Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol 1998;33(2):125
Age and Ageing
Volumen 26, Suplemento 4. Diciembre 1997
Número del «50 Jubilee Symposium British Geriatrics Society»
BANERJEE AK, SWIFT CG. Introduction.
BROCKLEHURST JC. Geriatric Medicine in Britain: the growth of a speciality.
KIRKWOOD TBL, RITTER MA. The interface between ageing and health in man.
HORAN MA, ASHCROFT GS. Ageing, defence mechanisms and the immune system.
HUPPERT F, WILCOCK G. Ageing, cognition and dementia.
STOUT RW, ORR JA. The challenges of service provision.
GRIMLEY EVANS J, BOND J. The challenges of age research.
CASTLEDEN CM. Incontinence still a geriatric giant?
COCKCROFT JR, WILKUNSON IB, WEBB DJ. Age, arterial stifness and the endothelium.
Volumen 27, núm. 1. Enero 1998
MULLEY GP. Age and Ageing: progress and propect.
GLADMAN JRF. Assesing health status with the SF.36.
SHAW FE, KENNY RA. Can falls in patients with dementia be prevented?
WILL EJ. Congested states: is there a price for confounding cardiac and renal failure?
PARKER SG, et al. Measuring health status in older patients. The SF-36 in practice.
O''MAHONY PG, et al. Is the SF-36 suitable for assessing health status of older stroke patients?
DENNING TR, et al. Changes in self-rated health, disability and contact with services in a very elderly cohort: a 6-year follow-up study.
HOEYMANS N, et al. Non-response bias in a study of cardiovascular diseases, functional status and self-rated health among elderly men.
KIVINEN P, et al. Self-rated health, physician-rated health and associated factors among elderly men: the Finnish cohorts of the Secen Countries Study.
CHARLETT A, et al. Breadth of base whilst walking: effect of ageing and parkinsonism.
HURLEY MV. Quadriceps function, propioceptive acuity and functional performance in healthy young, middle-aged and elderly subjects.
TIPLADY B, et al. Validity and sensitivity of visual analogue scales in young and older healthy subjects.
MINORS D. The effects of age upon some aspects of lifestyle and implications dor studies on circadian rhythmicity.
DYER CAE, SINCLAIR AJ. The premature ageing syndromes: insights into the ageing process.
AU DKS. Letter from... Hong-Kong.
WHITEHEAD. Old people who forget and the accuse.
CANTLEY PM, SMITH RG. Are private nursing home beds a drain or a gain for the acute sector?
The Journals of Gerontology
Volumen 52B, nº 6. Noviembre 1997
PARRK DC. Inhibitory function and aging: Three New Views.
BURKE DM. Language, Aging and Inhibitory Deficits: Evaluation of a Theory.
MC DOWD JM. Inhibition in Attention and Aging.
ZACKS R, HASHER L. Cognitive Gerontology and Attentional Inhibition: A Reply to Burke and McDowd.
KRAUSE N. Anticipated Support, Recived Support, and Economic Stress Among Older Adults.
FEMIA EE, et al. Predicting Change in Activities of Daily Living: A Longitudinal Study of the Oldest Old in Sweden.
ERBER JT, et al. Forgetful But Forgiven: How Age and Life Style Affect Perceptions of Memory Failure.
SLIVINSKI M, BUSCHKE H. Processing Speed and Memory in Aging and Dementia.
MUTTER S, GOEDERT KM. Frequency Discrimination vs Frequency Estimation: Adult Age Differences and the Effect od Divid Attention.
Social Sciences
KRAUSE N. Religion, Aging and Health: Current Status and Future Prospects.
IDLER EI, KAST SV. Religion Among Disabled and Nondisabled Persons I: Cross-sectional Patterns in Health Practices, Social Activities and Well-being.
IDLER EI, STANISLAV V. Religion Among and Nondisabled Persons II: Attendance at Religious Services as a Predictor of the Course of Disability.
BOAZ RF, HU J. Determining the Amount of Help Used by Disabled Elderly Persons at Home: The Role of Coping Resources.
MILLER B, et al. Use of Medical Care by African American and White Older Persons: Comparative Analysis of Three National Data Sets.
PEECK CW, et al. Differences by Race in the Decline of Health Over Time.
Tomo 8, nº 38. Diciembre 1997
JIMÉNEZ HERRERO F. ¿Por qué una asistencia especial al anciano?
ARBULÚ VILASIS O. Consideraciones clínicas sobre la depresión geriátrica.
MORENO CORZO F. Marcha geróntica.
SHEEN LAZO C. Ancije y su organización gerontológica.
FRITAS YAYA H, VELA PATIÑO R, LIRA G, VINATEA J. Evaluación nutricional del paciente geriátrico hospitalizado.
QUINTANA SAAVEDRA G, LLADO M, RÍOS D, GONZALES L. Importancia del ángulo del pie en el anciano.
GONZÁLEZ RÍOS C. Terapia grupal en la tercera edad.
LLADO MB. La cuadratura de la imaginación.
* Órgano oficial de la Sociedad de Gerontología y Geriatría del Perú.