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Inicio Clinics Genomic instability at the 13q31 locus and somatic mtDNA mutation in the D-loop ...
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Vol. 67. Núm. 10.
Páginas 1181-1190 (enero 2011)
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Vol. 67. Núm. 10.
Páginas 1181-1190 (enero 2011)
Open Access
Genomic instability at the 13q31 locus and somatic mtDNA mutation in the D-loop site correlate with tumor aggressiveness in sporadic Brazilian breast cancer cases
Gilson Costa dos Santos JrI, Andréa Carla de Souza GóesI, Humberto de VittoII, Carla Cristina MoreiraI, Elizabeth AvvadIII, Franklin David RumjanekII, Claudia Vitoria de Moura GalloI,
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Tel.: 55 21 2334-0858
I Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alcantara Gomes, Departamento de Genética, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil.
II Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Bioquímica Médica, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil.
III Instituto Fernandes Figueira, FIOCRUZ, Departamento de Patologia, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil.
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Genomic instability is a hallmark of malignant tissues. In this work, we aimed to characterize nuclear and mitochondrial instabilities by determining short tandem repeats and somatic mitochondrial mutations, respectively, in a cohort of Brazilian sporadic breast cancer cases. Furthermore, we performed an association analysis of the molecular findings and the clinical pathological data.


We analyzed 64 matched pairs of breast cancer and adjacent non-cancerous breast samples by genotyping 13 nuclear short tandem repeat loci (namely, D2S123, TPOX, D3S1358, D3S1611, FGA, D7S820, TH01, D13S317, D13S790, D16S539, D17S796, intron 12 BRCA1 and intron 1 TP53) that were amplified with the fluorescent AmpFlSTR Identifiler Genotyping system (Applied Biosystems, USA) and by silver nitrate staining following 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Somatic mtDNA mutations in the D-loop site were assessed with direct sequencing of the hypervariable HVI and HVII mitochondrial regions.


Half of the cancer tissues presented some nuclear instability. Interestingly, the D13S790 locus was the most frequently affected (36%), while the D2S123 locus presented no alterations. Forty-two percent of the cases showed somatic mitochondrial mutations, the majority at region 303-315 poly-C. We identified associations between Elston grade III, instabilities at 13q31 region (p = 0.0264) and mtDNA mutations (p = 0.0041). Furthermore, instabilities at 13q31 region were also associated with TP53 mutations in the invasive ductal carcinoma cases (p = 0.0207).


Instabilities at 13q31 region and the presence of somatic mtDNA mutations in a D-loop site correlated with tumor aggressiveness.

Breast Cancer
Allelic Imbalance
Somatic mtDNA Mutation
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Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer that affects women worldwide. One of the most striking characteristics of this disease is the heterogeneity of its genetic and pathological aspects (1). Genomic instability is one of the hallmarks of cancerous tissues, and it increases in advanced and more aggressive tumors (2,3). This instability may involve large chromosomal alterations, such as chromosomal deletions or duplications, and lead to allelic loss or amplification. In addition to the epigenetic mechanisms, the loss of heterozygosity (LOH), which results in allelic imbalance, is a common method of hampering tumor suppressor gene activities during carcinogenesis. TP53 and RB are good examples of tumor suppressor genes that are frequently altered by allelic imbalance (3). Short tandem repeats (STRs) or microsatellites are polymorphic regions that are widely used to analyze allelic imbalance in tumors. In breast cancer, LOH has been detected at several loci in both familial and sporadic breast cancers, with frequencies ranging between 20% and 79% (4,5). Recently, Tokunaga et al. (6) studied the microsatellite instability of five randomly selected loci in Japanese primary breast cancer samples. They observed that a high frequency of LOH was associated with triple-negative and high-grade HER2 breast cancers. When the same research group specifically evaluated microsatellite instability at the BRCA1 locus, they demonstrated that LOH at this region was independently associated with disease-free survival (7). In addition to nuclear genomic instabilities, researchers have also considered mitochondrial genomic alterations as indicators of cell commitment to carcinogenesis. Although their involvement is currently not well understood, somatic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations seem to participate in cancer development in different ways (8,9). Lim et al. (10) demonstrated that mtDNA mutations in colorectal cancer might be implicated in risk factors that induce poor outcomes and tumorigenesis. Tseng et al. (11) suggested that somatic mtDNA mutations may play a critical role in breast cancer progression.

