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Inicio Enfermería Clínica The effect of consuming seaweed capsules of Spirulina on hemoglobin levels of pr...
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Vol. 31. Núm. S5.
The 3rd International Nursing & Health Sciences Students & Health Care Professionals Conference (INHSP) 2019
Páginas S697-S699 (diciembre 2021)
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Vol. 31. Núm. S5.
The 3rd International Nursing & Health Sciences Students & Health Care Professionals Conference (INHSP) 2019
Páginas S697-S699 (diciembre 2021)
Original Article
The effect of consuming seaweed capsules of Spirulina on hemoglobin levels of pregnant women at Batua Public Health Center of Makassar
Julia Fitriningsiha,
Autor para correspondencia
, Stangb, Nurqalbi Samparac, Jumrah Sudirmanc, Rahayu Eryanti Kusniyantoc, Lisnawatic
a Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
b Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
c Profession Midwife Study Program, Megarezky University, Makassar, Indonesia
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Tablas (1)
Table 1. The effect of consuming seaweed capsules on hemoglobin levels of ‘pregnant women’ at Batua Public Health Center of Makassar.
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Este artículo forma parte de:
Vol. 31. Núm S5

The 3rd International Nursing & Health Sciences Students & Health Care Professionals Conference (INHSP) 2019

Más datos

This research is to know the effect of consuming seaweed capsules on hemoglobin levels of pregnant women at Batua Public Health Center of Makassar.


This study used a quasi-experimental approach with one group pre and post-test design. The intervention was to give seaweed spirulina capsules, 1 capsule containing 300mg, 1 capsule once a day for 30 days. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sample of 20 respondents according to the inclusion criteria, namely pregnant women with Hb anemia <11g%, and have no complication.


The results showed that from the T Paired T Test the p-value was 0.000<α 0.05, meaning that there was an effect of consuming seaweed capsules on hemoglobin levels of anemic pregnant women.


There are 5% of respondents whose Hb levels do not increase and still experience anemia due to lack of rest or the mother experiencing insomnia.

Anemia in pregnant women


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