Being the basis for the creation of products from sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan L.) to reduce and control blood glucose levels and to find out the effectiveness of secang boiled water on the decrease in blood glucose levels of patients with diabetes mellitus at menopause.
MethodsThis research used quasi-experimental research method with pre-test and post-test design in one treatment group. It was obtained the result of diabetic's blood glucose level before and after giving treatment (decoction of sappan wood) by using this method. The number of samples was 30 respondents (menopausal women). Data collection utilized observation sheets and blood glucose check-up.
ResultsThe test results showed that there were significant differences between blood glucose levels before and after treatment. It was obtained that t-count (10,939)>t-tab (1,714) with a sig value.<0.05. There is the Effect of Giving Mixed Secang Wood Decoction (Caesalpinia sappan L.), and Aloe Vera Leaves on Blood Glucose in Mice (Mus musculus).
ConclusionResult of paired sample t-test was obtained p=0.005<α=0.05. It meant that H0 was rejected or there is the affectivity decoction of sappan wood toward reducing blood glucose level to menopause women with diabetes mellitus in 2018 of Makassar city.