The aim of this study was to characterize nuclear instabilities and mitochondrial genomic mutations in a cohort of Brazilian sporadic breast cancer cases. We analyzed matched pairs of breast cancer and adjacent non-cancerous breast samples by genotyping 13 nuclear STR loci [namely, D2S123, TPOX, D3S1358, D3S1611, FGA, D7S820, TH01, D13S317, D13S790, D16S539, D17S796, intron 12 BRCA1 and intron 1 TP53] and by directly sequencing HVI and HVII mitochondrial regions. Furthermore, we performed an association analysis of the molecular findings and clinical pathological data from the cases.


Tissue specimens from sporadic primary breast cancer tumors and the corresponding adjacent tumor-free areas were obtained between 2005 and 2009 from the biopsies of 64 women at the Fernandes Figueira Institute, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. After excision, the tissues were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70oC. Cancer diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology. Sixty-four percent of cases were diagnosed as invasive ductal carcinoma, and 36% were classified as invasive lobular carcinoma, mucinous, or micropapillary. DNA was extracted from the tissue samples using a salting-out method (12). The DNA was quantified using ethidium bromide staining in agarose gels and UV spectrophotometry at 260 nm. The P53 and estrogen/progesterone receptor levels, which were assessed by immunohistochemistry, and the clinical-pathological data were obtained from records of the department of pathology, IFF-FIOCRUZ. The study protocol was approved by the local ethics committee.

mtDNA sequencing

Hypervariable mitochondrial DNA regions I and II (D-loop region) were sequenced using the dideoxy chain termination method (BigDye® Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit) and analyzed in an automated ABI310 Sequencer (Applied Biosystems, USA). All of the sequences were aligned to the Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence, accession number NC_012920. The primer pairs designed for the PCR and direct sequencing of mtDNAs are provided in Supplementary Table 1. The mitochondrial somatic mutation data were assessed by comparing cancerous and adjacent non-cancerous breast samples.

Table 1.

Clinical-pathological aspects of the cases and an association analysis of STR instabilities and mtDNA mutations (n = 64).

Clinical-pathological    All STR instabilities  Instability at 13q31 ¤¤  Somatic mtDNA mutations §) 
aspects  S (n = 31)  U (n = 33)  p-value  S (n = 37)  U (n = 27)  p-value  WT (n = 37)  M (n = 27)  p-value 
Age (years)                     
<55  37  19  18    21  16    22  15   
≥55  27  12  15  0.6210  16  11  1.0000  15  12  0.8017 
Ethnic group                     
African  27  12  15    16  11    18   
Non-African  37  19  18  0.6210  21  16  1.0000  19  18  0.3063 
European  26  12  14    13  13    15  11   
Non-European  38  19  19  0.8035  24  14  0.3161  22  16  1.0000 
AA  11       
Non-AA  53  24  29  0.3312  29  24  0.3311  33  20  0.1792 
Tumor size                     
≤2 cm (T1)  31  17  14    19  12    18  13   
>2 cm (T2+T3)  28  11  17  0.2994  16  12  0.7952  10  18  0.1188 
Lymph node¤                     
Negative  33  15  18    18  15    17  16   
Positive  26  13  13  0.7900  16  10  0.7900  11  15  0.6013 
Histological subtype                     
IDC  44  21  23    26  18    26  18   
Others  20  10  10  1.0000  11  0.7904  11  0.7904 
Elston grade (n = 53)                     
I+II  40  22  18    27  13    25  15   
III  13  0.2021  0.026411  0.0041∗∗
Progesterone receptor                     
Positive  32  12  20    18  14    19  13   
Negative  31  19  12  0.0793  19  12  0.7994  11  20  0.0787 
Estrogen receptor                     
Positive  47  24  23    30  17    29  18   
Negative  16  0.7735  0.2397  15  0.0001∗∗
Positive  19  12    10    12   
Negative  44  24  20  0.2737  28  16  0.2721  23  21  0.2866 
TP53 mutation                     
WT  50  27  23    32  18    33  17   
Mutant  14  10  0.1322  0.0724  10  0.0162

¤¤ 13q31 region: D13S317 and D13S790 STR loci.

n - Total number of samples; S - Number of stable samples; U - Number of unstable samples; AA - Asian-Amerindian; mtDNA – Mitochondrial DNA.

WT - Wild type; M – Mutation; IDC - Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.

