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Vol. 78.
(enero - diciembre 2023)
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Vol. 78.
(enero - diciembre 2023)
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Venous thromboembolism risk score during hospitalization in pregnancy: results of 10694 prospective evaluations in a clinical trial
Venina Isabel Poço Viana Leme de Barros
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, Ana Maria Kondo Igai, Fernanda Spadotto Baptista, Maria Rita de Figueiredo Lemos Bortolotto, Stela Verzinhasse Peres, Rossana Pulcinelli Vieira Francisco
Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade de São Paulo (HCUSP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil
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Table 1. Risk score for Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) prevention during hospitalization in pregnancy and childbirth (Hospital das Clínicas São Paulo, Brazil, 2020).a
Table 2. Main risk factors for venous thromboembolism in hospitalized pregnant women.
Table 3. Adopted therapy in patients with VTE score ≥ 3 (n = 1534).
Table 4. Risk factors for major bleeding in the high-risk-for-VTE group (n =1534).
Table 5. Hospitalized pregnant women and VTE risk score: antepartum and postpartum evaluation.
Table 6. Main risk factors for venous thromboembolism in hospitalized pregnant women, interaction and prevalence ratio analysis.
Table 7. Patients who developed thrombosis during the study period.
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Hospitalization during pregnancy and childbirth increases the risk of Venous Thromboembolism Risk (VTE). This study applied a VTE risk score to all hospitalized pregnant women to ascertain its effectiveness in preventing maternal death from VTE until 3 months after discharge.


In this interventional study, patients were classified as low- or high-risk according to the VTE risk score (Clinics Hospital risk score). High-risk patients (score ≥ 3) were scheduled for pharmacological Thromboprophylaxis (TPX). Interaction analysis of the main risk factors was performed using Odds Ratio (OR) and Poisson regression with robust variance.


The data of 10694 cases (7212 patients) were analyzed; 1626 (15.2%, 1000 patients) and 9068 (84.8%, 6212 patients) cases were classified as high-risk (score ≥ 3) and low-risk (score < 3), respectively. The main risk factors (Odds Ratio, 95% Confidence Interval) for VTE were age ≥ 35 and < 40 years (1.6, 1.4–1.8), parity ≥ 3 (3.5, 3.0–4.0), age ≥ 40 years (4.8, 4.1–5.6), multiple pregnancies (2.1, 1.7–2.5), BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2 (5.1, 4.3–6.0), severe infection (4.1, 3.3–5.1), and cancer (12.3, 8.8–17.2). There were 10 cases of VTE: 7/1636 (0.4%) and 3/9068 (0.03%) in the high- and low-risk groups, respectively. No patient died of VTE. The intervention reduced the VTE risk by 87%; the number needed to treat was 3.


This VTE risk score was effective in preventing maternal deaths from VTE, with a low indication for TPX. Maternal age, multiparity, obesity, severe infections, multiple pregnancies, and cancer were the main risk factors for VTE.

Venous thromboembolism
Risk factors
Maternal death
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Venous Thromboembolism (VTE), comprising deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, has an annual incidence of approximately 1 per 1000 in adult populations and is a major burden in hospitalized patients. In the United States, nearly 50% of the total estimated annual number of VTE events is related to a current or recent hospitalization. [1] Preventing fatal pulmonary embolism is the primary goal of anticoagulant prophylaxis for VTE. [1] The 1-month case fatality rate for VTE ranges from 2.8% to 12%, and the initial presentation for 24% of patients with pulmonary embolism is sudden death. [2]

The risk of hospital-acquired VTE is reduced by pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, but these interventions are not without potential patient harm. Stratum-specific strategies are recommended for optimizing patient management to prevent VTE and bleeding events. [3]

Hospitalization during pregnancy and childbirth greatly increases the thromboembolic risk in these patients. [4] Admission to the hospital during pregnancy is associated with an 18-fold increased risk of a first VTE compared with time outside the hospital, and the risk remains high after discharge, being six-fold higher in the 28 days after discharge. [4]

The application of a protocol to assess the risk of VTE reduces the mortality and morbidity associated with these phenomena. The estimated reduction in the VTE incidence in this high-risk population would be approximately 90%, with a low incidence of adverse effects. [5] Guidelines for postpartum Thromboprophylaxis (TPX) are mostly expert-based, and the indications for TPX greatly differ between the guidelines. [6] These TPX recommendations for the postpartum period apply to patients in 0% [7] to almost 50% of cases. [5] The low number of patients studied and the retrospective nature of the published literature motivated us to perform this trial.

