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Inicio Journal of Innovation & Knowledge A bibliometric analysis of leading universities in innovation research
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Vol. 2. Núm. 3.
Páginas 106-124 (septiembre - diciembre 2017)
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Vol. 2. Núm. 3.
Páginas 106-124 (septiembre - diciembre 2017)
Conceptual paper
Open Access
A bibliometric analysis of leading universities in innovation research
Análisis bibliométrico de las universidades líderes en la investigación sobre Innovación
Christian A. Cancino
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Corresponding author.
, José M. Merigó, Freddy C. Coronado
Department of Management Control and Information Systems, University of Chile, Av. Diagonal Paraguay 257, 8330015 Santiago, Chile
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Tablas (15)
Table 1. Most influential journals in innovation research.
Table 2. List of top 7 journal in innovation research according TPI.
Table 3. Most influential universities in innovation research.
Table 4. Comparative analysis of leading universities according to different rankings.
Table 5. Most influential universities in innovation research between 1989 and 1993.
Table 6. Most influential universities in innovation research between 1994 and 1998.
Table 7. Most influential universities in innovation research between 1999 and 2003.
Table 8. Most influential universities in innovation research between 2004 and 2008.
Table 9. Most influential universities in innovation research between 2009 and 2013.
Table 10. Leading universities in innovation in research policy and International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM).
Table 11. Leading universities in innovation in Technovation and Technological Forecasting and Social Change (TFSC).
Table 12. Leading universities in innovation in Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM) and Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (TASM).
Table 13. Leading universities in innovation in R&D Management (RDM) and Strategic Management Journal (SMJ).
Table 14. Leading universities in innovation in Organization Science and Management Science.
Table 15. Leading universities in innovation in Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) and Review (AMR) and other selected journals (OSJ).
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The number of innovation studies with a management perspective has grown considerably over the last 25 years. This study identified the universities that are most productive and influential in innovation research. The leading innovation research journals were also studied individually to identify the most productive universities for each journal. Data from the Web of Science were analyzed. Studies that were published between 1989 and 2013 were filtered first by the keyword “innovation” and second by 18 management-related research areas. The results indicate that US universities are the most productive and influential because they account for the most publications with a high number of citations and high h-index. Following advances in the productivity of numerous European journals, however, universities from the UK and the Netherlands are the most involved in publishing in journals that specialize in innovation research.

University analysis
Web of science
JEL classification:

Una de las disciplinas que ha mostrado mayor crecimiento en los últimos 25 años es la investigación científica sobre innovación bajo una perspectiva de gestión. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las universidades más productivas e influyentes en la investigación sobre innovación. Las principales revistas en el campo también se estudian individualmente identificando las universidades más productivas en cada una de las revistas. Los datos obtenidos son de la Web of Science, filtrando primero por la palabra clave “innovation” entre los años de 1989 y 2013 y el segundo filtrado por dieciocho áreas de investigación de WoS relacionadas con la perspectiva de gestión. Nuestros resultados indican que las universidades de los Estados Unidos son las más productivas e influyentes, dado el mayor número de publicaciones que muestran mayores citas y mayor índice h. Sin embargo, ante los avances en la productividad de un gran número de revistas europeas, las universidades británicas y holandesas aparecen como las más implicadas en la publicación de revistas más especializadas en investigación sobre innovación.

Palabras clave:
Análisis de universidades
Web of science
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Many scholars, especially in recent decades, have focused on innovation research, confirming a substantial growth in the discipline (Chen, Damanpour, & Reilly, 2010). This is demonstrated not only by the quantity of items published daily on the matter, but also by the number of new research centers that are appearing. These centers bring together specialists looking to evaluate deeper the explanatory factors of innovative business development (Cancino, Merigó, & Palacios-Marqués, 2015; Fagerberg, Fosaas, & Sapprasert, 2012).

Insofar as the number of publications on innovation continue to grow, it becomes necessary to investigate more about who the most productive and influential researchers are, and identify the major journals, and universities that are leading the development in this discipline. While some studies on this matter have been developed (Fagerberg et al., 2012; Linton, 2004; Shafique, 2013; Yang & Tao, 2012) not all explain which universities are investigating more on innovation.

In this paper we analyze deeper to identify the top 100 most influential and productive universities worldwide in innovation research, and at the same time analyze which universities are publishing most in journals specialized in innovation. To achieve this, we use bibliometric analysis (Broadus, 1987; Pritchard, 1969) in order to quantitatively analyze the bibliographic material developed by various universities in innovation research between 1989 and 2013. We obtained the data by considering all articles published in present academic journals in the Web of Science (WoS), first filtering by keyword innovation, second for the time period between 1989 and 2013, and third filtering by eighteen research areas of WoS related with managerial perspective, presenting the information with the university affiliation of the authors.

The results of the study show that USA and UK universities are the most productive and influential institutions in innovation research. In particular, American universities excel in the ranking representing more than eighty percent of the papers published on the subject. This is consistent with other rankings of the best universities in economics and business (QS, Shanghai ARWU). Also, the study analyzed the leading universities in seven specialized journals that are very influential in innovation research and some other leading management journals. While there are many European universities presenting an important advancement in the number of publications, particularly given that the establishment of European journals specializing in innovation research, American universities appear in the first places publishing in leading management journals. Clearly, the discipline of innovation is one that is drawing more interest among many researchers in the world, therefore explaining its rapid growth.

The rest of the article is as follows. “Literature review” section shows the literature review about innovation studies. Methods section briefly reviews the bibliometric methods. Results section presents the publication evolution by universities, the citation structure and the university analysis. Conclusions section summarizes the main findings and conclusions of the study.

Literature review

For many decades, bibliometric studies have been very common in literature, due to its state of art contribution in making certain areas of interest known. In order to understand the relevance of these studies, diverse definitions of the concept bibliometrics can be found. According to Pritchard (1969), it is a method of applying mathematics and statistics to the media of written communication in order to understand the nature and course of development of a discipline. Also, Broadus (1987) states that bibliometrics is the quantitative study of physically published units, or bibliographic units, or surrogates of either. More simply Norton (2001) defines bibliometrics as the measurement of texts and information. Furthermore, in the last few years new uses have been given to bibliometrics. According to Daim, Rueda, Martin, and Gerdsri (2006), it helps to explore, organize and analyze large amounts of historical data helping to identify hidden patterns that may help researchers in the decision making process.

Several disciplines on economics and management have used bibliometric studies, to either help us understand the data previously analyzed or show us possible hidden patterns that could be very interesting to address (Bonilla, Merigó, & Torres-Abad, 2015; Carvalho, Fleury, & Lopes, 2013; Chun-Hao & Jian-Min, 2012; Neely, 2005; Wagstaff & Culyer, 2012). Focusing on innovation research, and given that scholarly literature on innovation is now rapidly growing, it is possible to find some studies that have developed analysis through bibliometric methodologies (Martin, 2012). Fagerberg and Verspagen (2009) show that there are several thousand scholars worldwide that identify with innovation studies. The field has long passed the stage of an invisible college and now the field consists of a large number of groups of interacting scholars. In this sense, they show that a core literature in innovation studies has emerged, centered around a small number of leading academics.

One of the most recent works about bibliometrics on innovation studies belongs to Fagerberg et al. (2012). Among its results, this paper shows that a sizeable quantity of literature on innovation has developed, mostly from the 1950s onwards, with a particularly strong growth in recent years. In which, it is possible to find three stages in the evolution of the field. The first stage, up to 1970, constitutes the early childhood of the studies on innovation, mainly focused on the study of economic and sociologic aspects, where there is a limited interaction with other fields. The second phase, after 1970 approximately, was developed through the work of a limited number of researchers from research centers in Stanford, Yale and Sussex (Dosi, Malerba, Ramello, & Silva, 2006). According to Fagerberg et al. (2012), a number of important contributions to the core literature emerged during the 1970s and 1980s that developed to shape the cognitive platforms of researchers in innovation for years to come. In this second phase, a distinctive characteristic of innovation studies was a strong emphasis on multi and inter-disciplinarity, not only with regard to the social sciences, but also in relation to other parts of the scientific world such as engineering science. The third phase referred to by Fagerberg et al. (2012) is called the mature phase. In this phase, specialized professional associations were created and were involved in the development of innovation discipline (created in 1986; created in 1987). Among the most influential scholars in the discipline, there are outstanding works from (on the basis of their total contributions as assessed by the experts, adjusting for co-authorship): R. Nelson, C. Freeman, N. Rosenberg, J.A. Schumpeter, M. Porter, Z. Griliches, E. Von Hippel, B-A. Lundvall, K. Pavitt, A.D. Chandler, among others.

Finally, different studies on innovation are currently under development, which are addressing a variety of problems, the particularities of regions and its multidisciplinary nature (Ball & Rigby, 2006; Thieme, 2007; Yang & Tao, 2012). Some examples are those developed by Seol and Park (2008), who present an investigation of the knowledge sources of Korean innovation studies using citation analysis. At a country level, Rafols, Leydesdorff, O’Hare1, Nightingale, and Stirling (2012) conducted a bibliometric study to compare the degree of inter-disciplinarity and the research performance of a number of innovation study units with that of leading business and management schools in the UK. Also Linton (2004) identified the centers of active research on the management of technology and innovation through the use of a publication-based study. This paper determined that schools with capabilities in innovation research are distributed across the world. Yang and Tao (2012) investigated general topics that have been studied and identify as the most popular research topics in the field of innovation management. In particular, they developed a bibliometric analyses to find the world's top 10 innovation management universities.

With the aspiration of expanding on the previous studies, and increasing the number of universities studied, in this paper we hope to contribute to the literature analyzing the productivity and the influence of the top 100 universities that do the most research on innovation, analyzing not only the universities from USA, but also looking at universities throughout the world.


