Información de la revista
Determining factors for the digitization of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Ibero-America
Elsa Beatriz Gutiérrez Navas, Jaime Enrique Sarmiento Suarez, Julio Ramírez Montañez, Yanyn Aurora Rincón Quintero
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Family communication and entrepreneurial success – The mediating role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy
Marcin Staniewski, Katarzyna Awruk, Giuseppe Leonardi, Wojciech Słomski
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Organizational ambidexterity and student achievement: Do knowledge exploration and exploitation in schools make a difference?
Marcus Pietsch, Burak Aydin, Carmen Montecinos, Mehmet Şükrü Bellibaş
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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A total quality management action plan assessment model in supply chain management using the lean and agile scores
Madjid Tavana, Debora Di Caprio, Ramin Rostamkhani
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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An analysis of the challenges in the adoption of MLOps
Chintan Amrit, Ashwini Kolar Narayanappa
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Exploring the orientation towards metaverse gaming: Contingent effects of VR tools usability, perceived behavioural control, subjective norms and age
Santanu Mandal, Ritesh Kumar Dubey, Bhaskar Basu, Anubhav Tiwari
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Innovative interactive instruction to enhance learning behaviors
Duen-Huang Huang
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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The nexus of digital transformation and innovation: A multilevel framework and research agenda
Mehrzad Saeedikiya, Sandeep Salunke, Marek Kowalkiewicz
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Customer engagement, innovation, and sustainable consumption: Analyzing personalized, innovative, sustainable phygital products
Rana Salman Anwar, Rizwan Raheem Ahmed, Dalia Streimikiene, Wadim Strielkowski, Justas Streimikis
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Unveiling the path to innovation: Exploring the roles of big data analytics management capabilities, strategic agility, and strategic alignment
Zahid Sarwar, Zhi-hong Song, Syed Tauseef Ali, Muhammad Asif Khan, Farman Ali
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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The relationship between digital technologies and innovation: A review, critique, and research agenda
Hao Jiao, Tang Wang, Dirk Libaers, Jifeng Yang, Lingshu Hu
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Open innovation as the missing link in the mediated model among R&D educational heterogeneity, innovation and performance
Fabijan Leskovec, Matej Černe, Darja Peljhan
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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The mediating and moderating roles of entrepreneurship education in the perceived acquisition of entrepreneurial learning and knowledge
Frances Y.M. Chang, Muhammad Aftab Alam, Murray Taylor
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Revisiting knowledge on ESG/CSR and financial performance: A bibliometric and systematic review of moderating variables
Marcos Alexandre dos Reis Cardillo, Leonardo Fenando Cruz Basso
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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How does perceived organisational support restrain social loafing of employees? The mediating role of self-efficacy and entrepreneurial bricolage
Chong Chen, Huizi Song, Daojuan Wang, Beibei Wang
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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A new proposed model to assess the digital organizational readiness to maximize the results of the digital transformation in SMEs
Rui Pedro Silva, Henrique São Mamede, Vitor Santos
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Leveraging on cultural and creative industries to foster social innovation: A bibliometric analysis
Giusy Sica, Maria Palazzo, Alessandra Micozzi, Maria Antonella Ferri
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Empowering women's entrepreneurship: The role of green knowledge, innovation, and family support
Yanying Zhang, Hui Wang, Kengcheng Zheng, Wanjun Yang
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Innovative approaches to green digital twin technologies of sustainable smart cities using a novel hybrid decision-making system
Jifeng Cao, Cristi Spulbar, Serkan Eti, Alexandra Horobet, Serhat Yüksel, Hasan Dinçer
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Qualitative comparative analysis of the personal traits of managers, scientists, and innovators in corporate science
Jubalt Rafael Alvarez-Salazar, Pedro Martín Bernal-Pérez
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Knowledge evolution and trends in cooperatives and cohousing: A bibliometric overview
Liu Fagang, Fracisco Javier S. Lacarcel, Virginia Simón-Moya
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Lab to farm: mapping knowledge transfer channels and determinants from researchers’ perspective – A systematic literature review
Sarra Ben Farah, Nabil Amara
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Unmasking privacy apprehension: A bibliometric review of mobile sharing economy applications
Thuy-Dzung T. Pham, Fang-Yi Lo, Kun-Huang Huarng
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Prosumer: A new approach to conceptualisation
Myriam Ertz, José María Barragán Maravilla, Xinyuan Cao
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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Strategic learning self-efficacy, strategic decision-making style, and environment as determinants of firm growth
Jeffrey G. Covin, Alessandra Lisanti, Giovanni Latorre, Katrina M. Brownell, Patrick M. Kreiser
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 10 (2025)
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