¤ Lymph node metastasis: Negative (N0); Positive (N1+N2+N3).


Mitochondrial alteration within the D-loop region.

Fisher's exact test (p≤0.05 statistically significant).


Fisher's exact test (p≤0.05 highly statistically significant).

STR typing of nuclear DNA and TP53 mutation detection

Nuclear genomic instability was assessed by PCR analysis of 13 STR markers. The TPOX, D3S1358, FGA, D7S820, TH01, D13S317 and D16S539 loci were amplified with the fluorescent AmpFlSTR Identifiler Genotyping system according to the manufacturer's recommendations (Applied Biosystems, USA) and then analyzed using the automated ABI3100 Genetic Analyzer platform and GeneMapper Software (Applied Biosystem, USA). The D13S790 locus was amplified with an independent FAM-fluorescent system and analyzed using the ABI3100 Genetic Analyzer platform (Applied Biosystems, USA). The D2S123, D3S1611, D17S796, intron 12 BRCA1 and intron 1 TP53 loci were analyzed using silver nitrate staining following a 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Nuclear genome instability was assessed by observing the allelic imbalances, which are usually identified as LOH. Supplementary Table 1 shows the STR loci localizations and the primer sequences. When the allelic patterns differed between the matched normal and tumor DNAs, the PCRs and electrophoresis were performed twice. Eventually, the lymphocyte DNAs of patients were also genotyped and compared to normal and tumor DNAs to confirm results. In a previous study, TP53 mutation detection was performed for exons 4-9 (13). The association analyses were performed with Fisher's exact test with a significance level of 95% using GraphPad® software.

RESULTSClinical-pathological aspects of cases

To obtain all the possible noteworthy clinical-pathological data from the studied cases, the 64 patients were evaluated for age, ethnicity, histological classification, TNM, Elston grade, p53 and estrogen and progesterone receptor expression levels (Table 1) and Supplementary Tables 2 and 3). The average age of the studied patients was 53, and the ages ranged from 27 to 76 years. The ethnic classification was based on mitochondrial haplogroups. The patients were classified into three ethnic groups: African (42%), European (40%) and Asian-Amerindians (18%). Most of the cases (69%) were diagnosed as invasive ductal carcinomas (IDCs). The other histological subtypes, which represented a total of 18 cases (31%), included the following subtypes: invasive papillary carcinoma, comedocarcinoma, mucinous and medullar intraductal carcinoma. Most of the cases (75%) were classified at low or intermediate grades, although 25% were Elston grade III (high aggressiveness). Fifty percent of the cases were progesterone-positive, and 74% were estrogen-positive. In relation to the p53 tumor suppressor protein, 70% of the cases were protein-negative, and 22% were mutant (13).

Table 2.

Association analysis of TP53 and mtDNA mutations with STR instabilities in invasive ductal carcinoma cases (n = 44).

Clinical-pathological    All STR instabilities  Instability at 13q31¤ 
aspects  S (n = 23)  U (n = 21)  p-value  S (n = 26)  U (n = 18)  p-value 
TP53 mutation      14         
WT  35  21      24  11   
Mutant  0.0642  0.0207
mtDNA mutations§             
WT  26  15  11    17   
Mutant  18  10  0.5406  0.3613 

¤13q31region: D13S317 and D13S790 STR loci.

n – Total number of samples; S - Number of stable samples; U - Number of unstable samples; WT - Wild Type.


Somatic mtDNA mutations within the D-loop region.

Fisher's exact test (P≤0.05 statistically significant).

Nuclear and mitochondrial genome instability

To investigate the genomic instability of our breast cancer cases, both the nuclear and mitochondrial DNAs were analyzed. Nuclear genome instabilities were detected by analyzing the forensic CODIS-recommended STR loci (i.e., D2S123, TPOX, D3S1358, FGA, D7S820, TH01, D13S317, D16S539) and the STRs that were designed for this study (i.e., D3S1611, D13S790, D17S796, intron 12 BRCA1 and intron 1 TP53). Figure 1 shows an example of LOH detection at the D13S317 locus using the fluorescent Identifiler system and a silver-stained polyacrylamide gel. Approximately half of the cases displayed microsatellite instability to some extent; this instability was characterized by allelic imbalances and 41% of cases exhibited alterations in three or more loci. Among the 13 analyzed STR loci, only the D2S123 locus was stable and the D7S820 locus had the lowest frequency of instability (1%). The intron 1 TP53 and D13S317 loci were each unstable in 16% of cases. Interestingly, the D13S790 locus had the highest frequency of instability among the STR loci (36%). Figure 2 displays the distribution of the number of instabilities in the STR loci. Supplementary Table 4 summarizes the data that was obtained from each of the 64 cases. Regarding the mitochondrial genome analysis, 42.18% of cases had somatic mutations, most of which were at the 303-315 poly-C region (Supplementary Table 4). Figure 3 illustrates an example of mtDNA mutation assessed by direct sequencing.