According to Broadus (1987), bibliometrics is a research field that quantitatively studies bibliographic material, providing a general overview of a research field according to a wide range of indicators (publications, citations, h-index, etc.). Some studies focus on the number of publications, as this measures the author's or university's productivity (Trieschmann, Dennis, Northcraft, & Niemi, 2000). Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Podsakoff, and Bachrach (2008) argue that citation analysis is the optimal way of evaluating research because it measures the influence of a set of articles written by an author or a university. In addition, the h-index (Hirsch, 2005) is an indicator which combines articles with citations, indicating the number of studies X that have received X or more citations. For example, if a set of publications have an h-index of 10, inside the set, there are 10 articles that have received 10 citations or more; but there are not 11 studies or more with at least 11 citations.

Bibliometric studies – by means of number of publications, citation or h-index analysis – are becoming very popular in the literature, especially due to the development of specialized databases, such as Web of Science (WoS), which greatly facilitate the acquisition of research information (Merigó, Gil-Lafuente, & Yager, 2015).

The WoS is the database we used to collect the information on innovation research at universities. Currently, WoS includes more than 50,000,000 articles classified into roughly 250 categories and 150 research areas.

The information for this paper was collected between March and April of 2015. The data was obtained by considering all articles published in academic journals presently in WoS. We first filtered by keyword innovation, second by the time period of 1989–2013, third filtering by eighteen research areas of WoS related with managerial perspective (Business & Economics, Public Administration, Government & Law, Geography, Urban Studies, Area Studies, Sociology, History and Philosophy of Science, Social Work, Social Issues, Behavioral Sciences, Asian Studies, Social Sciences and Other Topics, Transportation, Operations Research & Management Science, and Computer Science), and presented the information according to university affiliation of the authors of each article. According to Cancino et al. (2015) there are many journals that publish papers in innovation research. Table 1 presents a list with the fifty journals with the highest h-index in innovation research.

Table 1.

Most influential journals in innovation research.

Journal  Journal 
Strategic Management J.  26  American Economic Review 
Research Policy  27  Industrial and Corporate Change 
Academy of Management J.  28  Technological Forecasting and Social Change 
Organization Science  29  J. Operations Management 
Management Science  30  J. Business Research 
J. Product Innovation Management  31  Int. J. Industrial Organization 
Academy of Management Review  32  Industrial Marketing Management 
J. Marketing  33  Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 
J. Business Venturing  34  J. Economic Geography 
10  Technovation  35  Information & Management 
11  Regional Studies  36  J. Engineering and Technology Management 
12  Administrative Science Quarterly  37  Leadership Quarterly 
13  J. Management Studies  38  Environment and Planning A 
14  Harvard Business Review  39  Decision Sciences 
15  R & D Management  40  Urban Studies 
16  MIS Quarterly  41  J. Applied Psychology 
17  MIT Sloan Management Review  42  World Development 
18  California Management Review  43  Marketing Science 
19  J. Management  44  J. Academy of Marketing Science 
20  J. Int. Business Studies  45  Economic Journal 
21  Small Business Economics  46  Cambridge J. Economics 
22  RAND J. Economics  47  Review of Economics and Statistics 
23  IEEE Trans. Engineering Management  48  Long Range Planning 
24  Information Systems Research  49  J. Evolutionary Economics 
25  Organization Studies  50  Economic Geography 

The requirement to be considered in the ranking is to have at least 80 papers on innovation research and an h-index of 20.

Source: Based on Cancino et al. (2015).

If we analyze the citation structure of the most productive and influential innovation research journals using bibliographic coupling (Martyn, 1964) methodology (see Fig. 1), we can see that Research Policy, Strategic Management Journal, Technovation, Journal of Product Innovation Management and Organization Science are the most relevant journals with a very huge bibliographic network. The most productive journals have the highest influence in the analysis because they have more articles and therefore they also generate more citations. By defining the top 100 universities that publish the most about innovation topics in present journals in WoS we came up with 18806 articles published between 1989 and 2013, comprising a total of 716955 citations.

Fig. 1.

Bibliographic coupling between the most productive and influential journals in innovation research.


Moreover, the study takes into consideration the analysis of publications, citations and h-index of the top 100 universities mentioned above, in relation to that which was published in the 7 journals most specialized in innovation research (see Table 2). These specialized journals are characterized by having more than 90% of papers published in them dealing with innovation topics. This will not only allow us to identify the most influential universities in this field but also those that are publishing most about innovation research.

Table 2.

List of top 7 journal in innovation research according TPI.

Abbreviation  Journal name 
RP  Research Policy 
IJTM  International Journal of Technology Management 
TECH  Technovation 
TFSC  Technological Forecasting and Social Change 
JPIM  Journal of Product Innovation Management 
TASM  Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 
RDM  R&D Management 

TPI=total number of publications in innovation research.

Source: Based on Cancino et al. (2015)


This section presents the results of the paper. First, the study analyzed the leading research universities in innovation from 1989 to 2013 followed by the most productive universities based on publication in the top-7 innovation research journals. Second, the paper presented an analysis of leading universities by comparing the results obtained from previous studies. Third, the article analyzed the most influential universities in innovation research by periods of time. Fourth, the study presented a bibliographic coupling and co-authorship analysis between the most productive and influential universities in innovation research. Finally, the study analyze the leading universities in seven specialized journals that are very influential in innovation research and some other leading management journals.

Leading universities in innovation research

There are many universities publishing papers about innovation research. Among them all, within the period of 1989–2013, we can single out the most important in terms of their h-index (HI), the most productive in terms of the total number of papers published on the subject (TPI), and finally the most influential universities based on the total citations their publications are receiving (TCI).

Table 3 shows three important analysis to consider: 1) presents the HI, TCI and TPI indicators for the 100 universities with the highest h-index in innovation research; 2) presents HI7, TCI7 and TPI7 indicators for the 100 universities that publish in the 7 journals specialized in innovation research (see Table 2); and Table 3) compares the ranking of universities on their productivity in innovation research in relation to two other international rankings of universities: QS and Shanghai Ranking.

Table 3.

Most influential universities in innovation research.

