A 44 year old woman consulted due to epigastric pain, nausea, diarrhea and the loss of more than 20kg during the last 3 years. On examination: BMI 10.68 and a distended without signs of peritonitis. Computerised tomography (Fig. 1) showed dilation of small bowel loops up to the proximal ileum, where a mass with the soft-tissue density caused retrograde dilation of the small intestine. Exploratory laparoscopy showed major dilation of the whole small intestine with intermittent zones of stenosis, and a laparotomy was performed (Fig. 2).
Diagnosis: diffuse intestinal ganglioneuromatosis of the transmural type.
Please cite this article as: Fortea-Sanchis C, Gómez-Quiles L. Ganglioneuromatosis intestinal difusa en el adulto. Cir Esp. 2015;93:665.