Figure 1.

Detection of LOH at the D13S317 locus. The same matched pair of samples was analyzed twice in both systems (A: Identifiler fluorescent system; and B: silver-stained polyacrylamide gel) to confirm the instability. N: normal tissue; T: tumor tissue.

Figure 2.

Distribution of STR instabilities among the loci. The D2S123 locus presented no alterations. N: number of genetic instabilities at each STR locus.

Figure 3.

Detection of the mtDNA somatic mutation (16192 CC/T) in a case of breast cancer. The arrow indicates the mutation. N: normal tissue; T: tumor tissue.

Association with clinical-pathological aspects

Following the determination of nuclear instabilities and mitochondrial genomic alterations, an association study with clinical-pathological aspects was performed. Interestingly, when the most frequent unstable genome region (13q31, assessed here through the microsatellite markers D13S317 and D13S790) was analyzed separately, it was statistically associated with Elston grade III (p = 0.0264) (Table 1). Furthermore, a positive association was also observed with the presence of TP53 mutations in IDCs (p = 0.0207) (Table 2). A highly positive association with Elston grade III was also observed with the presence of somatic mtDNA mutations (p = 0.0041). Moreover, reinforcing their correlation with parameters of tumor aggressiveness, the mtDNA mutations were statistically associated with negative estrogen receptor expression (p = 0.0001) and TP53 mutations (p = 0.0162). There was no correlation between the STR instabilities and the somatic mtDNA mutations.


Several molecular mechanisms are involved in the formation and progression of breast carcinomas, particularly sporadic breast cancers. An important feature of breast tumor development is the characteristic but highly heterogeneous genomic instability (14). Recently, the advantageous utilization of genome-scale analysis and microarray-based gene expression profiling has stressed the complexity of breast cancer progression (15,16). This study was designed and executed to provide further understanding of genomic instability in Brazilian breast cancer cases. We performed nuclear STR loci genotyping and direct sequencing of HVI and HVII mitochondrial regions of 64 matched pairs of cancerous and adjacent non-cancerous breast samples. Our main aims were to detect genomic instabilities in well-known DNA regions using selected STR loci and the mitochondrial D-loop region and to analyze their association with clinical aspects. With the results, we could expect to have a clearer understanding of local and defined genomic changes, both nuclear and mitochondrial, and their clinical consequences. Surprisingly, through the microsatellite markers D13S317 and D13S790, we found that 13q31 was the most frequent unstable genomic region. It was most apparent at the D13S790 locus, with more than 20 cases presenting LOH. When analyzed separately from the other chromosomal loci, 13q31 was shown to be statistically associated with Elston grade III in all breast tumors and with TP53 mutations in invasive ductal carcinomas, both of which are clinical parameters of tumor aggressiveness (17,18). The 13q31 locus has been described as a chromosome region that shows different genetic alterations depending on the cancer type. Genetic gains have been observed in sarcoma (19) and colorectal cancer (20). Genetic losses have also been verified in breast cancer (21,22). Eiriksdottir et al. (23) analyzed chromosome 13q in detail in 139 sporadic breast tumors with 18 polymorphic microsatellite markers and identified 3 LOH target regions: 13q12-q13, 13q14 and 13q31-q34. In another study, correlations were detected between the allelic loss of the D13S1694 marker (telomeric to BRCA2) and both larger tumor sizes and negative estrogen receptors (24). More recently, Schwarzenbach et al. (25), studying cell-free DNA in benign and malignant breast tumor cases, noted that LOH at D13S280 and D13S159, both markers located at 13q31-33, are associated with overall and disease-free survival. In this same study, all of the analyzed markers significantly correlated with lymph node status (25). Together, these results and our results suggest the existence of a putative suppressor gene or an important regulator sequence in this region. The miR17-92 cluster (13q31.3 region) is located near the 13q31 region; the cluster consists of seven microRNAs tightly grouped within an 800 bp genomic region in the third intron of the primary transcript C13orf25. This cluster is also known as oncomir-1 because its superexpression has been demonstrated in pulmonary cancer and lymphomas (26,27). However, there is some evidence of LOH in this genomic region, mainly in breast cancer, indicating that this cluster can also play a role as a tumor suppressor gene (28,29). Our results reinforce the hypothesis that instability in the 13q31 region may relate to a loss of function of microRNAs in this cluster. Because most of the allelic imbalances were associated with Elston grade III, and (more importantly) 13q31 LOH was associated with TP53 mutations in the IDC samples, we can infer that this alteration is a delayed event in breast tumor progression. We also investigated somatic mutations in the D-loop region of the mtDNA and found that 42.18% of cases were mutated, the majority at the 303-315 poly-C region. As has been described by others (30,31), we could demonstrate an association between the presence of mtDNA mutations and breast tumor aggressiveness. Parameters such as high histological grade (Elston grade III), estrogen receptor-negative and TP53 mutations were statistically associated. Kuo et al. (32) recently reported that the presence of somatic mutations in the D-loop indicates poor prognosis; however, they did not identify a correlation with the presence of TP53 mutations in 30 pairs of tumor and non-tumor samples. The low number of samples and/or the different types of breast cancer cases could explain the difference. TP53 and somatic mtDNA mutations have been considered to be good biomarkers of nuclear DNA damage (18,32); therefore, a correlation between both genetic alterations would be expected. However, we did not identify any association between nuclear instabilities and mtDNA alterations. Alazzouzi et al. (33) also observed that mitochondrial alterations were not associated with nuclear instability in breast tumors. In a study of colorectal carcinomas, instability in the 303 poly-C region of mtDNA was not associated with nuclear microsatellite instability (34). These observations suggest an independent occurrence of both phenomena. In conclusion, although the number of the Brazilian cases evaluated in this study was not high, we could highlight an important role for instabilities at the nuclear 13q31 locus and in mtDNA in breast cancer development and prognosis.