Name  COU  HI  TCI  TPI  HI7  TCI7  TPI7  QS ranking  Shanghai ranking 
U. Pennsylvania  USA  96  43751  370  13  1379  20  MIT  Harvard U. 
Harvard U.  USA  93  42664  588  27  2925  47  U. Cambridge  Stanford U. 
MIT  USA  76  25169  395  31  4455  63  Imperial Coll. London  MIT 
Stanford U.  USA  67  22754  318  10  659  23  Harvard U.  U. Cal. Berkeley 
U. Cal. Berkeley  USA  64  22600  380  28  1439  36  U. Oxford  U. Cambridge 
Columbia U.  USA  58  15933  289  812  15  U. Coll. London  Princeton U. 
U. Michigan  USA  58  11251  260  21  2586  10  Stanford U.  California Inst. Tech. 
U. Minnesota TC  USA  57  15936  282  559  15  California Inst. Tech.  Columbia U. 
U. Sussex  GBR  53  11360  303  40  5537  130  Princeton U.  U. Chicago 
10  Carnegie Mellon U.  USA  53  21010  174  14  1205  22  Yale U.  U. Oxford 
11  NYU  USA  53  10744  254  620  16  U. Chicago  Yale U. 
12  Michigan St. U.  USA  51  10869  266  21  2586  43  Swiss Federal ITZ  UCLA 
13  U. Maryland C. Park  USA  51  13696  205  241  U. Pennsylvania  Cornell U. 
14  UCLA  USA  49  7974  214  482  Columbia U.  U. California S. Diego 
15  U. Southern Califor.  USA  49  8644  183  41  Johns Hopkins U.  U. Washington 
16  London Bus Sch.  GBR  48  9211  160  13  1152  16  Kings Coll. London  U. Pennsylvania 
17  U. Manchester  GBR  45  7917  410  31  3310  131  U. Edinburgh  Johns Hopkins U. 
18  Rutgers St. U.  USA  45  8846  198  359  15  Ecole Polyt. F. Lausanne  U. California San Fran. 
19  INSEAD  FRA  45  9576  124  10  280  15  Cornell U.  Swiss Federal ITZ 
20  U. Texas at Austin  USA  45  9257  195  233  11  U. Toronto  U. Coll. London 
21  Duke U.  USA  45  7653  206  270  McGill U.  U. Tokyo 
22  Texas A&M U.  USA  45  9485  166  National U. Singapore  Imperial Coll. London 
23  Erasmus U.  NLD  44  6581  329  22  1490  83  U. Michigan  U. Michigan 
24  Arizona St. U.  USA  44  7681  212  488  15  Ecole Norm. Sup Paris  U. Toronto 
25  Northwestern U.  USA  44  7427  179  334  Australian Nat. U.  U. WisconsinMadison 
26  U.N.C. Chapel Hill.  USA  43  7511  183  304  11  Duke U.  Kyoto U. 
27  Boston U.  USA  42  7088  177  11  928  18  U. Cal. Berkeley  NYU 
28  U. Cambridge  GBR  41  7255  310  17  923  60  U. Hong Kong  Northwestern U. 
29  Georgia Inst. Tech.  USA  41  6341  237  18  1053  58  U. Bristol  U. Illinois Urb. Cham. 
30  U. Illinois Urb. Cham.  USA  41  6367  175  11  603  20  U. Manchester  U. Minnesota TC 
31  London Sch. Eco. P. Sc.  GBR  41  6902  268  247  10  U. Tokyo  Duke U. 
32  U. Oxford  GBR  40  6523  258  10  642  23  Seoul Nat. U.  Washington U. St. L. 
33  Eindhoven U. Tech.  NLD  39  5290  222  33  3530  103  U. Melbourne  Rockefeller U. 
34  Maastricht U.  NLD  39  6315  220  22  1957  53  Northwestern U.  U. Colorado Boulder 
35  Rensselaer Poly. Inst.  USA  39  4751  151  22  2140  48  Ecole Polyt. Paris  Pierre&Marie Curie U. 
36  Imperial C. London  GBR  39  5153  200  22  1490  45  Kyoto U.  U.N.C. Chapel Hill 
37  Indiana U. Bloom.  USA  39  5950  215  233  13  UCLA  U. British Columbia 
38  U. Washing. Tacoma  USA  38  6459  165  11  603  20  U. Sydney  U. Manchester 
39  Emory U.  USA  38  6743  96  250  Nanyang Tech. U.  U. Texas at Austin 
40  Cardiff U.  GBR  37  5177  228  13  833  25  Hong Kong U.  U. Copenhagen 
41  Penn St. U.  USA  37  6390  208  184  17  NYU  U. California Sta. Barb. 
42  U. Western Ontario  CAN  37  6928  114  140  U. Wisconsin-Madison  U. Paris Sud. 
43  U. Utrecht  NLD  36  5015  238  20  1425  67  U. British Columbia  U. Maryland C. Park 
44  U. Warwick  GBR  36  4582  226  19  801  43  U. Queensland  U. Melbourne 
45  U. Toronto  CAN  36  6250  266  13  435  21  U. Copenhagen  U. Edinburgh 
46  Case W. Reserve U.  USA  35  4968  98  805  13  Chinese U. Hong Kong  U. Texas SW Med. Cen. 
47  Cornell U.  USA  35  4339  152  216  Tsinghua U.  Karolinska Instit. 
48  U. Wisconsin Mad.  USA  35  7107  148  134  U. New South Wales  U. California Irvine 
49  U. Chicago  USA  35  7608  166  407  Ruprecht Karls U.  Heidelberg U. 
50  U. South Carolina  USA  35  5279  122  U. Amsterdam  U. Munich 
51  Georgia St. U.  USA  35  6976  119  Korea Ad. Inst. Sc. Tec.  U. Southern California 
52  Copenhagen Bus. Sch.  DNK  34  6151  201  18  1523  50  Ludwig-Maximilians U.  Rutgers U. 
53  U. Amsterdam  NLD  34  5330  199  16  1649  31  Brown U.  Tech. U. Munich 
54  U. Washing. Seattle  USA  34  6016  151  10  549  17  Technical U. Munich  Vanderbilt U. 
55  KU Leuven  BEL  33  5144  222  20  1714  43  Osaka U.  U. California Davis 
56  Nat. U. Singapore  SGP  33  4813  212  285  20  U. Glasgow  U. Zurich 
57  U. Calif. Davis  USA  33  4160  137  272  12  Peking U.  Utrecht U. 
58  Tel Aviv U.  ISR  33  5609  99  487  11  U. Zurich  Pennsylvania St. U. 
59  Bocconi U.  ITA  33  3965  171  21  1609  U. Cal. San Diego  King's Coll. London 
60  Tilburg U.  NLD  32  3750  215  14  704  41  Lund U.  Purdue U. 
61  U. Nottingham  GBR  32  4090  225  15  1121  39  U. Warwick  Uppsala U. 
62  U. Reading  GBR  32  3218  119  11  500  18  U.N.C. Chapel Hill  Carnegie Mellon U. 
63  U. Virginia  USA  32  6983  112  431  14  U. Illinois Urb. Cham.  U. Bristol 
64  McGill U.  CAN  32  3270  109  U. Birmingham  Ohio St. U. 
65  Aalto U.  FIN  31  3638  176  14  602  45  U. Washington  U. Pittsburgh 
66  U. Coll. London  GBR  31  3719  150  108  10  Carnegie Mellon U.  U. Geneva 
67  U. British Columbia  CAN  31  5207  142  109  U. Helsinki  Ecole Norm. Sup Paris 
68  McMaster U.  CAN  30  3319  108  17  1959  32  Tokyo Inst. Tech.  McGill U. 
69  Vienna U. Eco. Bus.  AUT  30  2959  109  15  1497  25  U. Sheffield  U. Oslo 
70  City U. Hong Kong  CHN  30  3456  144  14  891  21  Monash U.  Ghent U. 
71  U. Illinois Chicago  USA  30  4268  111  418  16  Fudan U.  Hebrew U. Jerusalem 
72  U. Sheffield  GBR  30  3275  120  102  London Sch. Eco. P. Sch.  Boston U. 
73  Florida St. U.  USA  30  5791  128  130  Tohoku U.  U. Helsinki 
74  Purdue U.  USA  30  3186  104  Trinity Coll. Dublin  Aarhus U. 
75  U. Georgia  USA  29  2628  110  244  Leiden U.  Brown U. 
76  Yale U.  USA  28  4998  109  539  National Taiwan U.  Australian Nat. U. 
77  Ohio St. U.  USA  28  4282  151  68  U. Nottingham  Leiden U. 
78  U. Arizona  USA  28  5944  98  45  Boston U.  Osaka U. 
79  George Washing. U.  USA  27  3274  139  16  856  31  U. Texas at Austin  Stockholm U. 
80  U. Melbourne  AUS  27  2632  152  10  491  19  Utrecht U.  Israel Inst. Tech. 
81  Delft U. Tech.  NLD  26  2211  198  19  1096  73  Uppsala U.  U. Florida 
82  U. Carlos III Madrid  ESP  26  2116  120  505  19  KU Leuven  Rice U. 
83  Temple U.  USA  26  3142  130  257  17  U. Montréal  U. Groningen 
84  Syracuse U.  USA  26  2262  103  410  13  U. Alberta  Moscow St. U. 
85  Iowa St. U.  USA  26  2295  105  U. Geneva  U. Queensland 
86  Polytechnic U. Milan  ITA  25  2625  161  20  1239  62  Delft U. Tech.  U. Arizona 
87  U. Edinburgh  GBR  25  2559  140  15  746  39  Pohang U. Sc. Tech.  U. Utah 
88  U. Quebec  CAN  25  2295  146  11  423  28  U. St Andrews  Arizona St. U. 
89  George Mason U.  USA  25  2243  118  262  12  U. Western Australia  U. West. Australia 
90  U. New South Wales  AUS  25  2404  113  545  U. Groningen  McMaster U. 
91  U. Groningen  NLD  24  2372  156  14  652  42  Erasmus U.  U. Basel 
92  Aston U.  GBR  24  2041  99  11  599  32  U. Auckland  U. Rochester 
93  Cranfield U.  GBR  24  1972  111  15  784  31  Durham U.  U. Califor. Sta Cruz 
94  Lund U.  SWE  24  2147  129  646  22  U. Southampton  U. Bonn 
95  U. Bologna  ITA  24  2158  158  10  364  20  U. California Davis  U. Strasbourg 
96  U. Montreal  CAN  24  2308  161  235  20  Aarhus U.  KU Leuven 
97  Lancaster U.  BGR  24  2311  105  135  U. Leeds  Swiss Federal ITL 
98  U. Hong Kong  CHN  24  1988  107  Queen Mary U. London  Texas A&M U. 
99  Chalmers U. Tech.  SWE  23  1956  105  20  1614  58  Washington U. S. Louis  Georgia Inst. Tech. 
100  VU U. Amsterdam  NLD  23  2119  164  12  402  34  U. Adelaide  VU U. Amsterdam 

Abbreviations: R=Rank; COU=Country; HI=h-index (only in innovation research); TPI and TCI=total number of publications and citations (only in innovation research). Countries abbreviations (According to Codes – ISO 3166). QS ranking: QS world university rankings 2015. Shanghai ranking: Academic Ranking of World Universities – ARWU 2015.

As can be seen in Table 3, the most influential institutions worldwide are mainly American, accompanied by some of the most prestigious universities in the UK. In fact, 54% of the top 100 universities are located in USA, 16% in UK, 8% in Netherlands, and 7% in Canada. The rest of the universities are mainly in Europe, with particular exceptions being the universities of Singapore, Israel and China.

If we look at the top 10 leading universities in the theme, ninety percent are American institutions, with the University of Sussex standing out as the only British university appearing at the top.

When we advance in our analysis to the top 20 leaders in innovation research universities, American institutions maintain a high percentage, with 16 of the 20 listed. With this group of universities 3 are now from the UK and 1 from France.

Of the top 50 universities in the ranking it can been seen that 34 are USA universities, followed by 9 from the UK, 4 from the Netherlands, 2 from Canada and finally 1 from France.

As for the number of citations, the first 26 ranking universities accumulate the same number of citations as the rest of the universities ranking, which explains the high impact it has on innovation research. However, in as much as productivity is concerned, only the sum of what was published in the first 40 universities equals the sum of that which is published by the rest of the universities. This implies that while the top universities are very influential in the field in terms of research innovation, they are not necessarily the ones publishing more articles on innovation research. Distinctive cases are certain universities in the UK and Netherlands such as U. Manchester, U. Cambridge and Erasmus U. Rotterdam, which although being highly productive, do not necessarily have the highest h-index. This may be because there are many, mainly European journals, that have specialized in innovation research and which publish numerous articles from mainly European universities.

If we analyze the information HI7, TCI7 and TPI7, referring to that published by the universities in the ranking and the 7 journals most specialized in innovation research (see Table 2), we see that the top 15 American universities, which are also part of the first in the ranking, represent only 15% of what is published in seven specialized journals and 25% of the citations in the same journals. This implies that as far as at the level of journals specialized in innovation research, the influence of American universities is not as strong as it is at the level of a global journal, with the universities in the UK and Netherlands being the most influential in specialized journals.