The goal of this study was to apply a TPX protocol based on a VTE risk score to all hospitalized pregnant women, including the postpartum period. The main objective was to prevent in-hospital deaths due to VTE and maternal death 3 months after discharge.


This was an interventional study of hospitalized pregnant women in a single high-risk pregnancy reference center in Hospital das Clínicas, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Patients were classified as low- or high-risk according to the Clinics Hospital VTE risk score. [8] The template for the VTE risk scoring was in an electronic formulary and was to be completed at the time of hospitalization, or the process of admission to the hospital could not be concluded.

The risk assessment was to be reapplied if the patient was hospitalized for more than 7 days. This process was followed by medical residents in most cases. The study period was from December 2014 to June 2019.

Outcome: risk score

Various risk factors were divided into high, medium, or low risk and were assigned values of 3, 2 or 1, respectively. The final score was the sum of the values attributed to each factor present in the patient (Table 1).

Table 1.

Risk score for Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) prevention during hospitalization in pregnancy and childbirth (Hospital das Clínicas São Paulo, Brazil, 2020).a

High-risk factors (Score 3)  Moderate-risk factors (Score 2)  Low-risk factors (Score 1) 
Previous VTE  Previous VTE associated with a triggering factorDehydration 
Recurrent VTE  Smoker (> 20 cigarettes/day) 
VTE during gestation or after delivery  Multiple pregnanc 
VTE linked to the use of hormones  Hyperemesis 
  Age ≥ 35y and < 40y 
  Parity ≥ 3 deliveries 
  Any surgical procedure in the gestation or puerperium 
  Gross varicose veins 
High-risk thrombophilia  Thrombophilia 
Homozygous Factor V Leiden  Homocysteine > 15 ΜmoL/L 
Homozygous mutant prothrombin gene  Heterozygous Leiden factor 
Antithrombin deficiency  Heterozygous mutant prothrombin 
Thrombophilia association  Protein C deficiency 
Antiphospholipid syndromeProtein S deficiency 
Suspected APS 
Cardiopathies  Clinical conditions 
Mechanical valve prostheses  Cancer (in the previous 6 months) 
Atrial fibrillation or flutter  Chemotherapy (within 6 months) 
Cyanotic cardiopathies  Cyanotic pneumopathy 
Intracavitary thrombosis  Paraplegia 
Severe ventricular dysfunction  Pyelonephritis/pneumonia/puerperal infection 
Severe dilation of heart camerasPuerperal hemorrhage >1000 mL 
Age ≥ 40y 
BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2 
Immobility in bed more than 4 days before cesarean section 
Other systemic diseases:  Risk of bleeding 
Nephrotic proteinuria (≥3.5g/24 hours prior to gestation or during the first trimester)Preferably using mechanical methods 
Active bleeding 
Sickle-cell anemia  Active peptic ulcers 
Systemic lupus erythematosusb  Uncontrolled systemic arterial hypertension (> 180 × 110 mm Hg)
Acute rheumatological diseaseb 
Intestinal inflammatory diseaseb  Coagulopathy (thrombocytopenia < 70,000 or INR > 1.5) 
Digestive tract cancer (pancreas and stomach); lung cancerAllergy or heparin thrombocytopenia 
Renal insufficiency (creatinine > 1.5) 
Immobility in bed for longer than 1 week with BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2Cranial or ocular surgery < 2 weeks 
Cerebrospinal fluid flap < 24h 
Morbidity in previous gestation with positive thrombophilia (genetic and/or acquired)  Hepatic/cerebral metastasis
Previous stillbirth without malformations 
Placental abruption 
Severe placental impairment: 
Zero or reverse diastole in the umbilical artery 
Restricted fetal growth (p < 3) 

Abbreviations: APS, Antiphospholipid Syndrome; BMI, Body Mass Index.


The high-risk group (score ≥ 3) received thromboprophylaxis with enoxaparin unless the patient had a contraindication for anticoagulation.


Disease activity requiring hospitalization.

These risk factors were mainly adapted from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) [5] and the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP). [9] High-risk factors for VTE in hospitalized patients were those with a risk greater than 3% (Relative Risk [RR] ≥ 6). [8] Moderate-risk factors received a score of 2 with an Odds Ratio (OR) ≥ 2 and < 6. Low-risk factors were scored 1, with an OR ≥ 1.7 and ≤ 2.

