Conocer las opiniones de los nuevos médicos internos residentes (MIR) sobre Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria (MFyC) y temas profesionales y personales.
MétodosEncuesta anónima a 837 nuevos MIR de la comunidad de Madrid.
ResultadosLa edad media fue de 25,6±3,5 años, 525 (62,7%) cursaron la asignatura teórica de MFyC, 799 (95,5%) realizaron prácticas en Atención Primaria durante la carrera y 606 (72,4%) considera relevante rotar en MFyC. Solo 103 (12,3%) consideran ser padres durante la residencia, 416 (49,7%) han sufrido ansiedad, 99 (11,8%) depresión y 19 (2,3%) ideas de suicidio. Aunque 638 (76,2%) han recibido formación en decisiones éticas, 345 (41,2%) desconocen como implantar esas decisiones, 120 (14,3%) ha estudiado inteligencia artificial y 744 (88,9%) consideran positiva la colegiación.
ConclusiónLa mayoría de nuevos residentes de Madrid considera relevante la rotación durante su formación en Atención Primaria, pero solo un 63% ha realizado una formación específica en MFyC en pregrado. El 12% refieren haber tenido depresión y la mitad ansiedad.
To evaluate the opinions of the new internal resident physicians (IRP) on family and community medicine (FCM) and professional and personal issues.
MethodsAnonymous survey of 837 new IRPs in the Madrid Region.
ResultsMean age was 25.6±3.5 years, 525 (62.7%) had a specific subject of FCM during medical school, 799 (95.5%) did FCM practices during their medical degree, and 606 (72.4%) considered relevant to be some months in FCM during their medical residence. Only 103 (12.3%) consider becoming parents during residency, 416 (49.7%) have suffered from anxiety, 99 (11.8%) from depression, and 19 (2.3%) had previous suicidal thoughts. Although 638 (76.2%) have received training in ethical decisions, 345 (41.2%) did not know how to implement these decisions, 120 (14.3%) had studied artificial intelligence and 744 (88.9%) have a positive view of the College of Physicians.
ConclusiónMost new medical residents of Madrid consider a Primary Care rotation relevant during their training, but only 63% have completed specific training in FCM as an undergraduate. A total of 12% reported previous depression and half anxiety.
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