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Journal of Applied Research and Technology. JART
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Journal of Applied Research and Technology. JART
ISSN: 1665-6423
e-ISSN: 2448-6736

The Journal of Applied Research and Technology (JART) is a bimonthly open access journal that publishes papers on innovative applications, development of new technologies and efficient solutions in engineering, computing and scientific research. JART publishes manuscripts describing original research, with significant results based on experimental, theoretical and numerical work.

The journal does not charge for submission, processing, publication of manuscripts or for color reproduction of photographs.

JART classifies research into the following main fields:

Material Science
Biomaterials, carbon, ceramics, composite, metals, polymers, thin films, functional materials and semiconductors.

Computer Science
Computer graphics and visualization, programming, human-computer interaction, neural networks, image processing and software engineering.

Industrial Engineering
Operations research, systems engineering, management science, complex systems and cybernetics applications and information technologies

Electronic Engineering
Solid-state physics, radio engineering, telecommunications, control systems, signal processing, power electronics, electronic devices and circuits and automation.

Instrumentation engineering and science
Measurement devices (pressure, temperature, flow, voltage, frequency etc.), precision engineering, medical devices, instrumentation for education (devices and software), sensor technology, mechatronics and robotics.

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Scopus; Scielo; Latindex; Periódica; REDALYC; CONACyT

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Discontinued publication
portada-S1665642317X00072Vol. 15. Issue 6.
Pages 513-632 (December 2017)
BiT-SiEm: A packet-level simulation and emulation platform for BitTorrent
Alberto Aguilar-Gonzalez, Camilo Lozoya, Carlos Ventura-Molina, Rodolfo Castelló, Armando Román-Flores
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:513-23
Open access
A novel Diamond-Mean predictor for reversible watermarking of images
Muhammad Ishtiaq, Arfan Jaffar
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:524-32
Open access
Microstructure development, mechanical and tribological properties of a semisolid A356/xSiCp composite
Hamidreza Ghandvar, Mohd Hasbullah Idris, Norhayati Ahmad, Navid Moslemi
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:533-44
Open access
The effect of grounding system modeling on lightning-related studies of transmission lines
Reza Shariatinasab, Javad Gholinezhad
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:545-54
Open access
Contouring reflective plates along a curved strip using the intensity integration technique: Experimentation and simulation
A. Vijaya, G. Subramanian, V.S. Lakshmipriya
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:555-61
Open access
Wireless sensor networks: A survey on monitoring water quality
Mompoloki Pule, Abid Yahya, Joseph Chuma
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:562-70
Open access
Multi-resolution Laws’ Masks based texture classification
Sonali Dash, Uma Ranjan Jena
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:571-82
Open access
Forward-backward processing technique for image denoising using FDZP 2D filter
Atul Kumar Verma, Barjinder Singh Saini
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:583-92
Open access
Sequential microcontroller-based control for a chemical vapor deposition process
Edgar Serrano Pérez, Javier Serrano Pérez, Fernando Martínez Piñón, José Manuel Juárez García, Omar Serrano Pérez, Fernando Juárez López
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:593-8
Open access
Design of thin film solar cells based on a unified simple analytical model
Armando Acevedo-Luna, Roberto Bernal-Correa, Jorge Montes-Monsalve, Arturo Morales-Acevedo
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:599-608
Open access
Photo-induced ignition phenomenon of carbon nanotubes by Xenon pulsed light: Ignition tests analysis, automotive and new potential applications, future developments
Patrizio Primiceri, Roberto de Fazio, Luciano Strafella, Antonio Paolo Carlucci, Paolo Visconti
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:609-23
Open access
Integrated Taguchi-simulated annealing (SA) approach for analyzing wear behaviour of silicon nitride
Sachin Ghalme, Ankush Mankar, Yogesh Bhalerao
Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2017;15:624-32
Open access