In Table 3 the last two columns show two of the most famous university rankings which rank according to various indicators. For example, the QS Ranking column shows the list of the 2015 QS World University Rankings. Likewise, the last column in Table 3 shows the Shanghai Ranking, also known as the Academic Ranking of World Universities – ARWU. The ranking of universities in this paper has some similarities as well as a few differences with the QS and Shanghai rankings. In terms of similarities, we see that the top 20 universities in innovation research also appear in important positions in the other two rankings. The most prestigious universities in the world, particularly located in the USA, are usually present in all of the university rankings. Even though they might not necessarily occupy the same location in the rankings, they still appear at the top. As for the differences, we see that after this group of highly recognized universities, QS and Shanghai rankings tend to look less like that presented in this paper. This is evident when we see that 50% of the present universities in Shanghai Ranking do not appear in our Innovation Research Ranking. In the case of QS Ranking 46% of universities do not appear. This may be due to the methodology used for selecting the universities, which in the case of ranking for this paper depends on the highest h-index, which is calculated by the papers published on innovation research by each university.

Comparative analysis of leading universities according to different rankings

Even though they use different methodologies, at least two other rankings of the influence of universities on innovation research can be found in the literature. The following Table 4 shows a comparison of the top 30 universities of each ranking as developed by Linton (2004) and Yang and Tao (2012) in relation to those presented in this paper (sorted by HI, TCI and TPI).

Table 4.

Comparative analysis of leading universities according to different rankings.

Linton (2004) only US universities  Yang and Tao (2012)  This study by h-index  This study by total cites  This study by total publications 
Rensselaer Poly. Ins.  U. Missouri-K.C.  U. Pennsylvania  U. Pennsylvania  Harvard U. 
Rutgers St. U.  MIT  Harvard U.  Harvard U.  U. North Carolina 
Georgia Inst. Tech.  Michigan St. U.  MIT  MIT  U. Manchester 
Michigan St. U.  INSEAD  Stanford U.  Stanford U.  MIT 
George Washing. U.  Harvard U.  U. Cal. Berkeley  U. Cal. Berkeley  U. Cal. Berkeley 
Portland St. U.  U. Pennsylvania  Columbia U.  Carnegie Mellon U.  U. Pennsylvania 
New Jersey In. Tech.  Northeastern U.  U. Michigan  U. Minnesota TC  Erasmus U. 
Stanford U.  Texas A&M U.  U. Minnesota TC  Columbia U.  Stanford U. 
Harvard U.  Stanford U.  U. North Carolina  U. Maryland C. Park  U. Cambridge 
10  North Carolina St. U.  Delft U. Tech.  U. Sussex  U. North Carolina  U. Sussex 
11  U. New Mexico, A. Sch.  Temple U.  Carnegie Mellon U.  U. Sussex  Columbia U. 
12  Stevens Ins. Tech.  U. Michigan  NYU  U. Michigan  U. Minnesota TC 
13  Washington U.  Carnegie Mellon U.  Michigan St. U.  Michigan St. U.  London Sch. Eco. Pol. Sc. 
14  U. Michigan  Duke U.  U. Maryland C. Park  NYU  Michigan St. U. 
15  U. Pennsylvania  Arizona St. U.  UCLA  INSEAD  U. Toronto 
16  Drexel U.  U. Illinois Urb. Cham.  U. Southern Calif.  Texas A&M U.  U. Illinois Urb. Cham. 
17  U. Minnesota TC  U.N.C. Chapel Hill.  London Bus Sch.  U. Texas at Austin  U. Michigan 
18  U. Massachusetts  U. Utah  U. Manchester  London Bus Sch.  U. Oxford 
19  Temple U.  London Bus. Sch.  Rutgers St. U.  Rutgers St. U.  NYU 
20  U. Illinois Urb. Cham.  Rensselaer Poly. Ins.  INSEAD  U. Southern Calif.  U. Utrecht 
21  U. Dayton  Boston U.  U. Texas at Austin  UCLA  Georgia Inst. Tech. 
22  U. Tennessee  Erasmus U.  Duke U.  U. Manchester  Cardiff U. 
23  Louisiana Tech .U.  Georgia Inst. Tech.  U. Illinois Urb. Cham.  Arizona St. U.  U. Warwick 
24  U.N.C. Chapel Hill.  U. Texas at Austin  Texas A&M U.  Duke U.  U. Nottingham 
25  Wayne St. U.  China Europe B. Sch.  Erasmus U.  U. Chicago  Eindhoven U. Tech. 
26  Syracuse U.  Columbia U.  Arizona St. U.  U.N.C. Chapel Hill.  KU Leuven 
27  Lehigh U.  NYU  Northwestern U.  U. Illinois Urb. Cham.  Maastricht U. 
28  Indiana U.  North Carolina St. U.  U.N.C. Chapel Hill.  Northwestern U.  Indiana U. Bloom. 
29  U. Denver  Clarkson U.  Boston U.  U. Cambridge  Tilburg U. 
30  Southern Illinois U.  Purdue U.  U. Cambridge  U. Wisconsin Mad.  UCLA 

In general the results of our rankings, be they for the h-index, TCI or TPI, are more similar to Yang and Tao's list (2012) in comparison to Linton's list (2004). The first set coincides in two thirds of the institutions classified, while the second only matches with one in three universities in the list. As is to be expected to observe, in both cases there is no relationship in the position each university takes in the ranking. This may be due to several reasons. First, the work of Linton (2004) is much older than that of Yang and Tao, and in nearly 10 years, many universities have increased their efforts in publishing in areas of innovation. The rotation in the top 30 is also much higher. Second, Linton's list (2004) only considers American universities, leaving out of the ranking a number of internationally renowned universities, mainly from the UK and Netherlands. In this sense, it can be noted that the Yang and Tao's list is much more complete in classifying the top 30 research universities in innovation, as it assesses universities from around the world, without focusing solely on the US universities. Thus our rankings match best.

Leading universities in innovation research by periods of time

In this section, let us focus on the evolution of leading universities in innovation research throughout time. For doing so, the study considers periods of five years between 1989 and 2013. In each period, a list with the universities that has published the highest number of articles in innovation is presented. The analysis uses similar indicators than Table 3. Tables 5–9 present the results.

Table 5.

Most influential universities in innovation research between 1989 and 1993.

University  TPI  TCI  HI  TCI/TPI  % PI  >250  >100  >50  TP  HG 
U. Pennsylvania  34  16261  25  478.26  0.002  17  22  21207  300 
Harvard U.  39  6722  25  172.36  0.001  10  19  37237  545 
MIT  45  4803  20  106.73  0.003  14  15763  362 
Columbia U.  20  3629  17  181.45  0.001  11  17914  321 
U. Cal. Berkeley  32  3194  16  99.81  0.001  21836  331 
UCLA  24  1327  16  55.29  0.001  28557  337 
Tel Aviv U.  19  1959  14  103.11  0.002  9380  160 
U. Sussex  20  1651  14  82.55  0.007  2899  120 
Northwestern U.  16  756  14  47.25  0.002  9641  238 
10  Georgetown U  113  14  16.14  0.001  4736  165 
11  U. Michigan  15  1137  12  75.80  0.001  19093  317 
12  U. Texas at Austin  16  857  12  53.56  0.002  10121  219 
13  U. Minnesota TC  18  2154  11  119.67  0.001  18523  289 
14  Carnegie Mellon U.  15  9525  10  635.00  0.004  3961  184 
15  Stanford U.  15  2642  10  176.13  0.001  17318  381 
16  NYU  11  1286  116.91  0.001  8716  257 
17  Duke U.  11  723  10  65.73  0.001  11472  296 
18  Boston U.  13  426  10  32.77  0.002  6874  214 
19  U. California Irvine  10  780  78.00  0.001  6886  207 
20  Newcastle U.  249  31.13  0.002  5074  131 
21  Princeton U.  2479  309.88  0.001  6857  252 
22  Texas A&M U.  11  1510  137.27  0.001  9633  178 
23  U. Oxford  616  68.44  0.001  16420  292 
24  U. British Columbia  11  498  45.27  0.001  12595  221 
25  U. Chicago  10  493  49.30  0.001  15397  306 
26  U. Southern California  13  491  37.77  0.001  11036  242 
27  McMaster U.  10  471  47.10  0.001  7041  191 
28  U. Amsterdam  10  396  39.60  0.001  7026  184 
29  U. Montreal  12  268  22.33  0.001  8691  177 
30  U. Manchester  11  253  23.00  0.001  10261  168 
31  Indiana U. Bloom.  15  208  13.87  0.003  5492  167 
32  Yale U.  1543  171.44  0.001  13949  332 
33  Maastricht U.  10  842  84.20  0.004  2489  123 
34  Penn State U.  357  39.67  0.001  12290  230 
35  Case Western Res. U.  10  300  30.00  0.001  7469  203 
36  Arizona St. U.  246  35.14  0.001  5255  151 
37  Cornell U.  133  16.63  0.000  18532  313 
38  Carleton U.  87  9.67  0.004  2184  88 
39  U. Arizona  10  509  50.90  0.001  11336  225 
40  Southern Methodist U.  303  37.88  0.007  1139  83 
Table 6.

Most influential universities in innovation research between 1994 and 1998.

