mean Square Residual | SRMR | 0.07 |
Root Mean-Square Error of Approximation | RMSEA | 0.07 |
Finally, after assessing the factor loadings, reliability, and validity, the study proceeds to the data analysis and hypothesis testing. This study proposes 10 hypotheses, including direct and indirect hypotheses, based on the relationships between the environmental pillar of SSCM, economic pillar of SSCM, social pillar of SSCM, customer intention, and SDGs. The results of the hypotheses are given in Table 4. The study uses the structural model, which is widely used, to test the hypotheses (Cheah et al., 2018; Purwanto & Sudargini, 2021; Rahi & Abd Ghani, 2018).
Hypothesis | Relationship | Beta- value | T-Statistic | Decision |
H1 | Direct | 0.350 | 3.67 | Supported |
H2 | Direct | 0.210 | 3.59 | Supported |
H3 | Direct | 0.089 | 4.02 | Supported |
H4 | Direct | 0.180 | 1.961 | Supported |
H5 | Direct | 0.081 | 5.21 | Supported |
H6 | Direct | 0.323 | 3.68 | Supported |
H7 | Direct | 0.12 | 1.971 | Supported |
H8 | In-Direct | 0.210 | 8.2 | Supported |
H9 | In-Direct | 0.02 | 0.821 | Not Supported |
H10 | In-Direct | 0.176 | 5.891 | Supported |
In this section, the direct effects of the environmental, economic and social pillars on customer intention and SDGs, followed by the indirect effect of customer intention on SDGs are considered. The results, given in Table 4, show that: the environmental pillar has a significant relationship with customer intention and SDGs; the economic pillar has a significant effect on customer intention and SDGs; and the social pillar has a significant effect on customer intention and SDGs. The significance of the relationships is shown by the t-statistics, the value of which must be higher than 1.96 in order for a hypothesis to be accepted (Mia et al., 2019). Any hypotheses with a t-value less than 1.96 is not considered to be supported. Additionally, this study tests three indirect effects: the indirect effect of customer intention between the environmental pillar and SDGs; the indirect effect of customer intention between the economic pillar and SDGs; and the indirect effect of customer intention between the social pillar and SDGs. The results, given in Table 4, show that the indirect effect of customer intention between the environmental pillar and SDGs is significant; the indirect effect of customer intention between the economic pillar and SDGs is insignificant; and the indirect effect of customer intention between the economic pillar and SDGs is significant. Thus, two indirect effects are significant, while one is insignificant. However, all the direct effects are significant.
DiscussionThe sharing economy has been studied several times. However, the current study contributes to the literature by considering the SSCM practices of a sharing economy in relation to customer intention and SDGs in China. To fill the literature gap, this study proposes several hypotheses, both direct and indirect. The results highlight important relationships which provide insights for practitioners.
This study identifies the effects of the environmental pillar, economic pillar, and social pillar on customer intention and SDGs. The results are consistent with the literature, as previous studies using similar constructs provide results in line with this study. Firstly, the environmental pillar is considered in terms of eco-design, internal green management, and green supplier management. According to the results, the environmental pillar has a positive impact on customer intention, which indicates that the environmental pillar of the supply chain has vital importance in enhancing customer intention in relation to the sharing economy. A change in the environmental pillar can change customer intention. Martínez et al. (2019) also prove a significant and positive relationship between customer intention and the environment. Therefore, eco-design has a vital influence on customer intention, an increase in internal green management can increase the intention of customers, and green behaviour in supply chain activities is important to customer behaviour. As reported by Zhang & Yousaf (2020), customers’ green preferences and green supply chains have a positive relationship. Thus, green practices in a sustainable supply chain can increase the positive intention of customers. Green supplier management is another important element of the environmental pillar that can increase customer intention. Thus, the results of this study prove that the environmental pillar of the supply chain, in relation to the sharing economy, has a positive influence on the positive intention development of customers. Moreover, this study proves that the economic pillar has a major positive influence on customer intention, which indicates that an increase in the economic pillar can increase customer intention. Investment in the supply chain to improve the process can have a positive influence. Additionally, the social pillar of the supply chain has major importance for customer intention. Companies being involved in various CSR activities has an influence on customers. Similar to this study, previous investigations indicate a positive connection between CSR and customer intention (Guping et al., 2021). The activities of the supply chain companies that address the welfare of people have a positive influence on customer intention. Therefore, along with previous studies, the current study proves that SSCM practices in sharing economies, including the environmental pillar, economic pillar, and social pillar, can increase customer intention.
This study's focus is the effect of SSCM practices in sharing economies, including the environmental, economic, and social pillars, on SDGs. A positive role of the environmental pillar is proved in relation to SDGs. An increase in focus on the environment in supply chain practice can increase the achievement of SDGs. The results indicate that eco-design, internal green management, and green supplier management influence SDGs. The existing literature also highlights the positive role of environmental practices in the supply chain on SDGs (Ilyas et al., 2020). Furthermore, investment in the supply chain, denoted by the economic pillar, is found to be positively correlated with SDGs. A positive role of the social pillar is also found in relation to SDGs. Hence, SSCM practices in sharing economies, including the environmental pillar, economic pillar, and social pillar, have a positive effect on the achievement of SDGs. Similar to these results, previous studies identify the positive role of the supply chain in SDGs.