Pharmacological anticoagulation with Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin (LMWH) was indicated in patients with a VTE risk score ≥ 3. Unfractionated heparin was used when there was no availability or a contraindication to the use of enoxaparin. The high-risk group (score ≥ 3) received TPX with enoxaparin unless the patient had a contraindication for anticoagulation, such as active bleeding or high bleeding risk (Table 1). After discharge, the patient underwent TPX for 15 days. If there was a high-risk factor, TPX was prescribed for 40 days after discharge. The patients received the number of required syringes of enoxaparin when indicated, at discharge.

Sample size calculation

The authors aimed to demonstrate that the protocol is effective in reducing the overall incidence of VTE by 50% in the high-risk group (score ≥ 3), knowing that the risk of VTE in this group is greater than 3%. [8] Using these data with a one-tailed test, a significance level of 5%, and a power of 90%, the sample size for this group (with anticoagulation) was 834 patients. When the authors increased the power of the test to 95%, the required sample was 1055 high-risk patients ( Considering the probability of a patient loss to follow-up of 10%, the authors determined the study needed 917 patients (power, 90%) or 1160 patients (power, 95%), respectively.

Statistical analysis

Using percentages and absolute values, the collected data were descriptively analyzed to identify the profiles of the pregnant women. One patient could have undergone more than one evaluation. Variables were compared between the low- and high-risk VTE groups, using the Chi-Square test for categorical variables. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were applied to estimate the OR and 95% Confidence Interval (95% CI) between independent covariates and VTE risk.

Interaction analysis of the main risk factors was performed using OR and Poisson regression with robust variance. All statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 20 for Windows. A two-sided p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Ethics approval

This study followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and the rules of Resolution no 196/96 of the Brazilian National Health Council. All the patients were informed of the study objectives. Only the data of those who voluntarily accepted and signed informed consent forms to participate in the study were included. This research was approved by the local ethics committee (approval: number CAAE 37431414.9.0000.0068).


A flowchart of the selection of patients is shown in Fig. 1. The data of 10694 cases (7212 patients) were descriptively analyzed; 1626 (15.2%) cases (in 1000 patients) were classified as high-risk (score ≥ 3) and were compared with 9608 cases (in 6212 patients) with a risk score < 3.

Fig. 1.

Flow diagram of all hospitalized patients (pregnancy/puerperium) assessed for eligibility.


The main risk factors for VTE were age ≥ 35 and ≤ 39 years (OR = 1.6; 95% CI 1.4–1.8), parity ≥ 3 (OR = 3.5, 95% CI 3.0–4.0), age ≥ 40 years (OR = 4.8, 95% CI 4.1–5.6), multiple pregnancies (OR = 2.1, 95% CI 1.7–2.5), body mass index ≥ 40 kg/m2 (OR = 5.1, 95% CI 4.3–6.0), severe infections (OR = 4.1, 95% CI 3.3–5.1), and cancer (OR = 12.3, 95% CI 8.8–17.2) (Table 2).

Table 2.

Main risk factors for venous thromboembolism in hospitalized pregnant women.