The authors thank the patients for their collaborative participation in this study. Gilson Costa dos Santos Junior and Humberto de Vitto were recipients of fellowships from CNPq/Brazil, and Carla Cristina Moreira was a recipient of a fellowship from PIBIC/CNPq/Brazil. We also thank Angela Duarte, Genomic Platform, UERJ, for her technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ).


Supplementary Table 1.

Nuclear STR and mtDNA primer sequences.

Locus  Chromosomelocalization  Motif  Primer sequences    Amplicon(bp) 

F-Forward; R-Reverse.

Supplementary Table 2.

Clinical-pathological patient data.

Case  Age(Years)  Ethnicity§Histologicalclassification  TNM  EG  ImmunohistochemistryPR ER P53
T2  52  African  IDC  pT1c pN0 (sn) pMx  +++  +++ 
T4  48  African  IDC  pT1c pN0 (sn) pMx  II 
T5  53  African  IDC  pTis pN0 (sn) pMx  ND  ND  ND 
T6  56  European  IDC  pT2c pN2a pMx  III 
T8  49  African  IDC  pT1c pN0 (sn) pMx  +++  +++ 
T9  60  African  Invasive lobular  pT2c pN0 (sn) pMx  +++ 
T10  44  AA  IDC  pT2 pN0 pMx  III 
T11  27  African  Intracystic papillary  pTis pN0 pMx  +++ 
T14  54  African  IDC  pT2 pN2a pMX  II  +++ 
T15  41  African  IDC  pT1c pN0 (sn) pMx  +++ 
T16  48  AA  IDC  pT1c pN0 (sn) pMX  +++ 
T17  46  European  IDC  pT2 pN1a pMx  II 
T18  54  European  IDC  pT1c pN2a pMX  +++  +++ 
T19  50  African  Mucinous  pT1c pN0 (sn) pMX  +++ 
T21  39  AA  IDC  pT1b pN0 pMX  III 
T23  55  African  IDC  pT2 pN1a pMx  +++  +++ 
T25  46  European  IDC  pT1c pN0 pMX  II  +++ 
T26  60  African  IDC  pT3 pN0 pMx  III 
T27  72  African  Invasive papillary  pT1c pNx pMx  II 
T28  46  European  IDC  pT1c pN0 (sn) pMx  III  +++ 
T29  70  African  Invasive papillary  pT2 pN0 (sn) pMX  ++  +++ 
T31  36  African  Invasive micropapillary  pT2 pN1a pMx  III 
T32  50  AA  IDC  pT1c pN0 pMx  ++ 
T33  56  European  IDC  pT1c pN2a pMx  III  +++ 
T34  46  European  IDC  pT2 pN1a pMx  III 
T35  49  European  IDC  pT1c pN0 (sn) pMx  II  +++ 
T36  53  European  IDC  pT2 pN0 (sn) pMx  II 
T37  47  European  Mucinous  pT1c pN0 (sn) pMx 
T38  61  African  IDC  pT1b pN0 (sn) pMx  +++  +++ 