The direct effect of customer intention has a positive influence on SDGs. However, the indirect hypotheses also present some valuable insights. The indirect effect of customer intention is important for SDG achievement in China. Customer intention has a positive role in the positive effect of the environmental pillar on SDGs. Similarly, customer intention also has a positive role in the positive effect of the social pillar on SDGs. Thus, the environmental and social pillars have a positive effect on customer intention, which enhances SDGs in China.
ConclusionThe aim of the study is to explore the role of SSCM practices in sharing economies, including the environmental pillar, economic pillar, and social pillar, in achieving SDGs. It explores the role of customer intention between SSCM practices on sharing economy platforms, including the environmental pillar, economic pillar, and social pillar, and SDGs. An empirical analysis of SSCM practices in sharing economies, including the environmental pillar, economic pillar, social pillar, customer intention, and SDGs achievement is made in China. The results show that SSCM practices in sharing economies, including the environmental pillar, economic pillar, and social pillar, have a positive relation to SDGs. Customer intention has a positive impact on SDGs, and customer intention plays a significant mediating role between SSCM practices in sharing economies, including the environmental pillar, economic pillar, and social pillar, and SDGs.
The results show that the execution of SSCM practices in a sharing economy reduces the total use of energy, technology, plants, infrastructure, and transportation and, thus, reduces environmental pollution. The reduction of environmental pollution is helpful to achieve the SDGs which relate to climate, natural resources, and the health of human beings. The results indicate that the implementation of SSCM practices in a sharing economy enhances the social bonding between firms in the chain by developing feelings of care and a sense of responsibility towards one another. The welfare of the entities involved in the sharing economy makes it possible to achieve SDGs such as justice, decent work, reduced inequality, peace, partnership, etc. The results indicate that the implementation of SSCM practices in a sharing economy helps overcome financial issues, reduces total costs, offers access to resources, and leads to continuity of business functioning. The economic benefits of SSCM practices in a sharing economy lead to the achievement of SDGs such as decent work and economic growth, affordable and clean energy, industry, innovation and infrastructure, partnerships, and strong institutions. The results show that SSCM practices in a sharing economy are helpful in improving environmental performance. In this way, firms can inspire customers and motivate them to purchase, meanwhile customers’ eco-friendly intentions motivate firms to achieve SDGs. The study concludes that SSCM practices in a sharing economy improve social performance. Firms can inspire purchase intention in customers, and the customers’ social-friendly thinking motivates firms to achieve SDGs. Furthermore, with SSCM practices in a sharing economy, firms improve their economic performance, which leads to increasing customer intentions that help achieve SDGs.
ImplicationsThe current study has many new things for academics to learn. The relationships between the environmental pillar of SSCM, the economic pillar of SSCM, and the social pillar of SSCM, customer intention, and SDGs are important relationships which are not identified in the literature. These relationships contribute majorly to the body of literature in several ways. For instance, the study explores the role of SSCM practices in a sharing economy, which is very rare in the literature. Additionally, the mediating effect of customer intention between SSCM practices in a sharing economy and SDGs is not studied elsewhere in the literature. Therefore, Chinese management should enhance SSCM practices in relation to the sharing economy in order to enhance SDGs.
The present study has great empirical significance. It is useful for developing countries such as China which are overly populated and face many environmental and social issues, because of which sustainable development achievement is not clear. It serves as guide for economists and various organizations to achieve SDGs in China through SSCM practices on sharing economy platforms. The study suggests that ecologically friendly SSCM practices on sharing economy platforms should be performed effectively to enhance firms’ ability to achieve SDGs. The study suggests that SSCM on sharing economy platforms must be encouraged to enhance firms’ social performance so that it becomes easy to achieve SDGs. Likewise, SSCM on sharing economy platforms must be implemented to gain economic benefits, because, in this way, SDGs can be achieved. The study guides firms to implement SSCM on sharing economy platforms to improve customer intentions. Similarly, they must adopt business strategies to influence and inspire customer purchase intentions in order to achieve SDGs. The study finds that, with effective economic or environmental policies, SSCM on sharing economy platforms must be encouraged to improve customer intentions and enable firms to achieve SDGs.
Limitations and future directionsThis study carries out research in relation to the supply chain practices of a sharing economy, customer intention, and SDGs. The study covers important literature gaps which are not considered by earlier studies. However, the study still has a few limitations. The limitations of this study could be used as future directions by future studies in the field of supply chains, sharing economies, and SDGs. There are a number of supply chain practices suggested in literature, but this study only covers a few. Various important practices are not included which future studies should consider. Similarly, the economic aspect of the supply chain is only considered in terms of investment recovery, which is not sufficient to describe the economic pillar. Hence, future studies should include various other economic elements of the supply chain.