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Inicio Clinics Ischemic stroke in 455 COVID-19 patients
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Vol. 77.
(January - December 2022)
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Vol. 77.
(January - December 2022)
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Ischemic stroke in 455 COVID-19 patients
Josef Finsterera,
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, Fulvio Alexandre Scorzab, Carla Alessandra Scorzab, Ana Claudia Fiorinic,d
a Neurologiy and Neurophysiology Center, Vienna, Asutria
b Disciplina de Neurociência, Universidade Federal de São Paulo/Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFESP/EPM), São Paulo, SP, Brazil
c Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduado em Fonoaudiologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil
d Departamento de Fonoaudiologia, Escola Paulista de Medicina/Universidade Federal de São Paulo (EPM/UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil

  • Ischemic stroke in COVID-19 is multifactorial but predominantly embolic.

  • Ischemic stroke in COVID-19 predominantly affects males and the anterior circulation.

  • Frequency of ischemic stroke has not increased since the outbreak of the pandemic.

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Tables (2)
Table 1. Patients with a COVID-stroke reported in the literature in September and October 2020 (meta-analyses were excluded).
Table 2. Comparison of studies reporting >30 patients with SARS-CoV-2 associated stroke.
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There is increasing evidence that COVID-19 can be associated with ischemic stroke (COVID-stroke). The frequency and pathogenesis of COVID-stroke, however, remains largely unknown. This narrative review aimed at summarizing and discussing current knowledge about frequency and pathogenesis of COVID-stroke in 455 patients collected from the literature. COVID-stroke occurs in all age groups and predominantly in males. The anterior circulation is more frequently affected than the posterior circulation. COVID-stroke is most frequently embolic. The severity of COVID-stroke ranges from NIHSS 3 to 32. Cardiovascular risk factors are highly prevalent in patients with COVID-stroke. COVID-stroke occurs simultaneously with the onset of pulmonary manifestations or up to 40 days later. Clinical manifestations of COVID-19 are most frequently mild or even absent. The majority of patients with COVID-stroke achieve complete or partial recovery, but in one-quarter of patients, the outcome is fatal. In conclusion, the frequency of ischemic stroke has not increased since the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. COVID-stroke predominantly affects males and the anterior circulation. COVID-stroke is multifactorial but predominantly embolic and more frequently attributable to cardiovascular risk factors than to coagulopathy.

Ischemic Stroke
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Since the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in December 2019, it became evident that the virus not only affects the lungs, resulting in COVID-19 but generally all organs expressing ACE2-receptors, including the Central and Peripheral Nervous System (CNS, PNS) resulting in neuro-COVID.1 Among the CNS disorders related to SARS-CoV-2, ischemic stroke (COVID-stroke) is increasingly acknowledged.2 In most of these studies, ischemic stroke is attributed to “hypercoagulability” (TOAST classification: “other etiologies”) without providing convincing proof for this hypothesis. Other pathophysiological concepts of stroke mechanisms are hardly considered in COVID-stroke. This narrative review aims at reviewing cases with COVID-stroke published between September and October 2020 to discuss the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke in COVID-19 patients, particularly if there is evidence for hypercoagulability in these patients.

Materials and methods

A literature review of articles about ischemic stroke in COVID-19 patients published between September and October 2020 was carried out using the databases PubMed and Google Scholar. Included were only original papers which reported single patients or cohorts with SARS-CoV-2 associated ischemic stroke, published during the study period. Excluded were meta-analyses, articles that were repetitive, and articles in which the stroke occurred prior to the onset of COVID-19. Additionally, reference lists were checked for further articles meeting the search criteria. Lastly, 34 papers met the inclusion criteria. Parameters extracted were age, gender, stroke territory, TOAST classification, risk factors, National Institute of Health Stroke Score (NIHSS), latency between positive virus-PCR and onset of stroke, the severity of COVID-19, and outcome.


