Se realizo una revision medico-deportiva a las mujeres y los varones inscritos en el Programa de Actividad Fisica para la tercera edad del Ayuntamiento de Cordoba, para conocer su nivel de salud y aptitud fisica. Con objeto de describir el perfil morfofuncional de esta poblacion, aportamos los valores obtenidos de algunas de las caracteristicas estudiadas, ofreciendo, ademas, datos de referencia hasta ahora inexistentes. Para ello se estudio a 605 participantes del citado programa (80 varones y 525 mujeres), dividiendolos en 4 grupos de edad: < 65, 65-69, 70-74 y. 75 anos. La evaluacion antropometrica (peso, talla, pliegues cutaneos, perimetros de cintura y cadera) sirvio para calcular el indice de masa corporal (IMC), el porcentaje graso y el indice cintura/cadera. Las pruebas fisicas incluyeron flexion anterior de tronco, fuerza manual, equilibrio monopodal sin vision y recogida de la vara.
Los resultados muestran que nuestros mayores pesan mas de lo aconsejable, con diferencias entre sexos a favor del masculino, al igual que ocurre con la estatura. Por otro lado, tanto el IMC como el porcentaje de grasa segun el cociente de Brozek fueron menores en los varones. Por ultimo, los tests de aptitud fisica indican que las mujeres son mas flexibles, pero tienen menos fuerza manual que los varones. De igual forma, los varones mostraron mayor velocidad de reaccion psicomotriz, mientras que el equilibrio fue similar en ambos sexos.
A medical check-up was carried out in women and men registered in the Physical Activity Programme for Senior Citizens of the Cordoba City Council, to determine their health status and physical fitness. With the aim of describing the morphofunctional profile of this population, we report the values obtained for some of the features analysed. These values could also serve as reference data, which have hitherto been lacking.
To do this, a survey was conducted in 605 participants in the above-mentioned programme (80 men and 525 women). The subjects were divided into four age groups: less than 65 years old, between 65 and 69 years old, between 70 and 74 years old, and 75 years old or older. The anthropometrical assessment (weight, height, skin-fold thickness, waist and hip circumference) was used to calculate the body mass index (BMI), percentage of fat and the waist/hip index. The physical tests comprised trunk fore flexion, hand strength, blind monopodal balance and stick pick up.
The results show that our elderly population weighed more than is advisable, with differences according to gender, in favour of men, as with height. Moreover, both BMI and body fat percentage calculated according to Brozek's method were lower in men. Finally, physical fitness tests showed that women were more flexible but had lesser hand strength than men. Similarly, men showed greater speed in psychometric reaction, but balance was similar in both genders.