A 45-year-old patient with a history of endometriotic disease in whom a transvaginal ultrasound revealed a pseudopapillary cystic formation adjacent to the right adnexal mass. The CA-125 marker was 27.8U/ml (normal: <35U/ml). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed 2 cystic formations of 4cm with an irregular solid component of 17mm adjacent to the right ovary with pathological enhancement suggestive of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (Figs. 1 and 2) and probable sigmoid involvement. To assess the infiltration of the wall, a rectal endoscopic ultrasound was requested, which showed a hypoechoic arboriform lesion of 20mm×20mm vascularised inside a cystic cavity (Figs. 3 and 4), without the sigmoid colon being compromised. The surgical specimen revealed endometriotic foci without signs of degeneration.
The novelty of the case that is presented lies, firstly, in the rarity of the polypoid presentation of endometriosis, with around 65 cases having been described in the literature.1–3 This manifestation raises the differential diagnosis with a neoplastic lesion as the MRI suggested.1 Secondly, it is the first case in which its appearance is described by digestive endoscopic ultrasound, and thus the dissemination of its ultrasound characteristics among gastroenterologists dedicated to endoscopic ultrasound is of interest.
Please cite this article as: Amaral C, González L, Reygosa C, Hernández A, Hernández A, Hernández-Guerra M, et al. Endometriosis polipoide simulando una neoplasia avanzada de ovario con infiltración de la pared intestinal: descripción ecoendoscópica del caso. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021;44:433–434.