In 34 articles, 455 patients with COVID-stroke were reported during a two-month period (Table 1). The majority of these studies had a retrospective, observational design or were case series or case reports (Table 1). Detailed information about epidemiology and location, risk factors, stroke mechanism, severity, and outcome of COVID-stroke was provided in 61 patients (Table 1). Among these patients, age ranged from 18 to 93y. Gender was reported in 59 patients and was female in 16 and male in 43. Stroke territory was provided in 52 cases and concerned the anterior circulation in 37 cases, the posterior circulation in 11 cases, and was multifocal in 4 cases (Table 1). TOAST classification was provided in 19 cases and was embolic in 16 cases and angiopathic in 3 cases (Table 1). Cardio-vascular risk factors were reported in 58 cases. Vascular risk factors were found in 40 cases, cardiac risk factors (atrial fibrillation, patient foramen ovale, cardiomyopathy, heart failure) in 8 patients (Table 1), coagulopathy in 12 patients (Table 1), and 12 patients had a negative history for cardiovascular risk factors (Table 1). The NIHSS at the onset of stroke symptoms was reported in 42 cases and ranged from 3 to 32 (Table 1). The latency between onset of COVID-19 and COVID-stroke was reported in 22 cases and ranged from 0 to 40 days. The severity of COVID-19 was mild in 34 cases, moderate in 8 cases, and severe in 13 cases. COVID-19 was asymptomatic at the time of stroke onset in 6 patients (Table 1). The frequency of ischemic stroke was independent of the severity of COVID-19. Eight patients required mechanical ventilation (Table 1). The occurrence of anti-phospholipid antibodies was reported in one case. The outcome was reported in 59 patients and was fair in 47 patients (complete or partial recovery) and fatal in 15 cases (Table 1). At the time of reporting, 2 patients were still in the ICU or stroke unit. The modified Rankin Scale (mRS) was provided in 16 cases and ranged from 2‒6 (Table 1).

Table 1.

Patients with a COVID-stroke reported in the literature in September and October 2020 (meta-analyses were excluded).

