Resultados: En 82 pacientes (59%) se detectó al menos un antígeno viral de las secreciones nasofaríngeas, siendo éste único en 64 casos (46%). En seis de los 29 pacientes en los que se realizó estudio serológico, se demostraron valores significativos de anticuerpos específicos frente a alguno de los virus estudiados; en los 23 restantes los resultados fueron negativos.
Conclusiones: El virus respiratorio sincitial fue el principal agente implicado en las infecciones del tracto respiratorio inferior en lactantes (49%). No hubo correlación entre los resultados serológicos y los de detección directa de antígeno
Patients and Methods: 139 patients were admited, aged from 13 days to 14 months, during this period. The etiological agent was detected by direct immunofluorescence from nasopharyngeal secretions. Monoclonal antibodies were used against Respiratory Syncitial Virus, Influenza A Virus, Influenza B Virus, Adenovirus and Parainfluenza 3 Virus. Antibody detection against these viruses by Complement Fixation Test was done on 29 of these patients, with paired sera (acute and convalescent phase).
Results: In 82 patients (59%) we found at least one viral agents from the nasopharyngeal specimens, but in 64 of these only one was detected, in the remaining 18, there were more than one. Significant levels of antibodies were detected in only six of the 29 patients tested. Serology was negative in the remaining 23 patients.
Conclusions.: Syncitial Respiratory Virus is the first virus responsible for the lower respiratory tract infection in this age group (49%). There was no correlation between serological diagnosis and antigen detection.