The Journal Educación Médica (Medical Education) ( is a scientific journal that is published 4 times a year, with articles in Spanish and in English, and will consider for publication those works related to education in the Health Sciences in all its aspects: teaching planning, and development of teaching; educational resources; teaching methodology; educational techniques; teaching accreditation; learning styles results; evaluation; etc. Works may be submitted on the initiative of the author, or at the request or commission of the journal Editorial Committee.
This journal is published in collaboration with Catedra de Educacion Medica Fundacion Lilly-UCM.
SRJ is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and qualitative measure of the journal's impact.
See moreSNIP measures contextual citation impact by wighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.
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Publicidad Barcelona: Joan Gomá
Tel.: 600 590 392
Publicidad Madrid: Jorge González
Tel.: 670 485 555
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