T40  66  African  IDC  pT1c pN2 pMx  III  +++ 
T42  40  African  IDC  pT2 pN0 (sn) pMx  +++  +++ 
T43  52  AA  IDC  pTis pN0 (sn) pMx 
T44  58  African  IDC  pT2 pN1a pMx  II  +++  +++ 
T46  44  European  IDC  pT2 pN3a pMx  II  +++ 
T47  71  European  IDC  pT2 pN0 pMx  II  +++  +++ 
T48  40  European  IDC  pT1c pN0 pMx  II 
T50  42  African  Invasive lobular  pT1a pN1a pMx  ++  +++ 
T52  40  European  IDC  pT2 pN1a pMx  II  ++  +++ 
T53  60  European  IDC  pT1c pN1a pMx  +++ 
T55  40  European  Invasive apocrine  pT1a pN1a pMx 
T56  74  AA  IDC  pT2 pN1a pMx  II  +++ 
T58  70  AA  Invasive lobular  pT2 pN1a pMx  +++  +++ 
T59  46  African  Invasive apocrine  pT2 pN1a pMx  II 
T60  58  European  IDC  pT2 pN1a pMx  ++  +++ 
T61  44  AA  IDC  pT2 pN1b1 pMx  II 
T62  76  European  IDC  pT1 pN0 pMx  II 
T63  71  African  IDC  pT1 pN1 pMx 
T65  53  African  Invasive papillary  ND  II 
T68  59  African  Invasive micropapillary  pT2 pN3 pMx  III 
T69  72  European  Invasive lobular  pT1 pN0 pMx 
T70  50  European  IDC  pT2 pN0 pMx  II 
T71  63  European  Invasive lobular  pT1 pN1 pMx 
T72  68  European  IDC  pT2 pN0 pMx  III 
T73  63  African  Invasive papillary  pT1 pN2 pMx  III 
T74  75  European  IDC  pT1 pN0 pMx  III 
T75  41  European  IDC  pT2 pN1 pMx  II 
T76  60  AA  Invasive micropapillary  pT2 pN2 pMx  II 
T77  46  African  IDC  pT1 pN0 pMx 
T78  66  European  IDC  pT1 pNx pMx  II 
T80  28  AA  IDC  pTis pN0 pMx 
T81  47  African  IDC  pT2 pN0 pMx  II 
T82  69  European  Invasive micropapillary  pT1 pNx pMx  II 
T83  49  African  Invasive mixed type  pT2 pNx pMx  II 
T85  61  AA  Invasive apocrine  pT1 pN0 pMx  II 

IDC – Invasive ductal carcinoma; TNM – Tumor-lymph node metastasis; EG – Elston grade; PR – Progesterone receptor; ER – Estrogen receptor; Protein expression: (-) negative, (+) positive - 25-50%, (++) positive - 50-75%; (+++) positive - more than 75%; ND - no data; AA - Asian-Amerindian.

Without Elston grade classification.


Ethnicity determined by mitochondrial haplogroup.

Supplementary Table 3.

Classification of cases according to the clinical-pathological aspects (total  =  64).

