Revista de Psicodidáctica is a six-monthly journal for teachers and researchers, published since 1996, founded and directed by Alfredo Goñi Grandmontagne for twelve years. The journal was first published on-line in 2010.
This is a subscription journal, as such that the authors do not pay for the evaluation or its publication. After the final acceptance of the article, the authors may send, within a period of one month, a version of the article in a different language from the initial one; in Spanish, Basque, or other language, if it has initially been submitted in English. And if the article was submitted in Spanish, the second version should be in English.
Over recent years it has gradually increased its impact factor in various databases, both in the Spanish and in the international scopes. The Journal publishes scientific works conducted in accordance with the strictest scientific principles which contribute to the advance of scientific knowledge in the field in which psychology and didactics meet and overlap. In particular, it focuses on the meeting of educational psychology and the didactics of different subjects (language, literature, mathematics, social science, experimental science, physical expression, musical expression and plastic expression, etc.).
Indexada en:
SSCI (ISI), Francis, Zeitschriften-datenbank, Cindoc (ISOC), Cirbic, Psicodoc, Psedisoc, Ccuc, Redalyc, Latindex, Rebiun, Compludoc, Google Scholar, Cbuc, Scopus, IRESIE.
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El factor de impacto mide la media del número de citaciones recibidas en un año por trabajos publicados en la publicación durante los dos años anteriores.
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"Ahead of print" son artículos aceptados y revisados pero que aún no han sido asignados a un volumen/número. Pueden ser citados usando el DOI - Saber más