Risk factors  VTE score ≥ 3 (n = 1626)VTE score < 3 (n = 9068)Total (n = 10694)OR (95% CI) 
Age ≥35y and ≤39y  433  26.6  1663  18.3  2096  19.6  1.6 (1.4–1.8)  <0.001 
Parity ≥3  419  25.8  811  8.9  1230  11.5  3.5 (3.1–4.0)  <0.001 
Age ≥40y  321  19.7  439  4.8  760  7.1  4.8 (4.1–5.6)  <0.001 
Multiple pregnancy  182  11.2  513  5.7  695  6.5  2.1 (1.7–2.5)  <0.001 
BMI ≥40 kg/m2  294  18.0  375  4.1  668  6.2  5.1 (4.3–6.0)  <0.001 
Surgical procedure  109  6.7  337  3.7  446  4.2  1.9 (1.5–2.3)  0.002 
Severe infections  144  8.9  208  2.3  352  3.3  4.1 (3.3–5.1)  <0.001 
Cancer  110  6.8  53  0.6  163  1.5  12.3 (8.8–17.2)  <0.001 
Smoking >20 cigarettes  51  3.1  101  1.1  152  1.1  2.9 (2.0–4.0)  <0.001 
Chemotherapy  60  3.7  14  0.2  74  0.7  24.8 (13.8–44.4)  <0.001 
Sickle cell disease  67  4.1  0.1  72  0.7  77.9 (31.3–193.6)  <0.001 
Lupus*  44  2.7  21  0.2  65  0.6  12.0 (7.1–20.2)  <0.001 
Nephrotic proteinuria  49  3.0  0.0  53  0.5  70.4 (25.4–195.4)  <0.001 
Immobility ≥7d and BMI ≥30 kg/m2  37  2.3  15  0.2  52  0.5  14.0 (7.7–25.7)  <0.001 
Hyperemesis  0.5  36  0.4  44  0.4  3.4 (1.1–10.6)  0.03 
Postpartum hemorrhage  26  1.6  15  0.2  41  0.4  9.8 (5.2–18.5)  <0.001 
Immobility ≥4 days pre-cesarean  26  1.6  11  0.1  37  0.3  13.4 (6.6–27.1)  <0.001 
Varices  0.6  23  0.3  32  0.03    0.045 
Paraplegy  24  1.5  0.1  31  0.3  19.4 (8.3–45.1)  <0.001 
Previous VTE (triggering factors)  22  1.4  21  0.2  43  0.4  5.9 (3.2–10.8)  <0.001 
Ventriculomegaly  51  3.1  0.1  58  0.5  41.9 (19–92.5)  <0.001 
Severe dilation of heart chambers  87  5.4  17  0.2  104  1.0  30.1 (17.8–50.7)  <0.001 
Pulmonary hypertension  94  5.8  31  0.3  125  1.2  17.9 (11.9–26.9)  0.63 
Cyanotic pneumopathy  0.1  0.1    1.1 (0.1–9.5)  0.921 
Stillbirth  21  1.3  0.1  29  0.3  14.8 (6.5–33.5)  <0.001 
Placenta abruption  0.3  0.0  0.1  14.0 (2.7–72.1)  0.002 
Placental insufficiency  0.3  0.0  0.1  28.0 (3.5–239.5)  0.002 
Fetal growth restriction  0.5  0.1  14  0.1  7.5 (2.6–21.6)  <0.001 
Cancer (stomach)  0.2  0.0  0.0  16.8 (1.7–161.2)  <0.015 
Hemolytic anemia  11  0.7  0.0  13  0.1  30.9 (6.8–139.4)  <0.001 
Rheumatologic diseases (other than lupus)  10  0.6  0.0  14  0.1  14.0 (4.4–44.8)  <0.001 
Inflammatory bowel disease  0.5  0.1  15  0.1  6.4 (2.3–17.7)  <0.001 
VTE previous (postpartum)  0.5  0.0  0.1  41.4 (12.4–138.6)  <0.001 
VTE (No triggering factors)  16  1.0  0.1  23  0.2  12.9 (5.3–31.3)  <0.001 
VTE (with hormones)  0.2  0.0  0.0    <0.001 
Homocysteine  0.1  0.0  0.0  5.6 (0.3–89.2)  0.224 
Factor V Leiden heterozygous  0.2  0.0  0.1  7.4 (1.7–33.3)  0.009 
Prothrombin heterozygous  0.1  0.0  0.0  1.9 (0.2–17.9)  0.591 
Protein C  0.0  0.0  0.0     
Antiphospholipid syndrome  0.1  0.1  0.1  2.2 (0.4–11.5)  0.337 

VTE, Venous Thromboembolism; BMI, Body Mass Index; OR, Odds Ratio.

Most cases in the high-risk group received prophylactic anticoagulation with enoxaparin (967/1534, 63%), whereas in 29.5% (453) only ambulation was prescribed. Some patients received unfractionated heparin (114, 7.4%) and were classified as ‘others’ (Table 3).

Table 3.

Adopted therapy in patients with VTE score ≥ 3 (n = 1534).

Ambulation  453  29.5 
Enoxaparin 20 mg  30  2.0 
Enoxaparin 40 mg  630  41.1 
Enoxaparin 60 mg  262  17.1 
Enoxaparin 80 mg  45  2.9 
Others  114  7.4 
Total  1534  100 
Missing  92  5.7 

VTE, Venous Thromboembolism.

The risk factors for bleeding were reported in 299/1534 (19.5%) cases in the high-risk group and are listed in Table 4. The main risk factors were the use of antiplatelet agents (aspirin, hydroxychloroquine) (65, 4.2%), premature rupture of membranes (61, 3.7%), renal insufficiency (43, 2.8%), placenta previa (35, 2.3%), active bleeding (34, 2.2%), uncontrolled hypertension (26, 1.7%), coagulopathy (25, 1.6%), and metastasis (brain, liver) (7, 0.4%).

Table 4.

Risk factors for major bleeding in the high-risk-for-VTE group (n =1534).

