Presentamos un caso raro de fibrohistiocitoma maligno retroperitoneal como tumor supuestamente ovárico, en una mujer de 85 años, cardiópata, hipertensa y diabética. El tumor fue irresecable y la paciente falleció tras la intervención. Mostramos la iconografía del tumor, y discutimos la indicación quirúrgica en estos casos límite, con clínica aguda y alto riesgo quirúrgico.
Prolactinoma is the most frequent secreting pituitary adenoma and is easy to diagnose in women of childbearing age because of its association with amenorrhea and galactorrhea.
Data in the literature from large series indicate current risks of the interaction between prolactinoma and pregnancy. In the past these risks have been overestimated and it is now recognized that pregnancy can be allowed to continue providing it is strictly followed-up.
Dopaminergic drugs have no teratogenic effects and, in most cases, are known to allow tumoral control and recovery of fertility. The use of these medications also reduces indications for surgery.
Microprolactinomas are relatively unaffected by pregnancy, which can even induce tumor regression. Macroprolactinomas more frequently produce complications and require more aggressive tumor control and rigorous follow-up.