University  TPI  TCI  HI  TCI/TPI  % PI  >250  >100  >50  TP  HG 
U. Pennsylvania  70  11680  46  166.86  0.35  13  34  45  19858  354 
Harvard U.  74  14853  37  200.72  0.15  12  23  34  48205  623 
MIT  66  8124  37  123.09  0.43  10  20  33  15257  392 
Stanford U.  48  8418  27  175.38  0.24  12  18  26  19872  415 
U. Cal. Berkeley  45  9568  26  212.62  0.22  13  19  20330  359 
Michigan St. U.  45  3503  26  77.84  0.49  10  13  9213  224 
Columbia U.  42  4142  25  98.62  0.26  10  18  16218  368 
NYU  40  2730  25  68.25  0.39  17  10258  272 
Carnegie Mellon U.  35  5034  24  143.83  0.75  15  20  4674  198 
10  U. Michigan  39  3103  23  79.56  0.17  16  22473  356 
11  U. Southern Calif.  36  3478  22  96.61  0.31  15  11636  266 
12  U. Sussex  44  2337  20  53.11  1.20  13  3660  143 
13  UCLA  38  2218  19  58.37  0.16  13  23117  363 
14  U. Manchester  46  1429  19  31.07  0.34  13663  210 
15  U. Minnesota TC  28  1914  18  68.36  0.14  11  20079  323 
16  London Bus Sch  21  2505  17  119.29  6.48  10  324  54 
17  U. Warwick  28  720  17  25.71  0.77  3636  112 
18  U. Wiscon. Madison  24  2505  16  104.38  0.13  10  18767  303 
19  Florida St. U.  24  2432  16  101.33  0.44  5457  138 
20  Northwestern U.  27  2310  16  85.56  0.23  11780  274 
21  U.N.C. Chapel Hill.  21  2077  16  98.90  0.16  12836  299 
22  U. South Car. Col.  24  807  16  33.63  0.65  3700  138 
23  Texas A&M U.  19  3308  15  174.11  0.17  10  11101  199 
24  U. Illinois Urb. Cham.  26  2117  15  81.42  0.18  14342  262 
25  U. Cal. San Diego  18  2274  14  126.33  0.11  16334  367 
26  U. Texas Austin  20  2110  14  105.50  0.19  10440  217 
27  U. Oxford  23  1312  14  57.04  0.11  21351  339 
28  U. Cambridge  26  895  14  34.42  0.11  23657  347 
29  U. British Columbia  24  1883  13  78.46  0.17  14558  248 
30  South. Methodist U.  18  1509  13  83.83  1.10  1644  96 
31  Boston U.  19  1319  13  69.42  0.22  8823  256 
32  Polytechnic U Milan  21  680  13  32.38  0.80  2614  83 
33  Cardiff U.  34  1534  12  45.12  0.47  7242  163 
34  U. Toronto  18  1380  12  76.67  0.07  25326  354 
35  Iowa St. U.  18  1016  12  56.44  0.25  7352  170 
36  U. College London  18  719  12  39.94  0.08  23105  333 
37  U. Maryland C. Park  22  1228  11  55.82  0.22  10011  209 
38  U. Georgia  19  776  11  40.84  0.23  8395  167 
39  U. Edinburgh  20  579  11  28.95  0.17  11561  239 
40  U. Libre de Bruxelles  19  713  10  37.53  0.23  8129  182 
Table 7.

Most influential universities in innovation research between 1999 and 2003.

University  TPI  TCI  HI  TCI/TPI  % PI  >250  >100  >50  TP  HG 
Harvard U.  127  12378  51  97.46  0.23  13  35  51  55975  627 
U. Pennsylvania  81  11732  44  144.84  0.35  16  30  41  23101  360 
MIT  77  7353  44  95.49  0.46  23  40  16900  407 
U. Cal. Berkeley  75  4355  36  58.07  0.33  11  25  22573  383 
Columbia U.  54  5688  34  105.33  0.28  17  29  19403  364 
U. Maryland C. Park  52  9162  32  176.19  0.46  18  27  11281  245 
INSEAD Bus Sch  49  6497  32  132.59  13.28  13  23  369  82 
Stanford U.  66  6805  31  103.11  0.29  14  23  22693  438 
U. Minnesota TC  49  7995  30  163.16  0.24  13  22  20839  318 
10  Michigan St. U.  50  4341  29  86.82  0.48  16  23  10415  233 
11  U.N.C. Chapel Hill.  43  3392  28  78.88  0.29  14  20  14637  296 
12  U. Sussex  60  3161  28  52.68  1.59  10  16  3778  159 
13  U. Michigan  53  3362  27  63.43  0.22  18  24131  364 
14  U. Manchester  84  2519  27  29.99  0.55  14  15314  224 
15  U. Cambridge  52  2932  26  56.38  0.20  15  25790  368 
16  Erasmus U.  53  2023  26  38.17  0.65  15  8155  238 
17  Carnegie Mellon U.  38  5077  25  133.61  0.68  15  19  5572  204 
18  Arizona St. U.  36  4511  25  125.31  0.53  14  19  6852  190 
19  U. Texas Austin  44  4462  24  101.41  0.39  12  17  11304  238 
20  NYU  47  3391  24  72.15  0.38  12  18  12537  300 
21  U. Washing. Seattle  26  1978  22  76.08  0.11  11  24786  400 
22  Indiana U. Bloom.  41  2145  24  52.32  0.67  12  6166  184 
23  U. Warwick  46  1881  24  40.89  1.00  4586  136 
24  Boston U.  31  3047  23  98.29  0.29  13  17  10788  284 
25  Duke U.  34  3092  22  90.94  0.21  16067  338 
26  U. Nottingham  43  1393  22  32.40  0.44  9812  194 
27  Georgia St. U.  35  4405  21  125.86  1.21  12  2898  115 
28  UCLA  41  1581  21  38.56  0.16  10  25882  376 
29  Nat. U. Singapore  37  1562  21  42.22  0.31  11833  175 
30  Eindhoven U. Tech.  35  1230  21  35.14  0.91  3848  129 
31  Maastricht U.  43  1430  20  33.26  0.82  5255  178 
32  U. Wiscon. Madison  33  3015  19  91.36  0.17  19817  317 
33  U. Chicago  32  2857  19  89.28  0.18  10  18087  335 
34  U. Oxford  37  2115  19  57.16  0.16  11  23753  365 
35  Ohio St. U.  32  1673  19  52.28  0.19  16584  268 
36  George Washin. U.  38  1143  19  30.08  0.84  4507  162 
37  Penn St. U.  39  2724  18  69.85  0.22  14  17397  276 
38  U. California Davis  33  1773  17  53.73  0.20  16643  269 
39  Cardiff U.  49  1232  17  25.14  0.57  8563  191 
40  U. Illinois Urb. Cham.  33  1868  16  56.61  0.22  11  15054  258 
Table 8.

Most influential universities in innovation research between 2004 and 2008.

University  TPI  TCI  HI  TCI/TPI  % PI  >250  >100  >50  TP  HG 
Harvard U.  155  8556  54  55.20  0.22  21  58  71394  571 
U. Pennsylvania  98  4861  41  49.60  0.34  16  37  28812  338 
MIT  97  4716  38  48.62  0.46  15  31  21101  394 
U. Minnesota TC  81  3567  35  44.04  0.33  23  24913  282 
U. Cal. Berkeley  101  4739  33  46.92  0.39  10  23  25959  351 
Stanford U.  71  4754  32  66.96  0.25  14  22  28072  378 
London Bus. Sch.  56  3516  32  62.79  11.74  13  26  477  74 
Erasmus U.  88  2932  31  28.71  0.71  20  12370  233 
U. Manchester  99  2842  31  33.32  0.50  16  19787  241 
10  U. Sussex  72  3534  30  49.08  1.41  13  23  5125  135 
11  Imperial C. London  69  3195  30  46.30  0.25  18  27295  303 
12  U. Michigan  73  3493  29  47.85  0.23  12  20  31568  339 
13  Eindhoven U. Tech.  88  3412  29  38.77  1.59  21  5539  131 
14  NYU  66  2985  29  45.23  0.42  16  15663  262 
15  Indiana U. Bloom.  55  2868  29  52.15  0.71  15  7708  168 
16  Duke U.  68  2552  29  37.53  0.32  18  21379  320 
17  Georgia Inst. Tech.  64  3111  27  48.61  0.58  18  10967  215 
18  KU Leuven  65  2585  27  39.77  0.35  12  18569  245 
19  U. Toronto  80  2565  27  32.06  0.21  14  38311  341 
20  Arizona St. U.  61  2320  27  38.03  0.63  17  9628  187 
21  U. Maryland C. Park  53  2915  26  55.00  0.39  16  13722  221 
22  Michigan St. U.  58  2549  26  43.95  0.43  15  13412  206 
23  UCLA  57  2372  26  41.61  0.18  16  31335  358 
24  Maastricht U.  54  2168  26  40.15  0.69  13  7856  177 
25  Cardiff U.  66  1830  26  27.73  0.65  12  10096  174 
26  Texas A&M U.  50  1661  26  33.22  0.33  13  15105  186 
27  U. Utrecht  61  2916  25  36.64  0.34  15  17917  242 
28  Columbia U.  64  2345  25  47.80  0.25  14  25845  334 
29  U. Cambridge  67  2031  24  30.31  0.23  10  29179  338 
30  Cornell U.  52  2261  23  26.44  0.22  12  23643  302 
31  Penn St. U.  57  1507  23  43.48  0.27  10  21143  263 
32  U. Oxford  63  1986  22  31.52  0.22  12  28286  335 
33  U. Nottingham  66  1834  22  27.79  0.55  10  11907  189 
34  U. Texas at Austin  48  1540  22  32.08  0.33  10  14634  219 
35  Bocconi U.  48  1412  22  29.42  8.96  536  53 
36  Nat. U. Singapore  65  2335  21  35.92  0.36  17868  204 
37  Boston U.  47  1822  21  38.77  0.35  13572  259 
38  U. Warwick  51  1536  21  30.12  0.77  6668  136 
39  Aalto U.  58  1285  21  22.16  1.25  4639  104 
40  Copenhagen Bus. Sch.  49  3259  20  66.51  0.26  12  18915  253 
Table 9.

Most influential universities in innovation research between 2009 and 2013.