Risk factors for major bleeding 
Drugs  65  4.2 
PROM  61  3.7 
Renal insufficiency  43  2.8 
Placenta previa  35  2.3 
Active bleeding  34  2.2 
Hypertension  26  1.7 
Coagulopathy  25  1.6 
Metastasis  0.4 
Coughing  0.1 
Stomach ulcer  0.06 
Total  299  19.5 

VTE, Venous Thromboembolism; PROM, Premature Rupture Of Membranes.

Patients were evaluated antepartum, postpartum, or in both periods. The results are presented in Table 5. There was a significantly higher proportion of antepartum evaluations in the high-risk group (49.3%) than in the low-risk group (31.5%, p < 0.001). A total of 796 high-risk patients were scored in the postpartum period (796/1570, 50.7%). Cesarean sections were more frequent in the high-risk group (65.8%, 524/796) than in the low-risk group (56.3%, 3411/6048) (p < 0.001).

Table 5.

Hospitalized pregnant women and VTE risk score: antepartum and postpartum evaluation.

Type of evaluationTEV SCORE
< 3≥ 3Total
Hospitalization antepartum 
Total clinical treatmenta  2790  78.3  774  21.7a  3564  34.2 
Cesarean sectionb  3411  86.6  524  13.3  3935
Forceps  299  92.5  24  7.4  323
Vaginal delivery  2338  90.4  248  9.5  2586
Total postpartum  6048  88.3  796  11.6  6844  65.7 
Total  8838  100  1570  100  10408  100 

p < 0.001 for total clinical treatment versus total postpartum VTE score of ≥ 3.


Cesarean section: 65.8% (524/796) in the high-risk group versus 56.3% (3411/6048) in the low-risk group (p < 0.001).

Most cases of thrombosis occurred in the high-risk group (Table 5); 7/1534 (0.4%) and 3/9068 (0.03%) in the low-risk group. No patient died of VTE. Three months after discharge, 23.4% of patients could not be contacted.

Interaction analysis of the risk factors

The interaction analysis of the risk factors is presented in Table 6. Multiple pregnancies and ages >40 years were analyzed, and there was an increase in the adjusted OR (aOR) (48.8, 95% CI 20.7–115.05). In the analysis of the interaction between multiple pregnancies and hemorrhage, there was a significant increase in aOR (35.99, 95% CI 4.33–299.14). Poisson regression with a robust estimator works with Prevalence Ratio (PR) crosscutting and binary outcomes, and the PR may be used. The same analysis for twins and hemorrhage resulted in a PR of 6 (95% CI 2.69–13.37), and the PR for twins and age > 40 years was 6.97 (95% CI 5.13–9.49).

Table 6.

Main risk factors for venous thromboembolism in hospitalized pregnant women, interaction and prevalence ratio analysis.

Risk factorsVTE score ≥ 3 (N = 1626)VTE score < 3 (N = 9068)OR (95% CI)Interaction  Prevalence ratio 
OR (95%CI)  PR (95% CI) 
Age ≥ 35 and ≤ 39y  433  18.3  2096  19.6  1.6 (1.4–1.8)     
Interaction with BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2            20.64 (14.34–29.71)  5.94 (5.34–6.61) 
Interaction with surgical procedure            4.47 (2.94–6.8)  3.03 (2.36–3.89) 
Interaction with stillbirth            25.16 (2.81–225.33)  5.83 (3.75–9.07) 
Interaction with severe infection            308.67 (42.54–2239.50)  7.41 (6.92–7.94) 
Age ≥ 40y  321  4.8  760  7.1  4.8 (4.1–5.6)     
Interaction with parity ≥ 3            28.41 (20.18–40)  6.72 (6.14–7.36) 
Interaction with surgical procedure            29.07 (9.76–86.53)  6.35 (5.12–7.86) 
Interaction with severe infection            28.73 (8.09–101.95)  6.54 (5.05–8.48) 
Interaction with multiple pregnancy            48.8 (20.7–115.05)  6.97 (5.13–9.49) 
Interaction with BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2            28.73 (CI 8.09–101.95)  6.54 (CI 5.05–8.48) 
Multiple pregnancy  182  5.7  695  6.5  2.1 (1.7–2.5)     
Interaction with postpartum hemorrhage            35,99 (4.33–299.14).  6 (2.69–13.37) 
Cancer  110  0.6  163  1.5  12.3 (8.8–17.2)     
Interaction with chemotherapy            43.86 (20.91–91.96)  6.12 (5.54–6.76) 

VTE, Venous Thromboembolism; PR, Prevalence Ratio; OR, Odds Ratio; CI, Confidence Interval; BMI, Body Mass Index.