Variables  Number of samplesn (%) 
Age (years)   
<4545-5555-6565-75>75  14 (22)24 (37)13 (20)12 (19)1 (2) 
Tumor size
T1 (≤2 cm)T2 (> 2 cm)T3 (> 5 cm)Tis (Carcinoma in situ)ND  31 (48)27 (42)1 (2)4 (6)1 (2) 
Lymph node metastasis
N0N1N2N3NxND  33 (52)17 (26)7 (11)2 (3)4 (6)1 (2) 
Histological subtype
IDCInvasive LobularOthers §  44 (69)5 (8)15 (23) 
Elston grade∗
IIIIII  15 (28)25 (47)13 (25) 
Progesterone receptor
PR +PR ++PR +++PR –ND  18 (28)4 (6)10 (16)31 (48)1 (2) 
Estrogen receptor
ER +ER ++ER +++ER –ND  20 (31)1 (2)26 (40)16 (25)1 (2) 
p53+p53-ND  19 (30)44 (68)1 (2) 

IDC - Invasive ductal carcinoma; § Other histological subtypes - Invasive papillary, comedocarcinoma, mucinous, medullar intraductal; PR - Progesterone receptor; ER - Estrogen receptor; High levels of protein expression - +: 25-50%, ++: 50-75%, +++:>75%; -: Normal levels or low levels of protein expression; ∗ Elston grade was applied only for the IDC subtype and other types of IDC; ND – Not detected.

Supplementary Table 4.

Unstable STR loci, mtDNA mutations and TP53 mutation status (exons 4-9).

Case  Unstable STR loci  Mitochondrial somatic mutations  TP53 mutation 
T2  D17S796,D13S790  G245S 
T4  D13S790 
T5  D13S790 
T6  303-315C (8-9) TC (6) 
T8  16192 CC/T 
T9  D13S790  16309 AA/G 
T10  D3S1358, D13S317, D17S796, D3S1611, BRCA1  303-315 C (7-8) TC (6)  R248Q 
T11  D13S790 
T14  TH01, TP53, D3S1611, D3S1358, D17S796  303-315 C (7-8) TC (6) 
T16  303-315 C (7-8) TC (6)16391 GG/A 
T17  303-315 C (7-8) T C (6)16261 CC/T 
T18  R175H 
T19  303-315 C (7-8) TC (6)  H168P 
T21  FGA, D3S1358, D3S1611, D13S790  303-315 C (8-9) TC (6)  R273H 
T25  16192CC/T 
T26  TP53,FGA, D16S539, D13S317 
T29  D16S539, D17S796  146 TT/C 
T31  FGA, D13S317, TH01, BRCA1, D13S790  16888delC 
T33  D13S790  16897-16911del 
T34  D13S790  303-315 C (8-9) TC (6)66 GG/T  Y234C 
T35  D13S790, D17S796, TP53 
T37  D13S317 
T38  TP53   
T40  D13S317, FGA, TH01, D17S796, D3S1611, TP53, BRCA1, D3S1358, TPOX,D13S790  294 TT/C  I195L 
T42  16261CC/T 
T43  303-315 C (7-8) TC (6) 
T47  D16S539, TP53, TPOX 
T50  TP53 
T52  TP53,D13S317, D16S539,D13S790 
T55  294 TT/C  W146stop 
T59  TP53,TH01, BRCA1, D3S1358, D16S539, D13S317, D13S790  303-315 C (7-8) TC (6)338 CC/T  P278A 
T60  TH01,D16S539, D13S317 
T61  TP53,D13S317,D13S790  215 AA/G 
T62  303-315 C (8-9) TC (6) 
T69  D13S790  303-315 C (7-8) TC (6)338 CC/T 
T70  D13S790 
T71  D13S790  215AA/C 
T72  D7S820,TH01, D16S539, D17S796,D13S790  303-315 C (7-8) TC (6)  R175H 
T74  D13S790  303-315 C (7-8) TC (6)16291 CC/T 
T76  D3S1611  303-315 C (7-8) TC  D259V 
T78  D13S790  303-315 C (7-8) TC (6)16291CC/T 
T81  D13S790,D13S317  303-315 C (7-8) TC (6) 
T82  D13S790,D16S539 
T83  D13S790 

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No potential conflict of interest was reported.

Santos-Jr GC was responsible for the STR genotyping, patient data collection, statistical analysis and critical revision of the paper. Goes AC was responsible for the STR genotyping study design and execution and critical review of the manuscript. De Vitto H was responsible for mutant mtDNA design, execution and results interpretation. Moreira CC performed STR genotyping. Avad E was responsible for the patient samples and data collection. Rumjanek FD was responsible for partial financial support. De Moura Gallo CV conceived and designed the study, was responsible for research support and manuscript writing.

Copyright © 2012. CLINICS
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