University  TPI  TCI  HI  TCI/TPI  % PI  >250  >100  >50  TP  HG 
Harvard U.  207  2974  27  14.37  0.22  16  95103  384 
U. Utrecht  150  1912  22  12.75  0.61  24725  174 
Erasmus U.  164  1795  22  10.95  0.91  18034  171 
U. Pennsylvania  91  1553  22  17.07  0.26  35690  235 
MIT  120  1531  22  12.76  0.44  27107  283 
Imperial C. London  99  1426  22  14.40  0.30  33011  215 
U. Michigan  87  1271  22  14.61  0.21  41269  219 
U. Cal. Berkeley  128  2159  21  16.87  0.39  33162  249 
Stanford U.  121  1751  21  14.47  0.34  35648  256 
10  U. Cambridge  159  1662  21  10.45  0.43  36671  236 
11  U. Sussex  123  1545  21  12.56  1.80  6835  92 
12  U. Minnesota TC  109  1417  20  13.00  0.36  30432  191 
13  Maastricht U.  102  1219  20  11.95  0.86  11877  130 
14  Georgia Inst. Tech.  126  1467  19  11.64  0.91  13871  130 
15  Bocconi U.  131  1397  19  10.66  12.51  1047  36 
16  Copenhagen B. Sch  123  1336  19  10.86  12.04  1022  34 
17  U. Amsterdam  108  1272  19  11.78  0.51  21094  163 
18  U. Toronto  133  1199  19  9.02  0.26  51977  249 
19  U. Nottingham  109  1076  19  9.87  0.69  15894  129 
20  KU Leuven  126  1069  19  8.48  0.43  29218  177 
21  NYU  91  1061  18  11.66  0.43  21129  184 
22  Tilburg U.  114  988  18  8.67  2.89  3941  54 
23  Indiana U. Bloom.  96  975  18  10.16  1.00  9572  118 
24  U. Manchester  185  1413  17  7.64  0.75  24595  171 
25  Arizona St. U.  96  1143  17  11.91  0.73  13204  116 
26  Columbia U.  115  1041  17  9.05  0.35  32754  219 
27  U. Warwick  98  988  17  10.08  0.97  10115  107 
28  Michigan St. U.  106  904  17  8.53  0.61  17301  130 
29  Eindhoven U. Tech.  95  1047  16  11.02  1.33  7142  87 
30  Cardiff U.  86  812  16  9.44  0.69  12414  128 
31  U. Oxford  129  976  15  7.57  0.32  39768  247 
32  Seoul National U.  113  823  15  7.28  0.28  39996  147 
33  Aalto U.  85  809  15  9.52  1.32  6422  81 
34  U. Groningen  89  775  15  8.71  0.43  20689  159 
35  VU U. Amsterdam  94  707  15  7.52  0.49  19080  155 
36  Penn St. U.  91  707  13  7.77  0.36  25092  156 
37  Nat. U. Singapore  99  633  13  6.39  0.39  25676  161 
38  Polytechnic U. Milan  89  575  13  6.46  1.31  6814  77 
39  Delft U. Technology  110  575  12  5.23  1.06  10390  95 
40  U Politec. Valencia  102  546  11  5.35  1.48  6884  77 

Again, we can see that American universities are those that appear on the list of leading institutions in innovation research in the five periods described. Pennsylvania U., Harvard U. and MIT have been the main leaders during the last twenty-five years. Nevertheless, in recent years it is possible to see how other universities, other than those from the USA, have developed a significant increase in the number of publications in innovation research. It is noteworthy that in the first quinquennium analyzed, 1989–1993, only 9 universities are not from the USA. Furthermore, the periods between 1994–1998, 1999–2003 and 2004–2008, 11, 12 and 18 universities respectively, are neither from the USA. Finally, in the period 2009–2013, a total of 40 universities with the highest number of publications on innovation, 24 are not from the United States. That is because in this last period, only 40% of universities leading publications in innovation come from the USA, different than nearly 80% in the 1989–1993 period. Without doubt, the increased participation of universities, mainly European, from the UK and the Netherlands, which contain a high number of publications is due to the greater number of scientific journals that have focused on the study of innovation research, possibly allowing a higher number of scientists across the world can to publish their work in these journals, many of which are European.

This allows us to understand the progress universities outside the US have had, as the largest number of research publications in developing innovation. Nevertheless, this greater productivity is not necessarily associated with greater influence in the scientific realm, where universities from the USA continue to excel.

Bibliographic coupling and co-citation between the most productive and influential universities in innovation research

Finally, the study presents an analysis about the citation structure of innovation research by universities through the concepts of bibliographic coupling and co-citation. While, bibliographic coupling appears when two different studies reference a common third study in their bibliographies (Martyn, 1964), co-citation measures the frequency with which two documents are cited together by other documents (Small, 1973).

On the one hand, Fig. 2 shows the bibliographic coupling between the most productive and influential universities in innovation research.

Fig. 2.

Bibliographic coupling between the most productive and influential universities in innovation research.


Both, American and European universities, show important influence in the analysis because they publish more articles and therefore they also generate more citations. It is possible to observe the existence of several groups of universities bibliographically coupled, presenting a very huge bibliographic network. For example, Harvard U., U. Columbia, MIT, U. California Berkeley, and Boston U. can be called a premium network of American universities. A second group of American universities can be associated with U. Texas-Austin, Texas A&M U., Michigan St. U., U. Wisconsin, and U. Minnesota, which are bibliographically coupled as well. In the context of European universities, it is possible to find another two groups. The first one, related only with UK universities, including U. Sussex, U. Cambridge, U. Manchester, and U. Warwick, among others. A second group of European universities that show a huge bibliographic network is formed by London Business School, Bocconi U., Erasmus U., and Eindhoven U. Technology, among others. All these groups, that cite papers in common, show a high bibliographic network, allowing that within each group there are universities with research focused on related topics. Note that Fig. 2 shows the 500 most significant connections between universities through the bibliographic coupling methodology.

On the other hand, Fig. 3 presents the co-citation structure of the most productive and influential universities in innovation research.

Fig. 3.

Co-citation between the most productive and influential universities in innovation research.


The most productive universities have the highest influence in the co-citation analysis. In this case, very important universities from the US – such as Harvard U., U. Pennsylvania, MIT, Stanford U., U. Minnesota, NYU and Columbia U. – form a special group of universities that receive more citations with respect to other universities in the world. Particularly, the cites that they receive publications from not only come from American universities, but also from different worldwide universities like Bocconi U., Monash U., Uppsala U., among others. Also, Fig. 3 shows a second group of European universities with the highest influence in the co-citation analysis (U. Cambridge, U. Manchester, U. Sussex, among others). This European group has more citations among themselves than citations with US universities. Please, observe that Fig. 3 also presents the 500 strongest co-citation connections.

Individual journal analysis of the leading universities

A different issue to analyze is the importance of the universities in the leading journals of innovation. In this field, there are specialized (Table 2) and leading management journals where the articles are published (Table 1). Table 10 presents the leading universities in two most specialized journals in innovation: Research Policy and International Journal of Technology Management.

Table 10.

Leading universities in innovation in research policy and International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM).

Research policyIJTM
University  TP  TC  TC/TP  University  TP  TC  TC/TP 
U. Sussex  95  4296  35  45.22  Aalto U.  14  119  8.50 
U. Manchester  53  2115  25  39.91  Polytech. U. Milan  15  103  6.87 
MIT  35  3191  26  91.17  U. Manchester  10  87  8.70 
Harvard U.  33  2619  24  79.36  Nat. Sun Yat S. U.  10  38  3.80 
Maastricht U.  31  1097  17  35.39  McMaster U.  164  18.22 
Eindhoven U. T.  30  1858  18  61.93  Copenhagen B. S.  62  6.89 
Bocconi U.  28  1360  17  48.57  U. Brighton  142  17.75 
Imperial C. Lon.  25  959  14  38.36  Swiss Fed. ITZ  71  5.07 
Georgia Tech.  24  554  13  23.08  Lappeenranta U. T.  14  61  4.36 
10  U. Warwick  24  439  13  18.29  U. Twente  10  35  3.50 
11  U. Cal. Berkeley  22  882  16  40.09  Nat. Chengchi U.  34  3.78 
12  Erasmus U.  21  423  12  20.14  Rensselaer P. Inst.  34  3.78 
13  U. Utrecht  20  597  13  29.85  Georgia Tech.  40  5.00 
14  Copenhagen B. S.  20  915  10  45.75  U. Pisa  32  4.00 
15  U. Amsterdam  19  1638  16  86.21  U. Quebec  29  3.63 
16  U. Cambridge  19  350  11  18.42  UQAM Montreal  29  3.63 
17  KU Leuven  17  1181  12  69.47  Cardiff U.  78  13.00 
18  Chalmers U. Tech.  17  1088  11  64.00  Brunel U.  52  8.67 
19  Lund U.  16  620  38.75  U. St. Gallen  57  11.40 
20  Columbia U.  16  806  50.38  MIT  25  5.00 
21  Aalborg U.  15  918  20  61.20  Aalborg U.  13  105  8.08 
22  U. Nottingham  15  882  11  58.80  U. Western Sydney  11  19  1.73 
23  Carnegie M. U.  15  1040  10  69.33  Aarhus U.  11  16  1.45 
24  U. Oxford  15  193  12.87  U. Queensland  10  58  5.80 
25  Swiss Fed ITZ  15  230  15.33  Chalmers U. Tech.  10  32  3.20 
26  Stanford U.  14  612  43.71  Tsing Hua U.  10  25  2.50 
27  U. Pennsylvania  13  1393  12  107.15  Erasmus U.  46  5.75 
28  U. North Carolina  13  845  11  65.00  U. Cambridge  43  5.38 
29  U. Toronto  13  301  23.15  UAM Madrid  24  4.00 
30  U. Oslo  13  712  54.77  Nat. Cheng Kung U.  17  2.83 

In both journals European universities are the most productive and influential institutions. For example, in Research Policy the UK and Netherlands universities obtain the best positions in the ranking. Then, USA universities represent less than a third of the leading universities in Research Policy. Also in the case of International Journal of Technology Management, universities from different European countries (Netherlands, Italy, UK, Switzerland, Spain, among others) represents more than two third of the leading institution. In the case of USA universities, they represent less than the 10% of the leading institutions in International Journal of Technology Management. Note that the table is ranked according to the h-index. In the case of a tie, the ranking is based on the number of publications and if another tie occurs, according to the number of citations.