Age/NOP  Sex  T  SC  RF  NIHSS  LVPSSCOV19  OC  Reference 
Cohort data, case series                 
104  71m  nr  nr  AHT, DM, HLP, AF, AP  nr  nrnr  31  8 
84  nr  nr  nr  nr  nr  nrnr  nr  2 
6016m  UE (29)  nr  DM (33), AHT (37), AF (3), AP  5‒15  nrnr  Death (13)  31 
  AS (27)          mRS 3‒5 (37)   
  ES (3)             
37  15f  nr  nr  nr  nr  nrnr  nr  32 
32nr  nr  nr  AHT, DM, HLP, AF, AP  nr  1‒27as to  Death (14)  33 
          Severe  Recovery (n=8)   
            ICU (n=10)   
20  14m  nr  nr  AHT, DM, HLP, SM, AF, AP  nr  nrnr  nr  34 
19  nr  nr  nr  nr  nr  nrnr  nr  35 
12  3f  nr  nr  AHT, DM. HLP. AF, SM  nrnr  death (n=2)  20 
nr  nr  nr  nr  nr  nrnr  nr  36 
nr  nr  nr  AHT, HLP, SM, DM, AF, DD↑  nr  nrnr  nr  5 
nr  nr  nr  nr  nr  nrnr  nr  37 
nr  nr  nr  nr  nr  nrnr  nr  22 
nr  nr  nr  CP (DD↑, FG↑)  nr  nrnr  nr  38 
Individual patient data                 
85y  MCAS  nr  AHT, CP (DD↑)  nr  16Mild  Recovery  39 
71y  MCAS  nr  AHT, CP (DD↑)  nr  40Mild  Recovery  39 
80y  vermis  nr  AHT, CP (FG↑)  nr  31Mild  Recovery  (39) 
83y  MCAD  nr  AHT, HLP, DM, CP (DD↑, FG↑)  nr  23Severe  Death  40 
56y  BA  ES  AHT, DM, HLP, seizures  nr  5AV  Death  41 
51y  MCAD  ES  AHT, HLP, CP (ACLA↑)  20  2AV  Death  18 
70y  MCAD  ES  AF  28  3AV  Death  18 
48y  MCAS  ES  HLP  31  0as  Recovery  18 
28y  MCAD  VL  VL  nr  0Mild  nr  42 
26y  PICAD  ES  PFO, CP (DD↑)  nr  nrMild  Recovery  12 
76y  MCAS  nr  DM, AHT, HLP  13  8AV  Death  9 
71y  MCAD  nr  AF, SM  nr  14AV  Death  43 
53y  MCAS  ES  nr  nr  14Mild  Recovery  44 
33y  ICAD  nr  None  19  nrMild  Recovery  17 
37y  MCAS  nr  CP (PTT↑)  13  nras  Recovery  17 
39y  PCAD  nr  AHT, HLP, CP (DD↑)  16  nrAV  ICU  17 
44y  MCAS  nr  DM, CP (DD↑)  23  nrMild  Stroke unit  17 
49y  MCAD  nr  DM, CP (DD↑)  13  nrMild  Recovery  17 
67y  ICAS  nr  AHT, DM  21  nrMild  mRS 6  7 
69y  MCAS  nr  AHT, SM  21  nrMild  mRS 4  7 
40y  MCAS  nr  AHT, DM  26  nras  mRS 3  7 
46y  BA  nr  none  32  nrAV  mRS 6  7 
27y  MCAS  nr  none  18  nrMild  mRS 3  7 
55y  ICAD  nr  AHT, DM, SM  23  nrModerate  mRS 6  7 
55y  MCAS  nr  DM  25  nras  mRS 6  7 
73y  MCAS  nr  AHT, AP  nras  mRS 6  7 
82y  nr  nr  AHT, DM, AP  nrMild  mRS 3  7 
59y  nr  nr  none  10  nrMild  mRS 6  7 
80y  nr  nr  AHT, DM  23  nrMild  mRS 4  7 
74y  nr  nr  AHT, DM  nrMild  mRS 3  7 
60y  nr  nr  AHT, DM, AP  nrMild  mRS 2  7 
62y  nr  nr  AHT, AP  14  nrModerate  mRS 3  7 
64y  nr  nr  AHT  nrMild  mRS 5  7 
67y  nr  nr  AHT  12  nrMild  mRS 4  7 
35y  VAS  nr  none  nr  5Severe  Recovery  45 
51y  MCAD  nr  nr  nr  8Severe  Recovery  45 
72y  MCAD  nr  cancer  7Mild  Death  46 
48y  MCAD  nr  AHT, HLP, CP (DD↑, FG↑)  16  11Severe  Death  47 
39y  BA  nr  none  nr  17Moderate  Recovery  48 
nr  nr  mf  ES  APS  nr  2Moderate  Recovery  49 
nr  nr  mf  ES  AF  nr  17Moderate  Recovery  49 
70y  MCAS  nr  none  nr  4AV  Death  50 
51y  mf  ES  AHT, HLP, CP (DD↑)  27AV  Recovery  51 
35y  MCAS  nr  SM  nr  nrMild  Recovery  52 
52y  MCAD  nr  none  nr  nrMild  Recovery  52 
18y  VA  nr  none  nr  nrMild  Recovery  52 
55y  PCAS  nr  nr  nr  nrMild  Recovery  52 
73y  MCAD  ESUS  AHT, HLP, SM  nrMild  Recovery  19 
47y  MCAS  nr  AHT, DM  nrModerate  Recovery  19 
55y  MCAS  nr  AHT, HLP  17nr  Moderate  Recovery  19 
72y  MCAS  ES  AF, AP  23nr  Mild  Recovery  19 
24y  nr  nr  DM, HLP, cocaine  18nr  Mild  Recovery  19 
93y  MCAD  ES  AHT, AF, AP  16nr  Mild  Hospice  19 
74y  MCAS  uk  AHT, AP, CMP  21nr  Mild  Recovery  19 
84y  BA  nr  AHT, HLP, AP  13nr  Mild  Recovery  19 
57y  VA  AP  AHT, AP, cocaine  10nr  Moderate  Recovery  19 
75y  MCAS  AP  AHT, AP  24nr  Mild  nr  19 
53y  MCAS  ESUS  None  3nr  Mild  Recovery  19 
58y  MCAD  ESUS  None  4nr  Mild  Recovery  19 
41y  mf  ES  AHT, DM, heart failure  8nr  as  Recovery  19 
54y  MCAD  ES  None  11Mild  Recovery  53 

