Analizar las tasas de mortalidad innecesariamente prematura y sanitariamente evitable estrictamente hospitalaria (MIPSE) en la provincia de Cádiz.
MétodosExploración de la mortalidad evitable utilizando como fuente de datos el conjunto mínimo básico de datos al alta hospitalaria (CMBDH) de cuatro hospitales del Servicio Andaluz de Salud, analiz ándose 67.261 episodios de hospitalización.
ResultadosLa tasa MIPSE fue 0,020 % (IC 95% 0,018-0,021), concentrándose el 80% de las muertes (n=4) en un solo hospital.
ConclusionesLa MIPSE provincial de Cádiz es similar a los estudios publicados en nuestro país, si bien se encontraron importantes diferencias entre los distintos hospitales que es preciso continuar investigando. Es necesario aumentar las causas de MIPSE hospitalarias.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the deaths amenable to medical intervention occurring in the hospital setting (MIPSE) in Cadiz. The area of Cadiz has four hospitals and all of them have been analyzed in this study.
MethodThe method used was the study the MIPSE trough the Minimal Data Set (CMBD). The cases studied were 67.261.
ResultsThe MIPSE rate was 0,02% (IC 95% 0,018-0,021). The 80% of cases studied had the same origin in one of the four hospitals studied.
ConclusionsWe have found in our study the same MIPSE rate than other studies in our country. There were some important differences between the several hospitals studied, and we consider that would be very important to continue research in this way.