In Table 11 it is possible to analyze other two leading specialized journals in innovation, Technovation and Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

Table 11.

Leading universities in innovation in Technovation and Technological Forecasting and Social Change (TFSC).

University  TP  TC  TC/TP  University  TP  TC  TC/TP 
Eindhoven U. T.  15  472  31.47  U. Utrecht  30  706  14  23.53 
U. Manchester  12  166  13.83  Georgia Tech.  12  343  28.58 
U. Sussex  22  301  13.68  Seoul Nat. U.  12  195  16.25 
Cranfield U.  14  336  24.00  Delft U. Tech.  21  128  6.10 
George W. U.  11  272  24.73  VU U. Amsterdam  14  241  17.21 
Tokyo Inst. Tech.  19  263  13.84  U. Manchester  11  194  17.64 
U. Ottawa  15  118  7.87  U. Sussex  10  179  17.90 
U. Brighton  11  378  34.36  Tokyo Inst. Tech.  10  100  10.00 
U. Warwick  11  158  14.36  Eindhoven U. Tech.  206  25.75 
10  Aston U.  149  16.56  U. Lisboa  12  109  9.08 
11  U. Cambridge  128  16.00  MIT  166  18.44 
12  N. Chiao Tung U.  232  33.14  U. Twente  143  15.89 
13  U. Aberdeen  168  24.00  U. New Mexico  205  25.63 
14  KAIST Korea  10  86  8.60  Portland St. U.  11  198  18.00 
15  U. Twente  119  13.22  IST Lisboa  11  90  8.18 
16  Lappeenranta U. T.  199  28.43  U. Cambridge  121  13.44 
17  NUI Galway  116  19.33  Erasmus U.  61  6.78 
18  Complutense U.  108  18.00  U. Texas Austin  167  20.88 
19  MIT  90  15.00  Nat. Tsing Hua U.  68  8.50 
20  Open U. UK  11  143  13.00  U. Pretoria  87  14.50 
21  Erasmus U.  10  149  14.90  Aalto U.  75  12.50 
22  Chalmers U. Tech.  104  13.00  Tilburg U.  59  9.83 
23  Polytech U. Milan  81  10.13  Carnegie M. U.  140  28.00 
24  Linkoping U.  128  18.29  Cardiff U.  106  21.20 
25  Seoul National U.  93  13.29  Nat. Chi Nan U.  71  14.20 
26  Imperial C. Lond.  155  25.83  George Mason U.  104  14.86 
27  U. Granada  100  16.67  U. Beira Interior  105  17.50 
28  Tilburg U.  83  13.83  Hebrew U. Jerusal.  73  12.17 
29  U. Quebec  75  12.50  Harvard U.  127  25.40 
30  Cardiff U.  107  21.40  Maastricht U.  110  22.00 

In Technovation, the UK and Netherlands universities are clearly leading the journal. However, different universities from different countries (Finland, Japan, Korea, Spain and Italy) publish in this journal. The USA universities do not publish so much in this journal although George Washington U. and MIT are some exceptions. In Technological Forecasting and Social Change it is possible to observe that this journal is more diverse and many universities, not only from UK, USA or Netherlands, regularly publish their research. However, according to the number of publications and citations, Netherlands universities are leading institutions in this journal. Table 12 shows the results for Journal of Product Innovation Management and Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.

Table 12.

Leading universities in innovation in Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM) and Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (TASM).

University  TP  TC  TC/TP  University  TP  TC  TC/TP 
Michigan St. U.  42  2422  20  57.67  Eindhoven U. Tech.  16  440  27.50 
U. North Carolina  31  680  13  21.94  U. Manchester  26  314  12.08 
Delft U. Tech.  28  578  13  20.64  U. Edinburgh  19  136  7.16 
McMaster U.  20  1612  13  80.60  U. Sussex  16  318  19.88 
Erasmus U.  22  701  12  31.86  Erasmus U.  14  107  7.64 
Rensselaer P. Inst.  22  1050  11  47.73  U. Utrecht  12  129  10.75 
North Caroli. St. U.  23  537  10  23.35  Chalmers U. Tech.  12  176  14.67 
Northeastern U.  19  401  21.11  Open U. UK  11  99  9.00 
Eindhoven U. Tech.  20  392  19.60  Maastricht U.  572  71.50 
10  U. Utah  14  245  17.50  Georgia Tech.  14  63  4.50 
11  U. Missouri KC  17  222  13.06  Delft U. Tech.  11  146  13.27 
12  U. Illinois Chicago  17  174  10.24  U. Twente  483  69.00 
13  U. Groningen  14  244  17.43  Linkoping U.  82  11.71 
14  U. Virginia  13  421  32.38  U. Ulster  36  5.14 
15  U. Washington  12  488  40.67  Cardiff U.  43  7.17 
16  UW Tacoma  12  488  40.67  Aalborg U.  118  23.60 
17  Polytech U. Milan  11  372  33.82  U. Portsmouth  93  18.60 
18  Bocconi U.  10  210  21.00  U. Amsterdam  34  6.80 
19  Copenhagen B. S.  10  207  20.70  George W. U.  58  14.50 
20  U. Alab. Huntsville  420  46.67  Cranfield U.  45  11.25 
21  Concordia U. Can.  413  45.89  U. Queensland  43  10.75 
22  Rochester I. Tech.  266  33.25  U. Strathclyde  42  10.50 
23  U. Twente  14  117  8.36  U. Nottingham  82  11.71 
24  U. Illinois Urb. Ch.  12  164  13.67  Polytech. U. Milan  53  7.57 
25  Tilburg U.  11  94  8.55  U. Brighton  44  6.29 
26  U. Washin. Seattle  10  436  43.60  U. Groningen  23  3.83 
27  Temple U.  172  19.11  Tech. U. Denmark  26  5.20 
28  City U. Hong Kong  556  69.50  Aalto U.  54  13.50 
29  U. Manchester  158  19.75  City U. London  32  8.00 
30  Vienna U. E. Bus.  342  48.86  Zhejiang U.  10  2.00 

In both, Journal of Product Innovation Management and Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, UK and Netherlands universities continue as leading institutions in each ranking. Particularly, in Journal of Product Innovation Management USA universities represent almost a third of the leading institution. In the case Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, the USA universities do not participate a lot.

Next, Table 13 shows both, universities in the last specialized journals in innovation (according to Table 2, R&D Management) and universities in the first leading management journal (according to Table 1, Strategic Management Journal).

Table 13.

Leading universities in innovation in R&D Management (RDM) and Strategic Management Journal (SMJ).

University  TP  TC  TC/TP  University  TP  TC  TC/TP 
U. Manchester  38  338  10  8.89  U. Pennsylvania  28  8577  26  306.32 
Hamburg U. Tech.  225  37.50  U. Michigan  18  1882  14  104.56 
U. Quebec  162  18.00  INSEAD Bus. Sch.  17  2340  14  137.65 
UQAM Montreal  162  18.00  London Bus. Sch.  16  1938  14  121.13 
Polytech U. Milan  12  598  49.83  Harvard U.  15  8358  14  557.20 
U. Kiel  201  25.13  U. Minnesota TC  18  2139  13  118.83 
Eindhoven U. Tech.  11  225  20.45  U. Illinois U. Cham  13  1797  12  138.23 
U. St. Gallen  11  517  47.00  NYU  12  1700  11  141.67 
U. Sussex  12  206  17.17  Duke U.  11  435  39.55 
10  Imperial C. London  272  38.86  Columbia U.  1520  168.89 
11  U. Nottingham  67  8.38  U. Maryland C. P.  1620  180.00 
12  KU Leuven  123  15.38  U. Texas Austin  1809  201.00 
13  Linkoping U.  174  21.75  Stanford U.  5029  628.63 
14  Swiss Federal ITZ  138  15.33  Texas A&M U.  876  109.50 
15  Chalmers U. Tech.  212  23.56  Purdue U.  392  56.00 
16  U. Brighton  60  12.00  U. West. Ontario  1157  165.29 
17  U. Warwick  126  25.20  HEC Paris  619  77.38 
18  Copenhagen B. S.  90  15.00  Boston U.  591  84.43 
19  Nat. Tsing Hua U.  132  16.50  Emory U.  899  128.43 
20  Korea Adv. IST  70  17.50  Georgia Tech.  793  113.29 
21  U. Cal. Berkeley  447  111.75  Michigan St. U.  449  64.14 
22  Loughborough U.  75  15.00  Dartmouth Col.  1421  236.83 
23  Polyt. Montreal  83  16.60  MIT  1414  235.67 
24  U. Montreal  83  16.60  Ohio St. U.  712  118.67 
25  Cranfield U.  51  8.50  UNC Chapel Hill  427  71.17 
26  McMaster U.  134  22.33  Arizona St. U.  661  110.17 
27  U. Cambridge  10  76  7.60  Georgetown U.  3699  616.50 
28  Victoria U. Wellin.  45  15.00  Nat. U. Singapore  364  616.50 
29  Temple U.  42  10.50  S. Methodist U.  648  72.80 
30  Rensselaer P. Inst.  86  21.50  Temple U.  371  129.60 

In R&D Management, last specialized journals of Table 2, some universities from UK, Germany, Canada, Italy and Netherlands are in the best position of the ranking. For us, the more interesting case is the Italy universities position, particularly Polytechnic University of Milan, which is ranked as the most influential institution in the journal. On the other hand, Strategic Management Journal is the first leading management journals that Table 1 shows. Here, several USA universities get very good positions in the ranking, being Pennsylvania U. not only the most productive institution, but also the most influential university in this journal. Note that for the leading management journals that start in Table 13 and continues in Tables 14 and 15, the ranking is based also on the h-index. But now, in the case of a tie, the ranking depends first on the number of citations.

