0 - Do you see parathyroid glands?: What to think
Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, España.
Objetivo docente: To review the spectrum of parathyroid pathology and make a differential diagnosis according to the findings in ultrasound and scintigraphy.
Revisión del tema: In normal conditions parathyroid glands are not seen on most radiological techniques. When we see them it is because they are enlarged, and we have to take into account four possible differential diagnosis: hyperplasia, cyst, adenoma and carcinoma. These glands also have many anatomical variations in location and number. Because of these variations it is important to know how to recognize them and make an accurate differential diagnosis, between normal anatomy and pathologic conditions.
Conclusiones: A thorough knowledge of the neck anatomy is needed to correctly categorize every increase in size of the parathyroid glands. When identified, additional radiology findings can guide us to a more accurate diagnosis.