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Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC
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Inicio Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC
Información de la revista
Vol. 21. Núm. 1.
Páginas 1-72 (febrero 2017)
Trademark dilution and its practical effect on purchase decision
W. Macías, J. Cerviño
Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC. 2017;21:1-13
Open access
Consumer-to-consumer exchanges: A goal theory approach in the timebanking context
C. Valor, E. Papaoikonomou, C. Martínez-de-Ibarreta
Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC. 2017;21:14-24
Open access
Determinants of intention to use the mobile banking apps: An extension of the classic TAM model
F. Muñoz-Leiva, S. Climent-Climent, F. Liébana-Cabanillas
Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC. 2017;21:25-38
Open access
The influence of symbolic consumption on experience value and the use of virtual social networks
G. Luna-Cortés
Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC. 2017;21:39-51
Open access
Parental influence on the levels of regional ethnocentrism of youth: An exploratory analysis
P. Fernández-Ferrín, B. Bande, M.M. Galán-Ladero
Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC. 2017;21:52-62
Open access
Influence of radio spokesperson gender and vocal pitch on advertising effectiveness: The role of listener gender
J.D. Martín-Santana, E. Reinares-Lara, P. Reinares-Lara
Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC. 2017;21:63-71
Open access