ACAS/D, Left/right Anterior Cerebral Artery; ACLA, Anti-Cardiolipin-Antibodies; AF, Atrial Fibrillation/Atrial Flutter; AHT, Arterial Hypertension, as, Asymptomatic; AP, Angiopathy (macro- or micro-angiopathy); AV, Artificial Ventilation; BA, Basilary Artery; CMP, Cardiomyopathy; CP, Coagulopathy; DD, D-dimer; DM, Diabetes; DS, Dissection; ES, Embolic Stroke; ESUS, Embolic Stroke of Unknown Significance; FG, Fibrinogen; GGO, Ground Glass Opacities without requiring AV; HLP, Hyperlipidemia; ICAS/D, Left/right Internal Carotid Artery; LVO, Large Vessel Occlusion; LVPS; Latency Between Positive Virus-PCR and onset of stroke (days); MCAS/D, Left/right Median Cerebral Artery; mf, Multifocal; MIA, Microangiopathy; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NOP, Number of Patients; nr, Not Reported; OC, Outcome; PCAS/D, Left/right Posterior Cerebral Artery; PFO, Patent Foramen Ovale; PICAS/D, Left/right Posterior Inferior Cerebelli Artery; PTT, Prothrombin Time; RF, Risk Factors; RS, Ranking Scale; SC, Stroke Classification According to TOAST criteria; SCOV19, Severity of COVID-19 infection at time of stroke onset; SM, Smoking; T, Territory; uk, Unknown; VAS/D, Left/right Vertebral Artery; VL, Vasculitis; y, Years.


This study shows that COVID-stroke occurs in all age groups and predominantly in males. The anterior circulation is more frequently affected than the posterior circulation. According to the TOAST classification, COVID-stroke is most frequently embolic. Particularly COVID-19 patients with classical cardiovascular risk factors develop SARS-CoV-2 associated stroke. Coagulopathy is less common among patients with COVID-stroke. The severity of COVID-stroke has a broad range from NIHSS 3 to 32. COVID-stroke may occur simultaneously with the onset of pulmonary manifestations or up to 40 days later. Clinical manifestations of COVID-19 are most frequently mild or even absent, which is in contrast to previous studies. The vast majority of patients survives COVID-strokes with complete or partial remission, but in one-quarter of patients, the outcome is fatal.

Concerning the frequency of ischemic stroke in COVID-19 patients, variable results have been provided (Table 2). Altogether, the frequency of COVID-stroke ranged from 0.5‒5.9% (Table 2). In a systematic review of 212 studies on the neurological manifestations of COVID-19, COVID-stroke was reported in 0.5‒5.9% of patients.3 In a meta-analysis of 108571 COVID-19 patients, ischemic stroke was diagnosed in 1328 patients (1.22%).4 In this study, patients with COVID-stroke were older and more likely to have hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, or severe infection than COVID-19 patients without stroke.4 Compared to stroke patients without COVID-19, patients with COVID-stroke were younger, had a higher NIHSS, higher frequency of large vessel disease, and higher in-hospital mortality.4 When studying 2050 COVID-19 patients, 1.02% experienced a COVID-stroke.5 In a study of 214 COVID-19 patients, 4.9% experienced a COVID-stroke.6 In a study from 2 hospitals in New York, 16 COVID-strokes were identified.7 In a study of 3165 patients undergoing thrombectomy, 104 were positive for SARS-CoV-2.8 COVID-stroke was associated with young age, male sex, diabetes, black race, Hispanic ethnicity, intubation, acute coronary syndrome, acute renal failure, and prolonged duration of hospitalization.8 The odds for in-hospital death were increased > 4 fold.8 The incidence of COVID-stroke was reported as 1%‒6% as of October 2020, but mortality of COVID-stroke can be up to 38% (Table 2).9 A recent meta-analysis has shown that the frequency of COVID-stroke is not increased but that the outcome of these patients is worse as compared to patients without ischemic stroke.10 A meta-analysis of 28 studies confirmed that the frequency of COVID-stroke is low, but those with COVID-stroke have a poorer prognosis and higher mortality than those with COVID-19 alone.11

Table 2.

Comparison of studies reporting >30 patients with SARS-CoV-2 associated stroke.

Reference  OP  NOP  Age (y)  Gender  FOSC (%)  MR (%) 
Qureshi54  12/19‒4/20  103  ∅ 68.8  nr  1.3  19.4 
Favas3  12/19‒6/20  212  nr  nr  0.5‒5.9  nr 
Vidale55  12/19‒6/20  93  65  66.7 m  nr  nr 
Nannoni4  12/19‒9/20  1106  61.4‒67.6  62.4% m  1.4  52.1 
Lee11  1/20‒4/20  202  36‒81  64.1% m  2.3  46.7 
Ramos-Araque56  1/20‒6/20  156  nr  39.4% f  1.1  38.1 
Luo57  1/20‒10/20  280  48.1‒75.7  36% f  1.76  nr 
Syahrul58  -10/20  544  nr  nr  1.1  44.7 
Misra59  1/20‒12/20  527  nr  nr  nr 
Lahskari60  1/20‒4/21  80  8‒88  35% f  nr  6.7 
Sluis61  3/20‒8/20  38  ∅ 70.0  33% f  1.8  71 
Sundar62  3/20‒10/20  62  ∅ 52.6  34% f  1.6  55.1 
Index study  9/20‒10/20  488  18‒93  27% f  nr  27 

FOSC, Frequency of Stroke among COVID-19 patients; MR, Mortality Rate; NOP, Number of Patients with SARS-CoV-2 associated stroke; nr, Not Reported; uk, Unknown.