The same significant increase was observed in the interaction analysis for cancer and chemotherapy (aOR = 43.86, Poisson PR = 6.12), age 35–39 years and BMI > 40 kg/m2 (aOR = 20.64, PR = 5.94), surgical procedure and age 35–39 years (aOR = 4.47, PR = 3.03), and surgical procedure and age > 40 years (aOR = 29.07, PR = 6.35). Other significant increases in aOR were seen in stillbirth and age 35–39 years (aOR = 25.16, PR = 5.83), severe infection and age 35–39 years (aOR = 308.67, PR = 7.41), severe infection and age > 40 years (aOR = 28.73, PR = 6.54), age > 40 years and multiparity (aOR = 28.41, PR = 6.72).

Cases of thrombosis

Ten patients developed VTE despite risk assessment (Table 7). These patients had a high VTE risk score (7/10) in many cases, and three cases of VTE occurred in the low-risk group. Thus, the protocol failures were 7/1534 (0.4%) in the high-risk group and 3/9068 (0.03%) in the low-risk group. Patient 1 had all the complex situations of placenta previa percreta. The hemorrhagic situation was controlled on the 4th day after cesarean section and hysterectomy. This was when pharmacological anticoagulation should have been initiated. This case raised the question of whether delayed or postponed anticoagulation is more appropriate after the complications of hemorrhagic shock are resolved. This patient had a high VTE risk score; however, anticoagulation was initiated only when she presented with pulmonary embolism. Patient 9 received anticoagulation after the hemorrhagic situation was resolved but was suspended enoxaparin by herself before the necessary time and had a thrombosis subsequently. Patient 4 presented with a seizure on the 25th day after the cesarean section. Enoxaparin was suspended, she was readmitted to the hospital, and presented with a VTE on the 39th day postpartum. Patient 5 had a high-risk score for VTE and was anticoagulated, but she had severe depression after experiencing fetal death and was predominantly on bed rest. The patient developed a pulmonary embolism and VTE. Patient 10, who died, had a thrombus in the vena cava on autopsy but had disseminated colon cancer with metastasis in the liver. Patient 7 had persistent vomiting after fetal meningomyelocele surgery. She received bed rest but experienced dehydration and cerebral venous thrombosis on the 7th day after surgery. An opportunity was lost to score the patient. Special attention must be paid to twin pregnancies, as in Patient 3. A difficult extraction occurred in one malformed fetus, and the traumatic situation was probably not properly evaluated.

Table 7.

Patients who developed thrombosis during the study period.

Date  Age (y)  Weight (kg)  BMI (kg/m2Risk factors  VTE score  Type of VTE  Evolution 
25/09/2015  37  73  29  Twins, premature rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis, bed rest, c-section, uterine atony, hysterectomy, septic shock, blood transfusion  PE ‒ 7th day PS  Alive 
30/06/2016  29  78  27  Fetal malformation, c-section  PE and DVT ‒ 7th day PS  Alive 
10/09/2016  28  73  25  Twins, difficult extraction, c-section, asthma  PE and DVT ‒ 11th day PS  Alive 
21/02/2017  34  60  28  Chronic renal insufficiency, seizure 25th day post-normal delivery, rehospitalization  DVT ‒ 39th PS  Alive 
05/03/2017  33  67  31  Chronic renal insufficiency, c-section, neonatal death, depression (total bed rest), enoxaparin 100 mg  PE and DVT ‒ 14th day PS.  Alive 
26/06/2017  41  91  33  Increased age, gross varicose veins, suboptimal dose of heparin  Superficial thrombophlebitis ‒ 10th day after vaginal delivery  Alive 
22/01/2018  30  66  23  Surgery in pregnancy (correction of meningomyelocele) postoperative vomiting, bed rest, dehydration  Cerebral venous thrombosis ‒ 7th PS (seizure)  Alive 
18/03/2018  42  105  35  Increased age, gross varicose veins in left leg  Superficial thrombophlebitis ‒ 2nd day post-normal delivery  Alive 
25/09/2018  31  112  38  Emergency c-section, uterine atony, hemorrhage, multiparity, DVT in the first trimester of pregnancy, autoimmune disease, smoking, withholding of anticoagulation for 3 days after c-section  PE ‒ 26th day PS  Alive 
10  04/02/2018  34  120  38  Metastatic colon cancer, previous VTE, c-section in the 35th week of pregnancy, sepsis, enoxaparin 40 mg/day  Vena cava Thrombosis (post-mortem diagnosis).  Dead ‒ 15th day PS 

BMI, Body Mass Index; c-section, cesarean section; VTE, Venous Thromboembolism, PE, Pulmonary Embolism; PS, Post-Surgery; DVT, Deep Venous Thrombosis.