Table 14.

Leading universities in innovation in Organization Science and Management Science.

Organization ScienceManagement Science
University  TP  TC  TC/TP  University  TP  TC  TC/TP 
U. Pensylvannia  33  9276  24  281.09  U. Pensylvannia  35  3834  29  109.54 
MIT  17  2732  14  160.71  MIT  25  3449  20  137.96 
Harvard U.  15  1752  14  116.80  Harvard U.  23  1747  16  75.96 
Stanford U.  12  2056  12  171.33  INSEAD B. S.  20  1779  16  88.95 
INSEAD B. S.  13  1880  12  144.62  Carnegie M. U.  16  2293  14  143.31 
U. Texas Austin  13  579  12  44.54  U Michigan  19  1036  14  54.53 
NYU  11  920  10  83.64  NYU  15  1268  13  84.53 
U. Michigan  10  851  85.10  U. Maryland C. P.  17  1136  13  66.82 
U. Minnesota TC  16  783  48.94  Columbia U.  12  1849  12  154.08 
10  London B. S.  10  561  56.10  U. Toronto  13  666  11  51.23 
11  U. Southern Cal.  706  100.86  Boston U.  11  443  10  40.27 
12  McGill U.  514  73.43  Duke U.  13  284  10  21.85 
13  U. Maryland C. P.  1239  206.50  Georgia Tech.  15  400  26.67 
14  Erasmus U.  931  155.17  U Illinois U. Cham.  552  69.00 
15  Ohio St. U.  464  66.29  Stanford U.  385  48.13 
16  Columbia U.  411  68.50  U. Cal. Berkeley  264  29.33 
17  Bocconi U.  282  35.25  Northwestern U.  865  123.57 
18  Duke U.  218  31.14  UCLA  574  82.00 
19  Stockholm Sch. E.  5022  1004.40  U. Florida  301  50.17 
20  Dartmouth U.  803  133.83  Penn St. U.  384  76.80 
21  Penn St. U.  648  129.60  UNC Chapel Hill  494  98.80 
22  Washington U.  529  88.17  Georgetown U.  1288  322.00 
23  Copenhagen B. S.  489  69.86  U. Minnesota TC  228  57.00 
24  U. Illinois U. Cham.  437  72.83  Purdue U.  207  51.75 
25  Georgia Tech.  372  74.40  Washington U.  179  44.75 
26  U. Warwick  366  61.00  Case W. Reser. U.  143  28.60 
27  Northwestern U.  234  46.80  London B. S.  139  34.75 
28  Hitotsubashi U.  3726  931.50  U. Texas Austin  129  25.80 
29  Georgetown U.  1607  401.75  U. Texas Dallas  128  32.00 
30  Carnegie M. U.  278  69.50  U. Cal. San Diego  54  9.00 
Table 15.

Leading universities in innovation in Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) and Review (AMR) and other selected journals (OSJ).

University  TP  TC  TC/TP  University  TP  TC  TC/TP 
U. Pennsylvania  16  2660  15  166.25  U. Minnesota TC  28  5594  19  199.79 
Stanford U.  13  2583  12  198.69  U. Maryland C. P.  19  4247  19  223.53 
Texas A&M U.  11  3905  11  161.08  Erasmus U.  22  814  18  37.00 
Arizona St. U.  12  1933  11  355.00  Texas A&M U.  16  1958  16  70.50 
UW Tacoma  11  1643  11  149.36  Michigan St. U.  20  2430  15  121.50 
Harvard U.  12  2881  10  240.08  Georgia St. U.  15  2288  14  152.53 
London Bus. Sch.  2013  223.67  Indiana U. Bloom.  17  1451  13  85.35 
U. Washin. Seattle  1426  158.44  U. Texas Austin  13  1244  13  95.69 
U. Maryland C. P.  1730  216.25  U. Pennsylvania  16  2099  12  131.19 
10  U. Michigan  2189  243.22  U. Southern Cal.  14  1594  12  79.71 
11  Columbia U.  1798  256.86  U. South Car. Colu.  15  1020  11  68.00 
12  NYU  1499  214.14  U. West. Ontario  12  1010  11  43.08 
13  U. Southern Cal.  1488  212.57  U. Connecticut  12  585  11  41.00 
14  Emory U.  1293  184.71  Rensselaer P. Inst.  13  560  11  48.75 
15  U. Minnesota TC  1151  164.43  Imperial C. Lond.  12  492  11  84.17 
16  INSEAD B. S.  627  78.38  UNC Chapel Hill  12  1357  10  49.67 
17  UNC Chapel Hill  1190  198.33  U. Georgia  10  1038  10  81.50 
18  Carnegie M. U.  937  156.17  Clemson U.  12  978  10  113.08 
19  Boston U.  680  113.33  Case W. Reser. U.  12  596  10  103.80 
20  U. Illinois U. Cham.  474  79.00  London B. S.  931  66.36 
21  U. Texas Austin  332  47.43  Temple U.  10  903  37.82 
22  U. Wisconsin Mad.  2164  432.80  Georgia Tech.  10  771  77.10 
23  U. South Car. Colu.  1786  357.20  City U. London  11  730  90.30 
24  U. Oklahoma  1064  212.80  York U. Canada  11  416  103.44 
25  George Wash. U.  894  178.80  U. Washington  1638  182.00 
26  Purdue U.  704  117.33  U. Illinois Chicago  1117  124.11 
27  Imperial C. Lond.  223  44.60  Arizona St. U.  10  778  77.80 
28  Hong Kong UST  206  41.20  U. British Columbia  728  80.89 
29  Georgia Tech.  1101  275.25  Penn St. U.  695  77.22 
30  Clemson U.  567  141.75  Duke U.  734  33.90 

OSJ includes: Journal of Business Venturing (JBV), Journal of Marketing (JMK), Journal of Management Studies (JMS), MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Journal of Management (JM), Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS).

In the following Tables, we continue our analysis with the focus on leading management journals. Table 14 presents the leading universities in innovation research in Organization Science and Management Science.

The USA universities get the first position in both journals. Now, Organization Science and Management Science are journals dominated by USA institutions than represent more than the 75% and 90% of their total number of publications, respectively. However, INSEAD Business School and London Business School, are two interesting cases in both journals. For example, INSEAD obtains very good results in both journals being in the fifth and fourth position, respectively. London Bus. Sch., obtains good results too being in the tenth in Organization Science and twenty-seventh in Management Science. With respect to the leading university of Organization Science and Management Science, Pennsylvania U. continues as the most productive and influential university in both journals.

Finally, Table 15 presents the results for two groups of journals. The first one includes the Academy of Management Journal and the Academy of Management Review. The second group includes the Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Marketing, and MIS Quarterly.

In the Academy of Management Journals, the USA universities are clearly the leading universities and the rest of the universities from Europe or Asia do no publish many papers (some exceptions come from UK, Netherlands and France). In the other selected journals the results are also similar although the differences between the USA universities and the rest are not important.


This article provides a general bibliometric overview of the most influential and productive universities in innovation research between 1989 and 2013. The number of publications, citation structure and h-index during this period are considered. The results show that the most prestigious American universities are not only the most influential, taking into account the number of citations of their publications, but are also highly productive universities in this area, given the greater number of publications that they have accumulated on innovation research in the last twenty five years. There are also some universities in the UK, France and the Netherlands which are worth mentioning. They not only appear in the top 20 of our ranking, but their presence increases as we reach the list of top 100 universities, especially those in the UK and Netherlands. The influence of these universities in research innovation primarily comes from publishing in specialized journals that have been created in Europe.

The novelty of this paper, unlike other rankings developed, is that in its methodology it analyzes the h-index of each university in terms of their publications on innovation. The h-index is an indicator which combines articles with citations, indicating the number of studies X that have received X or more citations. The results of this paper, as per the h-index analysis show that the most influential universities in the field of innovation are: the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, MIT, Stanford University, University of California Berkeley and Columbia University, all located in the USA. The most influential universities in UK would be the University of Sussex, London Business School and The University of Manchester. In France, the most influential would be INSEAD Business School. Finally, the most influential universities in the Netherlands are Erasmus University, Eindhoven University of Technology and Maastricht University.

The ranking presented in this paper, aside from the h-index, offers a few additional indicators, such as the total number of publications in Innovation (TPI) and the total number of citations accumulated in innovation (TCI). This permits us to see that universities with the highest h-index are not always those that produce the largest number of publications. It is possible to say that universities with higher h-index are more influential, but not necessarily those with the highest number of publications in innovation. Still, in many cases it does occur, mainly with the universities in the top 10 ranking.

In order to deepen the above analysis, the ranking presented also shows the analysis of the h-index, productivity and citations pertaining to the publications in the seven specialized journals on innovation research of each public university. In this regard, it is notable that although US universities have published a significant number of papers, European universities have been making strong efforts to publish on innovation in the last 25 years. In general terms, effort from universities in the UK and Netherlands to publish in the more specialized journals on innovation research has been greater. This could be biased due to the origin of the more specialized journals such as Research Policy, International Journal of Technology Management and Technovation, which are mainly European.

The results of this paper are particularly different from those earlier studies, such as by Linton (2004), which only considered American institutions in its analysis. The differences found are natural, particularly because the effort certain European universities are making in the study of innovation research has been very important and have therefore come a long way in terms of the number of publications on the subject. At the same time, the fact that we use the h-index as a leading indicator, instead of just considering the number of publications to do the ranking, as suggested by Yang and Tao (2012), we can do a much more thorough analysis and discover not only the most productive universities in innovation research but also the most influential.

Although we believe the results found in this paper are valuable, we still see need to further develop studies to complement the analysis of what the most influential universities in innovation research are, who the most prominent authors are and which journals have greater impact and influence on the material. Furthermore, a comparison of variation of results over the years could be very important.

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