Comparing previous studies with the present study, demographic parameters were comparable as well as a number of risk factors, the severity of the stroke, and latency between onset of COVID-19 and occurrence of the stroke (Table 2). However, the present study was at variance to previous studies regarding the fact that stroke occurred irrespective of the severity of COVID-19. According to previous studies, COVID-stroke was more prevalent among patients with severe COVID-19 compared to those with mild COVID-19. COVID-stroke was also more prevalent among those with a high number of risk factors as compared to those with none or few risk factors. Outcomes, particularly mortality, varied considerably between the COVID-stroke studies (6.7%‒71%) (Table 2). This may be due to variable stroke severity, variable COVID-19 severity, and variable intensity and quality of the treatment applied.

The pathophysiology of COVID-stroke is not completely understood, but proposed mechanisms include endothelial inflammation, stasis, increased procoagulant factors in the blood (hypercoagulability), and cardiac compromise, consistent with Virchow's triad (mirco/microangiopathy, impaired hemodynamic, altered blood composition [hypercoagulability]).12 Coagulopathy and vascular endothelial dysfunction have been proposed as complications of COVID-19.13 There is evidence of direct invasion of endothelial cells by SARS-CoV-2.13 The contribution of complement-mediated endothelial injury has also been suggested.14 Hyperviscosity has been demonstrated in a series of fifteen critically ill patients on the ICU.15 In a study of 24 patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia requiring artificial ventilation, standard coagulation testing, and other assays revealed normal or slightly prolonged Prothrombin Time (PT) and activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT), normal or increased platelet counts, increased fibrinogen, and increased D-dimer.16

“Hypercoagulability” was poorly defined in most of the studies included in this review. It is unclear if hypercoagulability was defined by elevated fibrinogen, prolonged prothrombin time, prolonged PTT, or by elevated D-dimer. 17 In a study of 3 patients with COVID-stroke, D-dimer was elevated in three.18 Unfortunately, no reference limits were provided for other coagulation parameters.18 Reference limits for coagulation parameters were also missing in other studies.19,20 However, elevated D-dimer in a patient with a viral infection or even bacterial superinfection is not unusual and does not necessarily suggest hypercoagulability. An argument in favor of hypercoagulability in COVID-19 patients, however, is the fact COVID-19 is associated with an increased risk of thrombosis.21,22 Thrombotic events more frequently occur on the venous side (96%) than on the arterial side (4%).22 There are not only indications for an increased prevalence of superficial and deep venous thrombosis23 but also for pulmonary embolism,24 mesenteric thrombosis,25 sinus venous thrombosis,26 and atrial thrombosis.27 Whether deep venous thrombosis and Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) contribute to the risk of COVID-stroke has not been systematically investigated but is conceivable. The risk of ischemic stroke increases with the severity of COVID-19.

Limitations of the study were that the publication period of interest was short, as in other studies (Table 2), that several studies, particularly those investigating larger cohorts, did not provide detailed information about individual patients with COVID-stroke, and that only a few studies systematically investigated the pathophysiology of ischemic stroke.18


According to currently available data, the overall prevalence and incidence of ischemic stroke did not increase since the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,28-30 but prospective studies are warranted to solve this question. COVID-stroke predominantly affects males, the anterior circulation and is multifactorial. Since most patients with COVID-stroke also carry classical cardiovascular risk factors, a causal relation between stroke and COVID-19 is rather unlikely. Whether endothelial injury or hypercoagulability contribute to the pathophysiology of ischemic stroke in COVID-19 patients remains speculative. Hypercoagulability does not seem to play a major role in the pathophysiology of COVID-stroke. Following these conclusions, the stroke of undetermined etiology remains a common subtype of COVID-stroke.

Authors' contributions

Finsterer J: Design, literature search, discussion, first draft, critical comments. Scorza FA, Scorza CA, Fiorini AC: Literature search, discussion, critical comments, final approval.

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