Adverse effects of thromboprophylaxis

During the study period, 4 patients (4/1648, 2.4%) presented with serious hemorrhagic complications during prophylactic anticoagulation, and 2 patients presented with large hematoma of the abdominal wall after the cesarean section. Both patient groups received enoxaparin at a dose of 40 mg/day. The first patient (paraplegic patient), after undergoing surgery, exerted notable effort while moving from the bed to the wheelchair to see her baby in the neonatal intensive care center, thus predisposing her to bleed risk. In the second patient, the identified risk factor was allergic coughing after surgery. The third patient had renal insufficiency, cesarean section, and uterine atony that required puerperal hysterectomy. On the second day postpartum, she presented with an acute hemorrhagic abdomen and underwent a laparotomy. The risk factors identified were enoxaparin 20 mg, renal insufficiency, and the use of aspirin in the postpartum period (it was not suspended after the cesarean section). The fourth patient underwent a mastectomy for breast cancer in the 5th month after delivery. Enoxaparin 40 mg was administered despite the large amount of bloody drainage flowing from the surgical drain. Some hours after enoxaparin was administered, the bleeding worsened, and another surgery was necessary to achieve hemostasis. LMWH prophylaxis was not associated with an increased risk of major antepartum (0.2% with and 0.6% without LMWH; RR=0.34; 95% CI 0.04–3.21) or peripartum hemorrhage (2.5% with and 3.0% without LMWH; RR=0.82; 95% CI 0.36–1.86). [9–12]


Several risk factors have been identified for postpartum VTE; however, the level of evidence to guide TPX for postpartum or hospitalized pregnant women remains low, and there is no optimal preventive strategy. [6] Many guidelines have been issued by different medical societies, including RCOG, [5] ACCP, [9] the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), [13] and the American Society of Hematology. [7] However, recommendations for prophylaxis differ greatly between the various guidelines for pregnant and postpartum women with clinical risk factors for VTE. The guidelines of the Hospital das Clínicas, University of São Paulo, Brazil for the obstetric ward were adapted from the RCOG [5] and ACCP [9] guidelines. This was necessary due to the very high-risk population admitted to the ward both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, with social vulnerability. There was also an urgent need for a standardized protocol since a growing number of in-hospital maternal deaths from pulmonary embolisms had occurred before the establishment of this systematic VTE risk assessment. The hospital is a tertiary center, and in recent years, the number of patients with cancer in pregnancy has increased exponentially, as has the profile of patients with obesity, increased maternal age, and multiple pregnancies. These are very special populations that are not always studied in the other guidelines. [6] The analysis of the interaction between these risk factors showed their ability to increase the risk and lethality of VTE.

The use of mechanical devices with intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC) in addition to standard prophylaxis for VTE prevention in very high-risk patients results in a significantly lower incidence of asymptomatic venous thrombosis. [14] However, the use of IPC alone is not sufficient to prevent VTE in high-risk patients. [15]

The strength of the present study was the high number of patients who were scored for VTE risk in a prospective study. Hospitalizations for clinical treatment were frequent and corresponded to almost half of the high-risk cases. This is not always clear in other studies, and in fact, most of the studies on VTE risk score only used the postpartum VTE risk score. [16–18]

The score application indicated the use of TPX in 15.2% of all the evaluations. Considering the high-risk population studied, this is a reasonable and cost-effective result. The RCOG [5] and ACCP [9] protocols would have indicated TPX in approximately 30%–50% and 1%–2% of cases, respectively, in this same population. In-hospital maternal deaths due to pulmonary embolisms were eliminated, and protocol failure was acceptable. A constant audit of the cases led to improvement of staff awareness, mainly by discussing the cases with the medical residents and multidisciplinary staff.

