Resultados. Los donantes de órganos con macroesteatosis de alto grado tenían una edad y un índice de masa corporal significativamente superiores a los órganos con esteatosis de bajo grado (48 frente a 34 años; p = 0,02, y 27,1 frente a 24,0 kg/m2; p = 0,02). Los órganos con macroesteatosis de alto grado presentaron cifras de glucemia significativamente superiores con respecto al grupo de órganos con esteatosis de bajo grado. El color amarillento del órgano (60%), la dureza a la palpación (47%) y la perfusión irregular del órgano (46%) son las características macroscópicas que más se asocian a la macroesteatosis de alto grado.
Conclusiones. La edad superior a 45 años, un índice de masa corporal elevado y la hiperglucemia pueden hacer sospechar la presencia de un hígado con macroesteatosis de alto grado. La valoración global del cirujano que realiza la extracción es el criterio más acertado para sospechar la presencia de macroesteatosis de alto grado
Patients and methods. The data of 83 possible donors were collected prospectively. The macroscopic appearance of the liver was assessed in terms of different morphological aspects. Biopsy specimens were taken at the time of procurement and were stained with Sudan III. On the basis of this analysis, three different study groups were established: a) 20.5% of livers showed high-grade macroscopic steatosis (vacuoles greater than the nucleus in more than 30% of hepatocytes); b) 28.9% of livers presented high-grade microscopic steatosis (vacuoles smaller than the nucleus in over 30% of hepatocytes), and c) 50.6% of livers showed low-grade macroscopic or microscopic steatosis (vacuoles in less than 30% of the hepatocytes).
Results. The mean age and body mass index (BMI) of organ donors with high-grade macroscopic steatosis were significantly greater than those of organs with low-grade steatosis (48 vs 34 years, p = 0.02; and 27.1 vs 24.0 kg/m2, p = 0.02). The organs with high-grade macroscopic steatosis presented significantly higher serum glucose levels when compared with organs with low-grade steatosis. A yellowish color (60%), hardness (47%) and irregular perfusion of the organ (46%) were the macroscopic features most frequently associated with high-grade macroscopic steatosis.
Conclusions.. Age over 45 years, an elevated BMI and hyperglycemia suggest the presence of a liver with high-grade macroscopic steatosis. The overall assessment of the harvesting surgeon is the most reliable criteria for the suspicion of an organ affected by this problem.