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Vol. 26. Issue 5.
Pages 323-326 (January 2000)
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Vol. 26. Issue 5.
Pages 323-326 (January 2000)
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Actitud del médico de atención primaria en la detección precoz del cáncer de próstata mediante el antígeno prostático específico
Attitude of primary care doctors to early detection of prostate cancer through the prostate-specific antigen
M. Oller Colom
Corresponding author

Correspondencia: Carrer del Foc, s/n. 08038 Barcelona.
, S. Jiménez Navarrete, A. Hidalgo García, E. Calvo Rosa, M.M. Pérez Herrera, R.M. Castellanos Duarte, C.I. Simón Muela, N. Asens Mampel, I. Duaso Allué
Equipo de Atención Primaria Dr. Carles Ribas. Barcelona
Gascón Gazullaa
a Laboratorio CAP Manso
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Estudiar la actitud del medico de atencion primaria cuando obtiene un antigeno prostatico especifico (PSA) elevado (≥ 4 ng/ml) y las variables asociadas a la practica de biopsia de prostata y al diagnostico de carcinoma de prostata (CP).


Estudio observacional descriptivo.


ABS urbana.


Noventa y cuatro varones no diagnosticados previamente de CP que durante el ano 1998 tuvieron un valor de PSA ≥ 4 ng/ml. El listado se obtuvo del laboratorio de referencia.


Por revision de las historias clinicas se recogieron las variables: antecedentes familiares de CP, edad, valor del PSA, motivo de peticion del PSA (si no constaba se consideraba cribado), derivacion al urologo, practica de tacto rectal, ecografia transrectal, biopsia de prostata y diagnostico final.


La edad media era de 70 anos (DE, 9,31). El motivo de peticion del PSA fue: sintomatologia urinaria en 25 (26,6%), otros signos o sintomas en 25 (26,6%), peticion del paciente en 2 (2,1%) y cribado en 42 (44,7%). Se realizo tacto rectal en 16 casos. Veintinueve sujetos se derivaron al urologo para estudio. Constaba ecografia y biopsia en 36 pacientes. Las variables asociadas a la realizacion de biopsia de prostata en el modelo logistico fueron: valor superior del PSA (OR, 1,1; IC del 95%, 1,03–1,18), mayor edad (OR, 0,92; IC del 95%, 0,87–0,98) y practicado tacto rectal (OR, 3,58; IC del 95%, 1,02–12,51). Se diagnosticaron 10 CP.


El motivo mas frecuente de peticion del PSA fue por cribado. No se solicito biopsia de prostata en 58 varones. Seria conveniente una guia de actuacion para la atencion primaria en relacion al diagnostico de CP para valores de PSA ≥4 ng/ml.

Palabras clave:
Antígeno prostático específico
Cáncer próstata

To study the attitude of primary care doctors when a high (≥ 4 ng/ml) prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is found and to examine the variables linked to a prostate biopsy and the diagnosis of prostate cancer (PC).


Descriptive, observational study.


Urban health district.


Ninety-four men not previously diagnosed with PC who in 1998 had a PSA figure ≥ 4 ng/ml. The list was obtained from the pertinent laboratory.


The following variables were gathered from review of clinical records: family background of PC, age, PSA figure, reason for request for PSA (if not given, it was considered a screening), referral to the urologist, rectal touch, transrectal echography, prostate biopsy and final diagnosis.


Average age was 70 (SD, 9.31). The reason for requesting PSA was: urine symptoms in 25 (26.6%), other signs or symptoms in 25 (26.6%), request of patient in 2 cases (2.1%) and screening in 42 (44.7%). Rectal touch took place in 16 cases. Twenty-nine people were referred for examination to the urologist. 36 patients had an echography and biopsy. Variables linked to the prostate biopsy in the logistic model were: higher value of the PSA (OR 1.1; 95% CI, 1.03–1.18), being older (OR 0.92; CI, 0.87–0.98) and rectal touch performed (OR 3.58; CI, 1.02–12.51). Ten cases of PC were diagnosed.


The most common reason for a PSA request was screening. Prostate biopsy was not requested for 58 men. A primary care guide to action concerning PC diagnosis in cases of PSA ≥ 4 ng/ml would be useful.

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Copyright © 2000. Elsevier España, S.L.. Todos los derechos reservados
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