The main risk factors in this study have also been confirmed in other studies. The risk due to increasing maternal age and obesity is now acknowledged worldwide. [19,20] Multiparity and multiple pregnancies are risk factors that have long been studied. [21] The magnitude of the increase in risk depends on the nature and number of risk factors. [17–19] Most clinical factors have only a modest effect on risk, with a non-notable increase in absolute risk to 0.1%. How combinations of risk factors affect VTE risk has not been well studied; for most risk factors, it is unclear whether the risks are additive or multiplicative. [6]

The high incidence of cancer during pregnancy and the postpartum period in the present study possibly occurred because the hospital is a reference center for these patients. This incidence and diversity of cancers during pregnancy have markedly increased in recent years, with breast cancer being a predominant occurrence. [22,23] This fact and the possibility of chemotherapy during pregnancy make these patients have a high risk of VTE during hospitalization for clinical treatment or delivery. Many cancer guidelines have documented this risk. [24]

Cesarean section was not considered a risk factor in this study. This is an area of much debate in VTE prophylaxis. [25] The Canadian guidelines consider only emergency cesarean section as an intermediate risk factor. [26] The authors suppose that the prospective and systematic evaluation of all pregnant patients that were hospitalized detected the main risk factors for VTE. There are some special situations where pelvic damage, trauma, or prolonged cesarean section leads to a greater VTE risk. [27] In most cesarean sections, the procedure is safe and does not increase the risk of VTE, as can be seen in this analysis.

The high-risk VTE group had an approximately 20% risk of hemorrhage in the present study. Sometimes, it is possible to perform TPX, and at other times, the very high risk of bleeding does not allow pharmacologic therapy. In this study, 41% of the patients with risk factors received TPX. Bleeding events were not significantly more often reported for enoxaparin than for untreated controls (RR=1.35, 95% CI 0.88–2.07) in one meta-analysis. [12]

The rate of protocol failure was very low, considering this high-risk group of patients. This result is very similar to that of other risk scores, not only in obstetrics. The incidence of VTE in the general obstetric population is 1–2/1000 deliveries or 0.1% or 0.2%. The mean estimated risk of VTE was 0.07% in all participants in a study of postpartum patients, 0.12% in those with recommended TPX according to the RCOG, [5] and 0.20% among women after cesarean delivery, with recommended TPX by the ACOG [13] and ACCP [9] guidelines.

The risk score in this study assumed an OR of >6 as a high risk for VTE or a VTE probability of ≥ 3% in this population. [14] Many patients had many associated risk factors, and the final risk was difficult to estimate. The 3% risk of VTE in the high-risk group was reduced to 0.4% by the intervention (anticoagulation), resulting in an 87% reduction in risk.

The number Needed To Treat (NNT) was 3.38 (1/0.3-0.00043) or 3 patients need to be treated to prevent 1 case of VTE, considering the formula NNT = 1/(Iu–Ie), where Iu is the incidence of VTE in an unexposed-to-treatment group, which was 3%, [7] and Ie is the incidence in the treated group or 7 VTE cases in 1626 evaluations. This NNT number is low if the authors consider that half of the cases in the high-risk group had a risk greater than 3%. [28,29]

One limitation of the study is that the incidence of VTE may have been higher. A systematic venous doppler ultrasound of the legs 40 days after discharge would be required to exclude asymptomatic VTE. Three months after discharge, almost one-quarter of the patients could not be contacted. The studied population was socially vulnerable, and the loss to follow-up after 3 months was probably because cell phones are not always turned on for economic reasons. Thus, it is likely that some cases of VTE may have been missed; however, the impact on maternal mortality could be assessed. There is a committee for maternal mortality in the hospital and in the city that discusses these cases, and the authors would have been communicated of any death due to VTE.


This VTE risk score resulted in a 15% indication for pharmacological VTE prophylaxis and was effective in preventing maternal death from VTE. Maternal age, notable multiparity, obesity, severe infections, and cancer were the main risk factors for VTE. Protocol failure was very low in both the high- and low-risk groups. This scoring model, which does not consider cesarean section as a risk factor, seems effective. Collaboration with a multidisciplinary approach is fundamental for the safety of patients and VTE prevention. Each case of thrombosis should be fully investigated and can provide an opportunity for improvement in patient care.

Authors’ contributions

Guarantor statement: Venina Barros. Author contributions: Venina Barros, Fernanda S Baptista, Maria Rita F L Bortolotto, and Ana Maria Kondo – project conception, implementation, development, and approval; Venina Barros, Fernanda S Baptista, Rossana PV Francisco – data analysis and manuscript writing. Rossana Pulcineli Francisco and Stela Verzinhasse – manuscript revision, sample size calculation, and statistical analysis. Venina, Fernanda Maria Rita, Ana Maria, Rossana, and Stela – collaboration regarding the final approval of the version to be published.

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